Show TnoUULEB OF HlaTOniANB Ir IIIilh > lllt > Uil Illl In I line 111I11 1roin Iho New ItetUw Mme SOil kuff was nt n Bunda part nt Holland hout In tho dis of Its Into rultreM and was aealed lietwnn Ixird Hough Ion nnd Mr Klnglakv Tha latter ob serte < l In anawer to a remark of the Iliitalan lad that historians were roinellmes very brdly treated Wbit do ou mfcln otkiil 1 Mme Nolkotf rather puuled Well continued KliiKlalii quietly as If dltcutMng some gmo topic Juat tnko my tase I for exnmple As ou know I am nup poted lo bo an historian Tho other lay I got n letter which really touched mo It wan signed by two people husband hus-band and wife nnd came from one of tho colonies The described their grief Their only child It terDied had been killed In tho Crimea for aomo Incoinprchenilblo reaeon they wern mOl anxious to have their beloved darling mentioned In my hlntory of Ihn Crimean war Burprlted but Haltered Hal-tered I replied b return of putt n thlnK I huvo not done for mnii many ears that I would bo I hnppy to dom do-m > Lett for Ihtlr comfort prold they nlit mo ne < M > tnry parlkulurs Again a letter written and signed b mother nnd father arrived but with Iho followInK cruel addition tto have nn particulars wbatour He was killed on tho spot like many others and mithing aii may kindly Invent will bo welcome wo Ivaio It entirely to oiir JudRment |