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Show MM t?- - ' iri"" ! Pierce's for Every Meal I The list of Pierce Pure Products show that there are foods suited for I I any and every meal they are suited for the home, cafe, restaurant, J 1 hotel, dining car, camp or for a picnic party. There is nothing more I delicious than a dish of Pierce's Pork and Beans The tomato sauce 1 I gives that additional appetizing flavor. You 11 find that the other 1 I Pierce Products are equally attractive, just what you want. I I gS3a55gS;. PIERCE'S PORK AND BEANS I S ifSHf3& PIERCE'S TOMATO CATSUP I 1 TFmX PIERCE'S SAUERKRAUT I mdSbM J pierce'S TOMATO SOUP ItPHfl JjferrojFi PERCE'S TOMATOES AND I i ) j33I I jy4-ssgy J Always Good, Always Pure, Always Ready ! Wk Y ' J-rSni I W JMi- QCPEM.irfftH 'Mm M Delicious, Appetizing, satisfying 1 I iltfpgl 1 C z That's the Record for Pierce's Products. 1 I rEEl S Since 1888 the Pierce's Pure Products have been packed in Ogden. I I IBo I These goods have a reputation that extends over the entire west. They 1 I 7 " BEE! 9 ' ave tecome known as the standard of canned goods. This reputation I f Hhf3 I ias een acneve because there has always been the greatest care in I IB1 tne Paking of these goodies, the preparation of them. They are sent I WL HI 1 to your home with the backing of the company, as being in perfect' I Krst! 1 condition, wholesome and pure. 1 I llMwm I Sanitarily Packed, Everlastingly Backed j "H1 -iv ' Ogden, Since 1888" ,j . I &2H I I Ti ?JKjta 1 1 it- ivTHHI IHBHHIHBHHBIHBHBHBHHllHI tjHBBEi''' I I 11 $2.50The Utahat--$2.50 9S I HAND MADE J H TWO-FIFTY ICil HARRY THE HATTER XiHl 1 "CLEAN UP YOUR OLD GRAY BONNET, 1 ShPuI E PUT THE NEW RIBBONS ON IT" 1 JP Ijfl I Buy tHe Cement tHat I cement That sunds I VlPl fll I fa I is Best by Test I theTel- I Hi 1 rhwDBNn 1 l.,2l I S mi l iTvlTNiM IlinilJll MADEIN " IWm I Ha I It, VII I 0GDEN' IBS 1 J-&y M M (Union Made) 151 1 $ENA3 ou r . I Smoke a Victor and knuw feSS 1 j nr i H Cement tho luxury of smoldng 1 llffl 1 Trade Mark 1 Sold by every dealer f Cigar is made of the Eff-1 I ,f j i Ltt nJ besfc Havana tobacco and lm I -Made by the m gdcn is perfect in workman- SI I Ogden Portland I u"lon Fod I SLSLStffi m B 1 1 fnmont r n I Cement Company I preciate ill oTul I G- -. . I A. E. CLOSE, Mgr. IB 1 I ' I 208 25th St' t 11 m 1 I r 1 uHHitfl WWiil&M 11 liiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii F ir V I PERFECTION I H That is the trade name of our Ham, Lard and Bacon. H I It expresses the exact nature of the goods, these food H I Products are "Perfection." They are made from the H choicest Utah Pork. You will like them place your H I order during Utah Products Week. H Ideal Shortening I h is a lard substitute. Compare this Ideal Shortening H I with other similar goods. Then compare the prices: H I Three pounds for 40c 1 I Five pounds for 65c M I Ten pounds for .$1.25 1 I We aro not only manufacturers and wholesalers but in H I our retail story wo carry a H I Complete Line of j Utah Made Goods I I We have "everything to eat and then some." Our H I Everclear Tea, so delicious, is becoming famous it H H sells for 60 cents a pound, is worth a dollar. K I Just call up Phone 412 or 413 and leave your order. H m Our delivery servic is prompt. H ! TTTTCPT T JL fTtC-R I I uJ5z)&rrtfilri$ to JEaf end -fJien jSojtig H I IlUlJtJidLiUHiTllJiJ VfJ I Success ot Utahi Visits of the Ogden manufacturers to si J ,1 number of the factories during the past week, l as a result of the celebration of Utah Products j' Week, have revealed to the financiers and the Stf1 capitalists of the city the fact that the commun- , & ity is only on the threshold of its advancement m as a manufacturing center. Ten days ago the ' M factory men of Ogden did not realize, even to pj ! any considerable extent, the condition of the , .factories of the city and the surrounding coun- w try. A dozen informal luncheons have been ji given, conferences as to Utah Products Week pel I have been held, visits have been made to the 'og plants of four of the larger companies. jjg rip1 The result of these luncheons, these confer- ; j$ ences, these visits has been that the manufac- turers of Ogden now know that Ogden's pros- jjj perity is based upon actual facts. The realiza- L tion has come that the sugar industry, if given Jjc protection of tariff as expected, will continue m to grow. The development of every other in- IS dustry, of the meat packing business and of the f5j canning industry, are seen to be only starting, f . although the city has already achieved a strong fjj place in the ranks of western manufacturing ,.fi communities. ' if A factory manager was asked yesterday by ' : S a friend what he had learned about Ogden's , and Utah's factories since the campaign for S starting a Utah Products Week celebration had 5 been opened and gave the following as some of I JJ the vital points: jB I ; 1 mi I ft Crisp Breakfast Bacon I ,2 A DELICIOUS UTAH PRODUCT II I jJtrnffifflaF Jkf There is no rind, there is no waste one pound of the most delicious JW Wf I yJBT ,ZX MOUNTAIN BRAND Bacon that is the result of packing one pound (K fc B SIIrSF $ cartons. The meat is sliced and wrapped in waxed paper, the box is ML W I TyA sealed the bacon comes to you in perfect condition. (IL K I F ASK YOUR GROCER OR YOUR BUTCHER MM I ' 1 Ogden Packing & Provision Co. fj Utah's Best Chocolates I I Are Mmdie in Ogiten , I SUIT YOUR TASTE, FROM THE FOLLOWING BRANDS I Fashion Chocolates 25c and 50c I PAUL RFVFRF ' I I Utahna Chocolates 25c and 50c I e highest class I I Our Purity Chocolates , . 35c, 60c and $1 I fiSfia1-80130 I I nT1"!" 1 CHOCOLATES I MyLady Love Chocolates.. 40c, 75c, $1 I ASweiiBox II H HHKBBHHHOTiHHmBiMBn I FOR 1 9K W I Made in America MADE BY THE PAY ROLL BUILDERS OF OGDEN. I I The Shupc-Williams Candy Co. I Lil F |