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Show : I Basketball Being . ' f Played in Far Eastern Countries The progress of American sports in Far Eastern countries and South America is well shown by the growth of basketball. Roports show that in South America, Hawaii, China, Porto Rico and the Philippines the winter sport is becoming as populai1 as base ball. B. E. "Wiggins, supervisor of athletics athlet-ics and playgrounds, writes this about the sport In tho Porto Rico public schools- "Prior to the winter of 1913 baseball base-ball was practically unknown here. It is true that there had been some activity ac-tivity in the girls' style of game at the Normal School and at Ponce, but the game as a sport remained quies cent because of the misconception that it was fit for girls only, and because be-cause there had been an organized effort or capable instruction to develop de-velop its possibilities CJimatic conditions and the temperamental temper-amental reluctanco to engage in ao siieuuous a sport weio also marked handicaps Tho game's development s'tire 1013 has been rapid. At tho prrs-nt it Is plaved at fifty of tho riiool renters It is played on claj ourts in the opfii, because thoro are no rovorod courts Th game is 1m-prnMng 1m-prnMng tho general tvr of physique, and is dvelopins co-ardij.ation ana alrrtnrsH and self mastorr " |