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Show GEO. M. SCOTT DIES ON COAST Salt Lake, Nov. 19. George ai. Scott, tho first Gentile mayor of Salt Lake, died yesterday at San aiateo, Cal. Death was due to pneumonia contracted a few days ago, while at the exposition. He died at the resl-donco resl-donco of air. and airs. E. aicCallls-ter. aicCallls-ter. 'Mr. Scott had not lived In Salt Lake for a number of years. He had been making his home at Santa Baibara, Cal., with relatives. Ho was nearly Si years of ago. For more than thirty years air. Scott was a resident "of Salt Lake, and was prominently identified -with the early growth of the city and the development of the state. He was a pioneer hardware merchant of the city, and his name is perpetuated in Salt Lake In the Scott building, which he erected. air. Scott was born in Clinton coun. ty, N. Y. He went to California In 1S52, and for nearly twenty years was associated with he hardware houBe of Conroy, O'Connor & Co. In 1871 he carao to Salt Lako and estlbllshed the wholesale and retail hardware business of George M. Scott & Co. The lafo James Glendlunlng, who also was at one time mayor of Salt Lake, was associated In this company with air. Scott. Later this firm became the Scott-Strevell Hardware company, predecessor of the present Strevell-Paterson Strevell-Paterson company |