Show AVON A BIG PJUHE JULIAN IIAWTMOnNB3 LATD87 STOny tinouuHT 910000 Ito 5nueeI 5 Stlp ° r costelu sd llsisil 110 lIIah1 II 5155 utto n In 5lic 010111I Sods ixliirllnnl lIR suecM of Julian 1 Ju-lian Ilnwlhorne In the ronipdltlon for hi the 100iOp Uo offered 85 of-fered by n New f I York paper Is I not a grout surprlie tot to-t Ihoia who hoes rlosely obwrrMl his career In liters turn during tho lost tow jears This ompetltlon was open to tho world and here were plenty of nsptrants for the empllng award but Mr Hawthorne Is easily recognised ns among lIst fort nioit notellit of tho lime and tint ho hould Imve achieved this marked IrS iniph III literature will hue A matter of < nernl sallifarllon lit was born III lotion In 1810 entered Harvard coltegn In lOGS nnd though he failed lo received re-ceived the degree with which his eel eague In the clan were decorated he excelled them all In athletic miami was consoled the hour of dlmppolntmrnt by his friend John C lleennn the prize fighter who ansureil him he would bo n silrecMful prize fllhler and urged him 10 adopt that uccupmlon Ho did nt follow the advice though strongly Inclined to do to for IsIS Illus rloui father had warned him to try tarn ma t-arn an honest living In any other way than by authorship Ho tried to bo a sloth engineer succeeded measurably In mastering that difficult profession and was for n period employed the New York department of dock under nirl Orarge II McClfllan Ifs grow weary of the workL however and In 1B72 gave It up nnd went to Dresden i with his wife and child During tho Inter part of IsIs residence In New York he had lo urn his own language contracted a deleterious practice of writing short stories for Iho niaga tines which he followed up during his residence abroad by Iho production of a novel rnlllleil llrouarl which was published Kngland ansI AmericA and was regarded tu n work of much merit Since that numerous works hive followed fol-lowed among which were Saion Studies OortbN Sebastian Blrome Slnflro and Archibald Malmalion the last two of which he rale among his best work TIme prIce winner In the recent contest Is entitled lletwecn Two Plres and strangely enough another an-other of the competitors hail choien tho same title for tho work ho submitted but without the least depreciation of tho others It may bo uhl that them were no two opinion among the judges JUMAN HAWTIIOHNi AI lo which was tho mOil dewrvlng at all the contribution Mr llnwlhorno work Is I a brilliant representation of contemporary American life with n plot full of novel situation and dramatlo Incident U Ihow a keen observation and stamp Its author as n inlnuto dissector dis-sector of character n realist and a ro mancUt of unique conception and great power Tho novel wai written by Mr hawthorne In Jamaica whither ho had gone In U93 It was sent to his friend J M Btoddard of the Trunsatlantlo Publishing company New York under a pledge of solemn secrecy ant was foe warded by him through lImo ordinary method Tho second prize In thus novel contest was won by the lice W C Illakemnn of Islip N Y lIla work la entitled This lllack Hand and Iho prIm amount to UOW > Tho third prliw 11000 In that clan has been awarded to Mr Ilond Valentino Thomas Thom-as of Mlllvlllc N J who competed under un-der her maiden name IMIth Carpenter Her novel Is I entitled Your Money or Your LIfe The prlto of 13000 for lime best novelette was awarded to Ills Molly iillot Scawcll of Washington n C whono work Is I entitled The Sprightly Tale of Mnrsao Toe 1X000 prIze for a short story wa I won by Kd ward Kawcett of Now York for u story entitled A Itomance of Old New York The 1000 prlto In the Iple poem contest was awarded lo an an onymons writer whose pseudonym Is I Sangamon but whose Identity baa not thus for been established All the contributions were submitted anonymously anony-mously that being one of the conditions condi-tions laid down Tim Identity of tha principal beneficiary was developed only after considerable < effort but no doubt Hangamon ilII claim the prize which his effort huno earned |