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Show MANY ATHLETES KILLED IN WAR london. Jan. 13 Seveml sportsmen who harr been prominent In Oio various branches of outdoor ithl M hnvc ron killed rern'ly In h' buttle but-tle of the Soram '."sp'i'n H. H. Hudman. expert roarksm&n. who represented Clifton collejro the Dialcy .boot in 1 3: . r 1 ft, l uoUac elects rf K.ia- fto j 1901, 1 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmtm head the casualty Usf, Ui nant H. J. ix0,ioa$ (;rr0ad, ..ooids who was famous Hs an oar. Man both at Putn v aud J " S3 sculls. u killed m act 'on. S k'-ed : lh prim, of (!f,. 5 " h,f IM. Ho was boW -r , lense Interacholaatlc aihlet.r cun aid 1 and a general all-round athlet" Lieutenant E.Klaher. who won ih. champlon-hip of the lx,udon n.Ku achoola in 1915. Is i .2. P b,lc dead. In 1914. n thl T? 2? I schools rompet Hon be won fK London jump, doing 19 fee" 9 p a ' bT ' the hih jump at 5 & 4 was alao ono of the rirJ-7 IIe backs ever turned out and EHfe M boxT and awlmmer. XCeI1"fJ I Lieutenant P t i t bo made tho tl Des' wbo afi 1 n'v.-r.it rolloT of u-P,r08ented the J q rounds, van the 7nho has died of rfo'b.iii plaver tnn UM Eastourne P'yer killed inurne football Two well itnn... ,H 1 K. Dye. also have given tL, ;nch Oeorfe Gault S?e T ,Uvea recenUy. ni P'yor i 'Pt lawn ten, ' on the whC fd kil,ed b :i nd de CaudereaS ?t and y nar Arras Mr r- J fas becn klllpd HO metres" hurdle, Md0r?UX France n $S$? ,r'ian,Ion8hip oi championship Tn Vsin ,ole vnuIlin the Prix Blanche! I ;lDd carried ofr "0 wa?ah0 bth ln 1912 nd a fUyc-r. |