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Show NOTICE OF INTENTION Notice Is hereby given by the Board of Commissioners of Ogden City. Ctah. of the intention of said Board of Commissioners to make the following follow-ing described Improvement, to-wit: To create both sides of Twenty-fourth Twenty-fourth Street between Harrison and Fillmore Avenues as a curb and gutter district and to construct therein. Including In-cluding all intersections, concrete curbs and gutters, tho removal of all trees, fences, poles, buildings, the' building of all culverts. Irrigation and! drainage systems, and round corn- r for driveways, complete sidewalks at intersections, together with the necessary neces-sary grading therefor, and all other I things necessary to complete the WBde In a proper manner according to the plans. specifications, and profiles on file in the office of the City Engineer, and to defray th whole of the cost and expt-nse of the abut-tors' abut-tors' portion thereof by a levy of a special tax to be assessed upon th lots or pieces of ground within the following described district, being the district to be affected or benefited by puch improvement, namel) All th land lying between the outer boundary! lines of said street and a line drawn fifty feet back from and parallel to said outer boundary lines on both sides of Twenty-fourth Street between Harrison and Fillmore Avenues, being be-ing Lots 6 to 10, inclusive. Block 29. Plat "C;M Lots 1 and 2. Block 36, Plat "C;" Lots 1 and 12. Block 2. Robinson's Robin-son's Subdivision of Blocks 69 and 70, Plat "C"; Lots 12. II and 14. Block 1. Robinson's Subdivision of Blocks 69 and 70. Plat "C;" Lot 2, Block 3, Nob Hill Addition; Lot 1, Block 4. Nob Hill Addition; Lots 1 to 11. in elusive. Block 11. Nob Hill Addition; Lots 12 to 12, inclusive. Block 12. Nob Hill Addition; Lots 1 to 7. Inclusive. Block 1M, Nob Hill Addition; Block 17, Nob Hill Addition; Lots 7 to 12. inclusive. in-clusive. Nob Hill Subdivision of part of Block 17. Nob Hill Addition. 1 ois 23 to 30. inclusive. Block 18. Nob Hill Annex; and Lots 9 to 16. inclusive, Block 51. Nob Hill Annex, all in Ogden City Survey. The total cost of said Improvement Is estimated at $9.750 00. All protests or objections to such improvement or to the carrying out of such intention must be presented In writing signed by the owners of abutting property describing the same together with the number 01 shutting front feet and be filed with the City Recorder on or before the 5th da ol February. 1917. The Board of Commissioners, at Its first regular meeting thereafter, lo wit. the 6th day of February, 1917. will consider the proposed levy and; hear and consider such protests or ob-1 Jections to said improvement as shall have been made. By order or the Board of Commissioners Commis-sioners of Ogden t'tly. Ctah. Dated January 11. PUT (Signed.) WALTER RKTIEV. City Recorder. First publication, January 12, 1917. Last publication. February S, 1917. Published in Ogden Standard. Curb nnd Gutter District No. 126. |