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Show NOTICE OF SALE AT PRIVATE SALE. In the District Court of the Second Judicial District in and for the County Coun-ty of Weber, State of Utah In the Matter of the Estate of David t II. Jenkins, Deceased. Notice is hereby given, that in pur- J suance of an order of (he District Court of the County of Weber. State ni i tab, made and entered on the 29th day of December, 1916, in the matter of the estate of David H Jenkins, Jen-kins, deceased, that 1, the undersigned, administrator of Bald estate, will sell, at private sale, in one parcel or In separate parcels to the highest bidder, on the terms herinafter mentioned, and subject lo confirmation of said District Court, the following described real property located in Ogden City, Weber County, Utah, and further described de-scribed as follows: Part of Lot No. Six (6) and Seven (7l in Block No Six (6). Plat "A," Ogden City Survey Beginning at a i point Thirty-three feet North from j , the Southwest corner of the said Lot j No. Six ((!); running thence North 132 j I feet; thence East 181.5-10 feet, thence South 112 feet; thence West 181.5-10 I feet to the place of heginnfng. Said sale will be made on or after January 25th. 1917. Bids will bo received for said prop, erty at the office of Valentine Gideon, attorney for the administrator, at Suite 311 First National Bank Build-' ing. Ogdon. Utah. Terms of Sale: 10 percent of tho amount of the bid upon the acceptance of the same, and the balance upon con formation of the said sale by the above entitled court. Dated at Ogden, I tab, this the 9th day of January, 1917. JOSEPH JENKINS, Administrator of the Estate of David H. Jenkins, Deceased. j VALENTINE GIDEON, Attorney for J said Administrator. |