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Show -wu NEW B OF THE mo GRANDE m Denver, Colo , Nov. 19. Henry U. Mudgo, president of the Denver & Rio Grande, arrived hero early this afternoon Fifteen minutes after his arrival he was in his private office in the Equitable building and workinq as hard ai any other employe. Hw states. that ho has no intention of dispensing dis-pensing with the services of anv of -he. officials, under the former management. man-agement. "I have no plans of any kind." saitf Mr. Mudge. "In fact, I have vet to get acquainted with the property but I shall lose no lime in doing 'that Thero is no truth in repoils that 1 hae yot to get acquainted with the property, but I shall lose no time In doing that There is no truth in reporis that I hav0 brought or intend to bring any of my former associate in the Rock Island to displace any of the piesent officials or employes, The only man I have brought to Denver is my secretary. I sincerely hope that every man will meet our ideas of the requirements of his position." Edward T. Joffery, when asked concerning con-cerning rumors that numerous changes chan-ges will bo made in the personnel of the Denver & Rio Grande, said: "-Mr. Mudgo comes to Denver as' a free agent, but he is not given to radical rad-ical changes. I hardly anticipate any drastic changes." |