Show I A c HEAT ARCHITECT i THe LATB CHARLES 0 ATWOOD IIAU NO IIIVALC Tlir IrlurliMl llnlMliii m III ItlI I If Dnlnnr 1 h tlir I l > rhttMn llu TiUuli I i 110 I US cuttle I SS 1IK late Chnrlra II I 1 1 Atwood wa born I In I ClmrlratovMi MOM 1111 IS 180 S t At the age of 17 ho < became n pupil of Ett1 Ware I Van llrunt itl architect of Hoi ton ami lifter two rll onta under their I J ImlriicUon enl rNI tin fclcntinc Mhool nt llu vnrd tnhrmlt After thin coiir e he returned to the oilier of Wnro A Vim llrunt remaining with them until un-til 1ST when ho mtabllshed himself In Pembrrlon Square lloston III Hint > Mr he built HIP Merchant 1lrc In Mirincr llulldlng nt Worcester Mam nut the Floe Cent Saving IIink at licl Ho wa Invited to enter Into roinitctltlon for rcveral Importunt Mructtire nl thin time and received n lirlte for the city hull at 8111 lntnel ro two IrllN for tbe stale capital nt Hurt full Conn a print for the deaign of the rout toe In Springfield IteM 1 and the Aril prlM and commlulon to build the cltv lull at llnl > oki > MIn M-In 1875 Mr Alwood went to Now York to become the architect for tlm firm of fIerIer Drainer anil during lilt next Ilx 1 > oflrn Uetlinnl the re IJnc of JtovlU Down William II Viinderblll Kltlott K 8hep ril and W II I Sloan nil III Now York hraldM the Interior itoro ration of many of tho great house In all porto of the eounlry notably that of Mr Mark Hopkins at San Kran il 1 eo Mr Atwood l established himself Iudc 1 ITtlenily In Now York In IRkl and rerelvwl from Mr Vandirbltl Ihe I com iiiluliiii to design two mlddico for tile miiKlnlnw II Meg Twombly and I lit Howard Whh Mo nlo entered Into In-to competition far tho llimlon public library nail Rallied the flinl prim of I tooo ngnlntt 125 contestant In ISS Im woo atipolntrd by Mrs Mark HopKins Hop-Kins tn cotupWn tier magnificent new iralilenco at Oat Harrington MOM I where Im rrttmlnod continuously for two jinra ansi finished all tho design for IH grand Interior decorntlon Ho 4 then nntertvl tho competition for thin I ni > w city hall In Now York tin gained thin lint prlio of J5000 and hlA design wan recommended by the board of expert ex-pert nH the only ono suitable to bo nc repted by tho city authorities Since I that limo nothing line been done toward to-ward tho erection of thlJ building ex Hilt lo change cornl HIIIM thin state laos Riivernlng his erection In the summer of 1800 Mr Atwood 4 booted In Chlengn at the Invltnth > > f i CIIAHIK3 II ATWOOD f O II Ilurnlinm of tho Worlds Hair j Inter ho wise bonito denlguvrlnchlof S for tho exposition and abundant Inborn j In-born wire then heaped on bit ihoulihTi < 1 Ho unsigned the Art Palace the 1crl Ktylnnnd the Terminal motion No i work nt tho vxpotltlon will remain 1 longer In tho memory of tho beholders than these three widely variant mat terplccea of architecture This Art Inlaco oboe remains a do light lathe > esof Ill0ull8ndl each slay i uml on ornxment to Jackson Park ns the homo of HIP Columbian Muwiimi Who Art Palace nuns thin pure t oxumpll tlcatlim of the beautiful old Crook nrrhl inshore nnnnr all tho itrncttiros nt thin fair It la 1 of thin Ionic HiIn Tile mnlii portion at tho ImlldliiK iii l MO b > 30 few It Is I Intcrnoatod east and wwl I north unit Boulh by 11 great mvo and tranwpl IM feet wide ami 70 feat high At their Intemectlon rite Use llallenod douio no charactcrlitlo of tho biillillnR of thin Ireeks Tho dome to l no feet In dlumieter Iii li I nurrounilei by n type of n famous flguro of wlngod victory In tho great Interior aro galleries gal-leries 21 root aboto tbo floor ansi H fn1 1 wliki < farming a pronirnado around thn entire building At either and nt the main bulldlnR aro wings pirtaklng of Iho general stylo of architecture and Hiirmounlcd by smaller domes hue miln bulldlnR 1 < Is entered by four portals ndornoil with tculpturo and approached by broad IllKlitu of steps threat I Corinthian columns beautify these cntrnnces Colonadts fslonA along either side nnd add to the dUll eel beauty The frleio of the exterior walla uid tho pediments of the cnlrun see were ornamented with iciilptures of the masieri of ancient art The color of this bulldlnii < gave the impressIon 01 while loirblo The main waits were 01 hrloh unlike lliow of other building nt tho faIr They were covered will vhlto stoiC The building Is I lighted through sk > lights Mr Atwoodn Ideas I In dMlgnlng the Art lllare were carried out happily by Us location which Is I fronting on this lagoon where broad sweeps 01 Hteps Iced shown to the waters ooge and terraces and balustrades bwmtlfr the eurrounaias The north front faces tlie wide opin Ices i The court In front of the hnlMlnK was durlnn the i sIr ornnnTOteil with groups of sutum replica ami sptrlments of ancient art |