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Show FARR DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, A Corporation. Principal place of business, Room 411, Fourth Floor. FirBt National Bank Bldg., Ogden, Utah. NOTICE OF SALE OF DELINQUENT DELIN-QUENT STOCK. There are delinquent upon the following fol-lowing described stock, on account of assessment No, 1 of Ten (10c) Cents per share, levied on tho 14th day of October, 1915, the several amounts set opposite tho names of tho respective holders, as follows: January 1916, at tho hour of 13 H o'clock, Noon, to pay delinquent as- H sessments thereon, together with the H costs of advertising and expense of H Tho numbers of Certificates of H stock Issued to H. L. Griffin, H. E. H Palmer, J. P. O'Neill and WInslow H Farr, each respectively as named H above, are unknown, and tho stock is- jH sued to H. L. Griffin and H. E. Pal- H mer will be sold subject to a lien of H the corporation upon the stock to se- H euro the payment of two notes for H Name. No. of No. of Par H C'f'e. Shares Value Amount H H. L. Griffin 5500 1.00 $550.00 m H. E. Palmer 5500 1.00 550.00 m j. p. O'Neill iooo i.oo ioo.oo m WInslow Farr 1500 1.00 150.00 m J. D. Skoen 9 875 '1.00 87.60 H Lyman Skeen 24 1000 1.00 100.00 H E.A.Stratford 12 2000 1-00 200.00 H E. P. Honnenger 18 4000 1.00 400.00 H Elizabeth Knowls 10 4000 1.00 400.00 H And in accordance with law and a resolution of the Board of Directors, passed on tho 14th day of October, 1916, levying said assessment, and an order of the Board of Directors, mado on the 31st day of December, 1915, directing tho sale of said delinquent delin-quent stock, or as many shares thereof there-of as may be necessary, to pay tho Baid delinquent assessment; so many shares of each parcel of Baid stock an may be necessary will be sold at Room 411 First National Bank Building, Build-ing, Ojrdon, Utah, on the 25th day of, Four Hundred and Sixty-two ($462.00) H Dollars each, given as part, payment IH of the subscription price of the Btock. IH By resolution of the Board of Dlrec- m tors of date Docember 31, 1915, the ll time of sale upon delinquent stock vM was oxtonded from January 10, 1916, M to January 25, 1916, at 12 o'clock, H (Signed) E. A. STRATFORD, H Secretary pro tern, of the Farr Do- m velopment Company. H Location of Office: 411 Firat Na- H tional Bank Building, Ogden, Utah. M |