Show 1kIt1NA 4 d M I Itlrhlni came up from Hcnefer Alter coal yesterday Janei Fowler I laughter Lucy and 1n Ill were up from lluneerjiiterday litlf Henry ijlilcldn came down from the 1atk llilf morning on legal bull neM J U Il0den went to Salt Lake Men dal to attend n meeting of tho Mile Iliinnary llonrd C1 OIM the popular HAlt IxVu I rlothliiK man was doing builneti lu bin line In Coalvllle yesterday J A tmllli was brought home ram halt lake Hunday Mr Hmltli It I itlll quite I in health Mr and Mn Altna llldredgn went to Plait luke Friday lait nnd attended the bnll tendered the flab Irgliliturc by the Ilulrrlr Clot > JT Ilodioii li now ungiged on the took of the John llnpkln mercantile eitabllibment ul IMo Ito will remain there roycral lays longer 0 It Jones an cmplo of THE TIMED made A visit In Turk City Hundny and Monday Ai Sunday li I not nbuilnen day we cant Imagine what took him there I llepieientatlM Itcnrd came home from hu legiiliti I e work to pond bun day wild his toothy Mr Henrl was In tervlewi l by many friends ants alI al-I kept limy during hli vlill lIe returned Mondn J K Ilarwr end WlllMd Denncy nf Kkporl wore In IVulvllht Monday Tlifpn lierillimen host 0iened up A Fullera furth depot near their home and are maklm arrangemonti to box It bud put It on the market At Perry formerly U I agent nt Cwlvllle made bin frlundi I hire mint thin work Ills wife und little buy nr companied him Mr IVrry li I now located I lo-cated at Wahiutch the IllllUrd itation ImUng been temporarily closed lie es cots to return to Milliard In u month or ohs seeks |