Show OIK XAVAh I HEROES MUN WHO COULD DUMOLISH UHITAINS NAVY lIsa illtilrntt nf tlf Mhllr s < > r lit It lnll1 Mt II IlIolhcIIo1 litiniiltr In Seer > n < l In PMC 5s nn IhMr Vt < j Is Ihr I cnnl K A It Admiral Krnncli M I Dunce m who succeeded Ad 1 mlral Mradn In h I command of the I 1 I North Atlantic p11I Is I n nah J the of Connecticut He was graduated 01 from the Vminpollfl I ucndeni I In 1SI 7 and assigned to biasm Indian fervlo on the sloop ler > mnntown In left 1 he received his commission com-mission ns lieutenant on thn IVnnhncot Ho KUbnequently served In the chll war nn law mice t nil Cotsklll and commanded com-manded Die Dictator and ironclad Man adnock lie woo In the sklrmlthe at Yorktoun ansi lltoucester and In tue An r IfIII II ingngomenls nt Tort Ilthrr He distinguished I dis-tinguished himself at ChirleXon and particular In an assault by votunlter on Iort Slimier Commnilora llunee ns ias t June plneeil In charge of the North Atlantic nqnulron with the rank of acting rear admiral Hear Admiral Francis Valtelte lIcNuIr wa n class mate of Admiral llunc at Anoapoll i aad also 1 achieved fame for hits courage In the war He wa at the liombnrd mettle uf Tort Javkaon and Port Hu Philip and parllrlpated In the capturo of Sew Orleans the passage both ways of the Vlcksbtirc bnlterle and ha dr itnicllon of he rim Arkaiiia AA nn executive officer In the South Atlantic squadron ho Ifcelved I uerlal mention for conduct nt Tori 1lshrr Since the war he has filled the various position In be navy is coinmaniler of VMHXII 1 on foreign cruises and statloni nt An npotl and nt the several navy ynrdi t s l J ii > y > 4Lf ffgW VlKs 1J1 ut1ct I J o 4 5 citr 4 4f mW AtIhhlltIS Oh T111 UNITIiI STATUSNAVY = = = = = Hear Admiral Thomas O Selfrldgo It the ion of another United State admiral ad-miral of that name who was on tho retired list when his son received tho grade The younger Bclfrldge wit graduated from tbo Annnpolls academy In 1853 and Os ho was at tha head of the first clan ever turned out under tho pretcnt organization was tho first naval ofllcer lo reecho n diploma In the nervlco ns now constituted Ho was recalled from limo roast of Africa In ISil unit nude lieutenant commander HU I career through time rebellion I was SO I II r gt brilliant as to dazzle Ho cscap I tl dronnliiR when lie Cumberland w u sunk by leaping through n porthole IIn tho Monitor the Osago tho Vindicator Vindi-cator nnd Huron ho did inllant fight leg nnd after the war was promoted thirty numbers by Ibo board of ndmlr ala Admiral Selfrldgo has dono much uorl In roost siirvcta and bad charge of tho corps which laid out the rOil to I of tho canal across tho Isthmus of Da then Admiral Selfrldgo was rcccnllr recalled from the foreign squadron on the charge of mixing Into Krcncli poll tic Hear Admiral Peeler A llcards leo wa born In 1630 and waft appointed acting midshipman In 1850 Ho was In ono or two battles off this Chlneso roast beforo going Into tho academy from which ho woe graduated In 1850 lie signalized himself In various ways In Iho war and was commissioned as commander com-mander otter Its clone After filling various command he wa appointed to lime Port Itojal station Admiral Krancls M I Ilamtey In chief of the bureau bu-reau of navigation This Is I a dlfllcult position and entails personal unpopularity unpopu-larity during the Incumbency The detalllnR for uncongenial service Is I Iho duty of the chief Admiral Walker entered the navy In 1860 from Pennsylvania I Penn-sylvania although n natho of tho DU riot of Columbia Ho made o record for daring In lie war and his advancement advance-ment have all ben for merit Ho wa commissioned roar admiral In April I ShilL Hear Admiral John Orlraes Walker was born In 1835 nail 1ms benIn ben-In the navy sInew his appointment ai roldihlpman on tho Portsmouth bound u for II 10111 m m rlllBO Itr niaile Ire I-re nr1 for gjllanirr In the rebellion end fir the war wanon the llrailllan tl on From INi9 In baSIl Admiral nlkor ws > eonnorleil wlh the Ilur llngion Snail semrliig a two peon lao of alnenee for that purpone In lau he beiame chief of the bureau of liatlgatinn which place ho filled eight yro Many of the Improvement In the 005b ate Hr to hIs augge lloiis Admiral flenrge Hrowii wi born In Indiana In-diana In IMS and wa appointed midshipman mid-shipman on the Cumberland frigate In 18I Fob 5 of this enr will complete Ms tens seventh acer of naval service ser-vice U lieutenant In conimind of the Inillanol dinlral IIroln iiiirrcnilcreil isis sinking ship to four gunboil near Upper Patnim Island IVb 211863 1 He sulireiiienll dlsllngulihetl hlmnelt at Mobile Among oilier office ho fllleil before renrhlng his prenent grado was tint of commander of n Japanese Iron did This was aubwquonl to 18C7 Ho was permitted by the government to accept the mlkndoi commlaslon I ns the hip he commanded had been sold by the VnlteJ Htatei |