Show TUB UOLLAnMAIK VIj lniilil II Vol IreeoiU Hir V iir lr Did I It e > rr mrlko you an Mng a nil pcctillfir that we hould lit the dollar mark II before ln ted of after Iilr iMirn In cxprestlng the autn ot no ten twinty or nny other number of dollars arks the HI Mttlt ItepahHr We may aay tweiityflvo dollare plain c iiouih for any ono to omitrMind but la soon aa we put the exprculon Into llgurea and hnraetef It 1 la I dollnr entyno lir Inttead ot It a It 1 I tlould be I > Nor Is this all that It IK I iillar In thla ronneclton lu < r Oimlry which hna n written lanKuaxi nnd a lyntem ot coinage Iho nlibnvlt 1011 for Iho mill of vnlue precede lUf llgurra In England the pound imirk 11c l la I uwl In thi anmo manner that the dollar mark la I uieit In this country uhlle the Mine jieeiillarlty I Is I noticeable In German nhern tho abbreviation in for mark nppenra preoedlnf tho number num-ber Ju l na the French nhbrclatlun fr tor frnni la nnvl In frame If tho albrc lutlona nro not need tbe ligend Is I nioro apt to be correct c find Hint In Mexico they hate a Iic 10011 Inttend of p 2 iasono mlRliI txpcct nnd In Newfoundland hurt n plain twodollar piece Ho too In Pinner where Iho abbreviation It I not nurd wo find auch plecrs as 10 francs to franc nnd 10 franca In Herman al IQIf ln man the hatn I n plecn marked X tlaler which It nil rry plain but Iho moment n clerk booMfpcr or other IMIHOII niikm on intr cr Jots down a memcrandum ho trlla ou that It In I n ih XThe Kngllih pound sign which is bellexcil to bn tho otdcat monetnr nbbrclatlon now In nri IB tho old Initial Ini-tial letlrr b which tho Itomann I et llral IJ IIUMCC poiinda just na wo mo tho lb It has siijtcrtlrd that neuto our monc abbreviation backward be cniifo lint tho Itomans In pxpreMlnR loundt nlwal rnld llbrn decem Inttead of decem libra tho first be inr potimls ten nnd tha latter ten pounds When their Initial letter or ihnrarlcr was uued It nlwaja prereiled llr flRiiren thus etO Instead of thn itrrtc Thus Ihp whole world hat pollen In tho habit of doing theio thing IncKward |