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Show IaTIbute I III GEN. DODGE I Aged Army Officer Buried H With Full Military Honors at Council Bluffs. NINE COMPANIES ESCORT All Public Places Close and I Thousands Follow Dead Warrior to His Tomb. H Council Bluffs, la., Jan. 6. Tho fu- M neral of General Grenville M. Dodge, H who died at his home here last Mon- H day was held at the residence today H and included full military honors. H The military escort consisted of H nine companies of Iowa and Nebraska H militia. H Rev. A. G. A. Buxton, rector of St H Paul's Episcopal church and Rev. T. H J. Jones, pastor of the First Congre- H gational church, conducted the re- H liglous services. H Schools, courts, public offices and H business houses closed during the H ceremoniea and thousands followed H the dead warrior to his tomb. A H score of military and civic organiza- H tions participated in the procession. H |