Show J IBOA J too Utah Feb 20 < 1 IBM KnitiiiiTlHKH I Tho Ilitlo Infant of Mr RIII Mr Ola JeiiKll hens been quit tick for tctern ila > a and wan very little If any belle when lail hcud from Mill Annie II Maxwell who hat Ixeu iiilto title for tcvcrnl day pint in I now tile to he mound oca In much 10 the dillghto r ninny friend Thou e > Interested In lieu lent South lleucli Cnnnl A Irrigation Company hnnldntuiid tier imcllng which will Le lield In iholroH ichoollioutoon Monday Mon-day eiunlng clout Miirih 2eed 0 It II I pleating u note there the Inhnt of Mr and Mm A iecoerrd from Hi Into preen tkkncM The little lit-tle onu wan under Iho care 01 hr John Maxwell of Icoa otto hilt considerable > I practice tenet lucre In that calling The member of the 2nd Quorum of 1001lIle loll rOlltlo In the touihirii part of tle county held > cry Intuiting meetlni In ionic on Sunday The majority ma-jority of the member remained IIMT I mid attended the 1 D H mceUn In the afternoon Silver tins taken slight b om during the pint few tlayi Hut what aiturume hare ocr that It I will inakenny further ndvunciM UIIM > uu hau proper UglnU time It in I tenon likely to felt IA uu ienti llnin 10 rim to 76 M there It such light iiRnlnut tho white metil und It Mill he forced doe II If the thing U hoer I klble Dr JJ Cliiinilwr ufCoalvlllo and 11 1 < 1 lt dd < n lloylnllle were let leo on huturdov ant oriiinlz a Slhtr club with the fotloulng olflcrm UMax ul IIfWf1elll Henry I U Wrlxhl vliwliml 114 Chceee iced I n Wtrth wcrelary anti Mat tl IMnmrd inmtnwr V coot inllti at enrollment will be ntaifd by thee I peetclwnt of the club later Mr Chaintwn iptalnttl ties object of the vied mil Ktmt see desired d to U aowiii > ilirtiril by th nrgiinltntlon he tee lol heneol h > a few rcinmkt from Mr 1 111 lee Julie a iininKr Jolrrd flip rlnb scot lIen 110 Intluiatedhy I lli < into iein 10 know that the club will tick < In all ol loT Miicrtol wlmtHxter party they nay 11 An Hoot hut purchaniln tdiuno yrapie oil It drllehtlni jounennd old ilec 1011 lUteni to II I nnder > 1 ml lint Mr Hoot Inlendi tratellnglhrntiph IIII country and lutendr to hold fnrlli In nteh town Mr liner Itoiivof I hecve l ounir men and Ir I one o lie rople l and liould lr I prttriinlrtd hey oil ctHclally hy Ihl who tnlle In nitalnliig our loincUlcnt Induitrlci und tin1 like IhlotiA II Mntclinnt of 1eoa und lice IjiuiUrt of Kumupi rniupleil thv IIIIt of the hear in the I 11 S I mi nil c 1 held leer on Mmdn The mo tcnllf uen aru hniuc mlitlonariea und hud an appointment to p ak here on hot day ldor Jaiiien Woolftelihnlnip und H = M lock of KnniiK ucrnpled n purtinii tel I tin line the two art rdiind tuning euine 1011 In attend the Scientli mivtlni vlilcli was hold d tel 12 I ccciock on the ni clay c-lay Kvcrbody > and their relalho are lavliiR their plcturrt laLrn liy the pho ogruphir who liillll nIle on It Inn hniicrln n litetime when family grouse call be talcn wllliout ronthlerablv ex 11110 attached It and tho chance li I ivliig taken adtaulage ofnil of which neanull li I money In tier pocket oilier l inotogiapherand u lueour prcttlri akin for future generation to look kt and wonder over and nik II 1 that wan he style In our ir mI tlier > days 1 The fine warm weather hat canted ritiiclf to be running with water touch nndtluihand Itltvcrydltigreeable utder foot at thtlla but few dry place hero n lleroll can take n ell before taking the next plungu In thu lake of ami and alnili It If now In order for he properly teeters to fix up I their slice walk and make the travel more pleat ant for pcdctlrlant Home few have done lita already and de erte the tlmnkf oilier general public whether they ellIot el-lIot It or not I am ttlll firmly of the opinion that I one or the other either two national paitltt will COIIIU Jut squarely foe sliver and hceeoe lout very little faith heat llio ilhcr hearty will accoiupllili anything furlhcrthaii toihow that they art > united on tie qctnIltt tend will throw their Ito > I-to tie purly that will In I for silver flrit lent ami nil the time 110 I not bullete thnt n third purly will heave choit ol n chance lo elect H pretlil ntof tin reUnited re-United Hlulfn I nuy 1m mlitaken In I till at I am nnd tear > hern In many oilitr lliln bull It that unit may wo cnn ony work noel wait the remit The fieecoluig of nIh yr at the rstio eel idl to 1 IB In lien introit of n yeny large majority ol tho cltlrcnt of our great nation seed every Icgltlmato nieana ihoiild Iw taken to bring thin fact convincingly befoin the locate thoii II will he mvompllihed even title rest of the world are agilnn us on Hint qnettlon Tim liter rlub will have foino Inltuunce In 1 theyiatlon therefore tlie nxxl work thoulilKO 01 steel have all the encouragement that It cet ho given and the met cant for n alUer prenldvnt Tho dunce bit Friday night eels ci I luctem III every pOIlioular etch < bier a Imndiomw plirio was Hindu up to IIIII11 our young mltilonarv Klophcn M Wai ker win In I mm on the Hiimoaii Itlnnd Abe Mairhanlanl Ate MOIK ileterxe I onilderilile iraUu for Ilrrlmc out the umicrtuklngtn n nuecenkful leone Ol thu medic evening Mm 1 U F Iyont urn Mra A Mllet htr daghlcr gut up a I upier fur I the Ialleon aol contrlhiiled nil tied eus taken In for thu benefit of Eider Walker In telatlun tca I thee Cell per I have Uvn ruijuenled nay lo the render olTiiKfiut by llioto who leer took of thu goal thing that they never sat cioee to more enjoyable miMl tier toUr > wtru loaie with tubitmtlnl nt e ella lighter food nnd lieu heart could not deal moro or a greater variety than nit furnUhcd on that ocvailun Thu i I ladlea appreciate thu kindnuitol thotu I who patronized them und al tIer mean will be duvnted In lice lienelit of the ut > tent one there U I leone I tenturv to tny whn nil regret whnt they have donu enpiclallythn tic oloileea II 10 lollllbllh1 ti much ol their lime und ineani Ivan I-van unly soy In closing that those who did not Hiko In thee damu I and ttippw mUml treat and I hope I < till not lea I deCent oe any future onntlon of the like That Mimethlrij mutt be choice nnd that quickly lo brfug Iwller llniw U I uvldunt lo all Outildu qh he mint nnd jlmtlnuM IIOUMMI tlmru U cIty llttl inoiid and it hess come to Ihu that vll turiri B thnt will lurilt labor and pluc mOIl money m crcuhulon lanai tw Ukvn In tltud tf 18 wllh to IMI > tile 14111 < grow psnd proipor Th coutloml dream 101 oaf wIth vry lIttle or none turn Ing WII 01 the JlMtIt ill cause meeclj I diteess U IOmllbtJij II bitt don to twtllr tin t condition ol humanity II Mlee In looking at the earn as It nU > I l > nni tI cue In no 10 oldlrguUlm the 1 fact that tlmetnrifrettlnsnobelter very 1 fnl f 1 hut ue worfo and wren The farmertor many of them leave had to low llur nnd I I fell their grain at R mv will loRII 10 nIl mO1 10 keel their fam liter tuppllixlwllh thee cecil necetKltle dl Ille let alone the luxurlei which I they I raimot reach What will i lw tier remit Why tide will have many ol them to buy their steel w heat and oatt i I and more IIII the flour Inked their famllletfrom hunger Hut what hake they got with which to > ny for all Hill ceiepnrettlr ely nothing eoni may > ay ilml I take n gloomy ylew ol the ill nulloii Veil I do nnd I Inhere hac 4wnpleocralonfor todolng Timer who arr working In the mine and knee pooil 11011 rotnlnf In know ey little of en hat the former hat to put up wllh III thee diiyt of dcprorlon Only a fee > euir ago wo coull 1 get CM 1 for KM I poundi ol aU at tIde ten not the iar and Irom ficiiiH toW to-W a heeded for en IoOAI Cloud In the rIoter were about the Mine price all now echile now farm piodticlihnM fallen one mil und inln will be the reiult to many tIe ch8iiu la I not hid one way or the oil her How the people will bo iletoliM ann pay higher taxct than thecy dill hut year will be worth the while for ionic prrMii tlmt li K01 III Ithlnctlc to figure out nnlcM the good lime come and that quickly Today If there it a dollar In right I there are they men niter II rIce caru thould he cried and emy man niter flflf dollars certaInty getting It And mole hoe There thouM be no occasion then for any ol our children going barefooted reggeI and hungry at many I know do now Plait the wheels ol progress give 1iliIOr to tht pMple nnd cci dltlrlbut the Pith of the country hInt all may enjoy tier bellell and they will rIle UI and call yon blcitod While I havola voice such at long an I can pneh a pen It thall he dune In ndxocatlng the bttleringol condItIon tIer foreceer laboring turn teI the Minuet i and I only with thnt mean were mine that 1 could eitabllili soon ti then Induttrlei that would look 10 that end It H E Vita HJ |