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Show I COAST GAMES I OPEN APRIL 4 Hi Complete Schedule of Games HI Arranged at Meeting of H Directors Yesterday. M San Francisco, Jan. 5. April 4 was H fixed today for the opening of the HI Pacific Coast league baseball season H , by the directors and a complete sched- H ule of games was arranged. ( Portland H and Salt Lake City were given fifteen m weeks of play each and San Francis- M co and Los Angeles continuous base- ' ball. The season will close Sunday, H October 29. Once the Coast leaguers were start-H start-H ed on the right track, the framing H of a schedule for 1916 was a matter 1 of no considerable time and before M the noon hour, today a final adjourn- H ment was taken by the powers that H HI As one of the delegates facteiously HI remarked, the schedule finally deter- 1 mined upon was the sixteenth amend- H ment to the No. 4 schedule submit-H submit-H ted by Judge McCredle. HI i In reality it was a composite af- H fair, in which the wishes of the va-H va-H rious clubowners were granted so far M as possible. B The complete schedule will not bo H made public until later this season, H but the opening, closing and holiday Hj dates are given out as follows: Memorial day: Vernon at Salt H Lake City, Oakland at San Francisco M and Portland at Ijos Angeles. H July 4: Los Angeles at Salt Lake Hi CIty Prtlaiul at San Francisco and U Oakland and Vernon at Los Angeles. H Labor day: Los Angeles at Port-H Port-H land, Salt Lake at San Francisco and H Oakland and Vernon at Los Angeles. H Admission day, September 9: San 1 Francisco at Portland, Oakland and H Salt Lake at San Francisco and Ver- H non at Los Angeles. |