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Show M IF YOU ABE H GOING TO BUY I OVERALLS M BE SURE THEY ARE I SCOWCROFT'S H They are guaranteed to wear H and never to rip. H Made strong of the .strongest H materials. H Made byf Ogden Union Labor. H They fit right and look right. LH H "A NEW PAIR IF H THEY RIP." BRrsncriLAssES OF WATER DAILY An Interesting Statement by One of the Big Men In the Drug Business i : A. E. KIESLING of: Houston, Texas, says: "If you have a muddy complexion and dull eyes, you are constipated. Six j glasses of -water daily and one or two ! Rexall Orderlies at night will correct this condition and make you 'fit as a fiddle.' Rexall Orderlies, in my opinion, are the best laxative to be had, and can be taken by men, women cr children." Rexall Orderlies are for sale at The Rexali Store. Trial box, 10c. We have the exclusive selling" rights for this great laxative. Trial size 10. T. H. Can, The Rexall Store. Advertisement. H uEEI Open Kettle Rendered, just like moth- El H ftffiM er used to make, this lard is from pure HH H HH Mountain Brand Lard, it is used for fljfl iH HfcH so many purposes in cooking and in Kfl Nine big numbers on the Hippodrome program. You'll find it's the best vaudeville show. Ten-Twenty Cents. Children 5c matinees. The Rag Time Circus and the Ginger Girls lots of pep on the Hippodrome bill this week. OHICHESTER S PILLS CCv THE VIAHOHD BtLAXo 4fck MIL In Jld and Uold ; tecWUcVQj "WI TUo no lh.r. Bar f W V g plafond nuxno pillOTsS B r w known uBI, Sft. Al wnReiUMi t iJSOlilY DRUGGjSTS EVERYWHEU 00 See Princess Indita at the Hippodrome this week. She will fascinate you. WRIGHTS 1 "The Busy Shoejjtorc" 1 WRIGHTS 1 I This great outgo of leftover stocks includes hundreds of pairs! j ) of good shoes. All good styles-all regular stocks, but the f act i that but a few pairs of each remain makes the sale necessary. Many others not mentioned. j I ) TT Boys' Shoes to Women's Shoes ) S Close Out t tor Clearance ) mffwy i& fdM Li i j & The newest Gypsy Boot c 3 C HI fcv JMHeres a corking good ; ,x "f " j i . i ? W t M oe for rough, romp- button and lace styles, J ; Ir ing school boys. New It 1 also sole of the new Coun- , ' WOBbutton styles with gen- V tess styles, w.th the wh.te ; jc C 'fcl'BBl ir i stitching the newest of S '-3J X. tiMluine calr-skm uppers 1 Muuuus 11 r , St: s ' " LlJS j i. j 1 a V e all button shoes, s ; S jl -m and sturdy soles. A Vfc NA uu 5 ; ft W5k mighty good looking W?V W These are orrered ; J NST J shoe. In this line we Wj fV in black and mid- J jj ? . SS have most all sizes . v night blue and ? g $2.50 values, in sizes 9 to 13 1-2, ,55::5: are Gf the usual $5 i $ on sale $1.95; $3.00 values in JO 45 " lines Youll find your size in at C9 90 , sizes 1 to 6, on sale H" east Qne of the numbers. On sale. J I ; g fS Odds and Ends of w W Men's Shoes Odds and Ends ol Boys' Shoes i g These are the There are only fifty pairs in fc ? I Nfy regular good $5 this lotthe odds and ends ' i ifcw CV shoes m tans f ld of half a dozen different ' 1 PN. ''"P?--,black'Pat1ent.le?" 1 5&A good lines Most all sizes 1 t sji. Jth?rSi Pi (rrWS in some styles at least, j t J S22S calfskins but- WXJ, These are in sizes 9 to 5 . ton or lace styles all good, shapes, but anc are some 0 our ' IIS ? only a few pairs remaining of each style ssgZj best $3.50 values 1 QC ? 2 You are sure to find the size in one or n , $ 2.0JO S ' m Si t r 1 An nn. Un sale now t j s c the two lines at a saving or about L y uU ; ffi half $5.00 values on sale $UVJ - I Odds and Ends of Slffl GirI?feoes,Ti!!, Bl9 I ' I 1 ' -ll Women's Shoes M QU Ve u p . (l ( : There are about eighty H fr the f g I J l 1 - 1 1 pairs in this lot of odds KraP&V m SIZGS UP t0 T I I S J j and ends of this season's iv are fferei in S f. 55 I . selling all good styles. S. patent leather or ' g S Some of the new bronze. j calf skin uppers j 'I j ( r jO 'Also patent leathers, IflSL with newest H S Vs y' in lace and button JllBwpJEai cloth tops. IIS C r-X! A " with cloth or matt MgipKKpk There are sev- J r S T-A. kid tops. These ASsglrag? eral styles in f ijfe 3 -j are ke remnants the offering and all are this season's ft 5& I S52552s of the shoes selling These are the good $3.00 values PO 1Q 'm T1 7 ., up to $6. l QQ On sale now $LAJ j$ I The lot will be cleaned up at $ WO 5 ,' Odds and Ends of Children's Shoes to Clean-Up fTg? ii Hundreds of pairs in broken lines these shoes are best for school rffrnj pLmnmnri v V prudent mothers will now save at least half and stock up for future f j ? ' 1 i needs. In the assortment are a lot of about fifty pairs of high cut W &A S I I shoes just the thing for winter wear. In the values which sell us- V1 j U ally up top patent leathers, kid and calf skin. $2 values in sizes Wf V si ?n4S d -f ; $-2-5? valtuf s inosizes 8 "2 to u on si so vH 4 ? sale, $1.49; $3 values m sizes 1 1 to 2, on sale $1,0? Xis ; 5 TheHippodromewillamaze g-you g-you this week. g What is Castoria if C tShs3 rr fo: ca,3tw oii- p. D K " Morphine BoSNarS.PSiWt " contei neither Opto, 1 destroys Worms and allays Cristaeip " its W"i It IL'? to been in constant use fbr Sif r" ." ha" ttir e !t WL. Colic, all Teething Troubles SS ? 0"tP8tion, Fiatulency, Wind IF M Bowels, assimilates tl,1- JIe the Stomach K iSSM??5H-g has-been in use for over & SasSj3Ssrfei 5BSSS' - !& Sat iRST Genuine Castoria alwaSb3penm;nt- S7 SV7i T" $SS&. V |