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Show I 7 Years under one L Ami continuous management SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE choose a successful bank with which to carry their accounts and this is one of the chief reasons why the Ogden State Bank I is favored with the business of many of Ogden's most representative firms and individuals. in-dividuals. This institution is distinguished for a period of twenty-seven years' uninterrupt-i uninterrupt-i ed advancement and success. J Every depositor receives personal at tention to his individual needs. ' OCDENSIAIE BANK CAPITALS SURPLUS 296,000.00 ' AO Interest compounded 1 tLvq Quarterly on IS aving's i : I Consider the ' Opportunity You have for the absolute safety of your valuables by putting them in our Fire and Burglar Proof Vault. Why delay? Safe Deposit Boxes for rent $2.00 and up per year. ' ! I i I COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK OGDEN, UTAH. I Send Today for Booklets. VHITB LEGHORN BABY CHICKS and "Feeding Chicks" Free on request. v Now booking orders for Spring Cr jkg MUST HATCH INCUBATOR CO. 404 Seventh St., Petaluma, Cal. HORSES BOUGHT Or Sold Any Day L OGDEN SALE CO. Telephone 211. PAIN BONE! RUB SORE, RHEUMATIC ACHINGJOINTS Rub pain away with a small trial bottle of old, penetrating penetrat-ing "St. Jacob's Oil" Stop "dosing'- Rheumatism It's pain only; not one. case In fifty requires internal treatment. Rub soothing, penetrating "St Jacobs Oil" J right on the "tender spot." and b the time you a Jack Robinson out comes the rheumatic pnln and dis- tress. "St. Jacobs Oil" is a harmless rheumatism limiment which never disappoints and doesn"t burn the skin j It takes pain, soreness and stiffness from aching joints, muscles and bones . stops sciatica, lumbago, backache and neuralgia. Limber up! Get a small trial bottle of old time, honest ' St. Jacobs OH" I from any drug store, and in a mo- ment, you'll be free from pains, aches and stiffness. Don't suffer' Rub rheumatism away Advertisement. 1 Read the Classified Ads I Assistance THAT IS Dependable is often needed in cases of POOR APPETITE HEARTBURN INDIGESTION BILIOUSNESS OR MALARIA and you will make no mistake mis-take in trying HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters It is an excellent tonic and appetizer. Get the genuine i Why Not Carry Your Account I with the Utah National Bank I of Ogden Established 1883 I H Now entirely owned and managed r by Ogden people I David C. Eccles John M. Browning Is President and Director Is a Director E W. H.Wattis Joseph Scowcroft 1 Is Vice President and Director Is a Director Chas. E. Kaiser W. J. Parker , I Is Vice President and Director Is a Director g Ralph E. Hoag A. V. Mcintosh H Is Vice President and Director Is Cashier 11 Paul M Lee H Is Asst. Cashier r Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Grain. J. A. HOGLE & CO. S. M. Scott, Jr. Resident Partner. Investment Securities 2409 Hudson Ave. Phone 322 Members Chicago Board of Trade, J Salt Lake Stock and Mining Exchange, I Correspondents LOGAN & BRYAN ' -5 5E -TT J to induce I you to spend money. j v This bank offers you an opportunity to save i money and increase your buying power. jbS Your savings account here accomplishes two I jSS excellent results. MB' It helps you to resist ill-advised spending, and !p m develops instincts which will enable you to I j j turn your savings into remunerative channels. j OGDEN SAVINGS BANK I I 2384 Washington Ave. m mm immm Jm THE POOR MEN'S FRIEND UPHOLSTERY SHOP f It the best and cheapest place to got your furniture repaired and p mattresses renewed. A good second-hand furniture for Bale cheap at I 137 Twenty-alxth Street. Phona 746-J. I GIVE ME A CALL. I ' II msL WW WW WmW ;:fivl $$mtw |