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Show DIG SCHOOL CONTESTS Tfl BE POLLED OFF TOMORROW The 1915-16 basketball season of the Utah State high school league, northern north-ern division, will be of ficialb opened tomorrow night, with a game 'between the Davis County and Ogden high school teams. - The contest will be staged on the Ogden high school floor and is expected to give a good line on the chances of both teams for stellar honors in the finals. Much interest has been manifested by the students of both schools in the near approach of the contest and a big crowd of Davis county students is expected to accompany their team to Ogden. Virtually the entire student stu-dent body of the local school is expected ex-pected to turn out to root for the "Orange and Black" and to make the occasion generally interesting. Coach Lon Romney has picked a promising bunch of players from the big squad that- tried out at the local high school last month for places and has kept them steadily on the training train-ing table for several weeks. Chambers Cham-bers will play the center position, Pingree, De Young and L. Falck are the eligible forwards and Joe Falck, D. Pingree, Crosman and Adams are the eligible guards. While the Ogden game is in progress, prog-ress, the Weber academy and Box-elder Box-elder high school teams will contest at Brigham City. An excursion will be run to Brigham City over the Ogden, Og-den, Logan & Idaho railway for tho event and it is expected that several hundred Weber academy students will take advantage of it, as in past years. |