Show j 4 T LOCAL BREVITIES n J 11 Moll hu gon lo STh tako on builncii matlirt A A Ferry niinu OUT tiom IlillUrd Ilia Out of llio work on 1111111 IM mill I ploiiuro A Wheadon la l now lomlwl At 110 lch aiamtot the op mloit In the mil toad olllco I H Kenyon bought Ito itoli book account eta ul Shioklt Ilro I IVrk I City Tnotday County Attorney Slil kli siteudll l the I meeting ul tliv Hoard ot County Com I mliilnuorii haluntny toil I 5 Deputy Micrlu IrtJiltM miut ii Ir p I mil Into the lillU for Its parpow ef I picking Up cheep llojimi thfa week I I I llelwrllouanliltlii I Cuilvlllo 111111 forn lime lie tm UMII taking I I In the fight 011 Bull Lok I lot a utwk 1o N UMlvilfi una JI IL llntl Iota I I 1 tiili purchaiwl 11 KfAptiupliunu wlitdi I furnKlio niiiuiviuani 11 mini dally d R County twpulnlmitilil MuUorklu vtut Momlny ant Tueo lows from 1uik City I ilny ni a memU r ul lit I lioirtl ul tvncli uiexainlncti Joseph Bull II i + 01 IN 1 H rimpMii uUcmlcd rtii Cal tIu fluke TiiWr rcd th0 meeting i inclo Sunday 111 I It i r ing Inthenltcni > a 1 oil Itcporl 1011111 I II MolltU that 1 UulM 11010 I Mmlo At JIUIIf I I lout 1 much 10 Ihll VatatCll I 011111 I fitnm I luiiiln nuu I u f A lunrrin > cII + wne l loosed l H atur f I day ht hy CUIII u lltrk Uo > 111 41 4 uno IVrHni and l < IlUIeaa l lure bosh 1 IAIP N11 1 111 100 1p0nhhn0 i a1t 4 their bouoyma011u the Wtrbar J III 11 t I Ii 111111I0111I h I I 01 II ilK In Cual 111b lb 1 I 1 altcl t a hart tog vtllu3funlnv II IOJ A tery order h + + llhG 1 1 I vr Wrlllht tdo00u Ltlmu 1n + 01 IlltlrrlNitO alto ulmn t IIVO alk Ito went to 1 1 k 1 c Iuudav morning lie will make II genital I round ol vltltl 14 the lodges In lil jet J iHllctlon J I hat pnrrlmcd thfl Win lluffiniuliii T llolwn ruWfncj and Ii now bmlly 1 engg1 In movlrit In heW luinlWr ore reparatory i lo k tj > house Salina ire 1 Tim Irut crop In Ie tUr 1 mainly Ii M > in tlilnK JmllltPtot Tree are brooking down under Iht lotil of apple 1 < nnii i > < ir aiBl ItlICh A tuner by lie iwnieof Mo 1 dike working In II c Slim King Pork City rwYlvnla 1 rover lilja ty ftom s ruck Ion falling I-on hli fool MonOdy iilfhk The out ii iMMlly uimlinl If yon want to tern the Alt ot rule Jig tike pwHihw tin flpplo tree 0k Mrs boo Sietliist AIOIII IU 1 II JOB I resale Itr Ilie Inquiry 1 you Kill hare l i iMrnol a vehooble tt CIet t tery heavy wlmhlMtnvMltd Ihh Mellon Vrlrtu they eTtnlml but ailde from ipHtlliijtln two and blowing Blown about Iwll of n Ug collonwoud IIM fn Main treol no dnmaitn wm done f I Wation wife and baby 01 Peon tart In GoaMlloTiiwUtr Mr Wation will remoo loot work In Fork City n hero he hue been vrnployml to teaeh ana of Iho irhooli for the romlng shoot jiwr MlMAmy and Waller Hoyden went w Bait lake I Sunday to attend the lu nol of Mep I Oitlfr their mint who 11x1 on IhoSOthlnil Mr I John Hoyden brother of lIe del weli hud gone III th day before Mrand Mn Joi ph Hull Jr Mr niul Mn N b TIII > UII and 1 Mrs O Imilwn of Salt Iako were In Conhlll Sntnlav and Holiday Iholueol1 l lieu Hiiirnnd fmnlly They rtnurntd Tone dar W II I IurkiMiii oq Monday brought l > roroJnilIcoWII both for crating heel iltlioutn llrcme lie wai lined UW and coot On TiKiday I 8 londlu wai arralittml l on the nine chnrifoand fined 4100 and rest Mr I Itandallof Union cmo down to CoaMlle Wtdneiday and while hero woo taktnicrlonily III llewni cared for honuvtr and on the following morn < Inn Henry Wheaton drove him to hit home Mri Vcter Clark and ally who ilncc her teat trouble hat been residing wllh her parent at Firiro Calli I Coal Lille vliltlng mnoni thoie nhoin though stronger iho rvmemlxTi a > her frlrndi lion O A Uallli returned from the I awmllli yeiletiby Mr Collie Inlornn 1T that tho twn largo eawmllls me IXHMI I hue down and Ilka alt goal cltlwni deplore tho nece lty 01 such A inuvu and Ito ImrJililin It will hrltiK iiHin theoommunlty Cunnlt haul with hi vII Atrolo nixl I QUntnnthulirpnotlit IIA i uM ton ion fjrmunoMlnlOOF I lall Tursdny and 1 Weilncmljy night Tho allundincv vrit sloth t both IIyrUIIlIl Thu lint prr lorniHlico wall illm > gliiiiutiit lo thou who attentlod whichun loublnlly In the rerun tilt nttrndanco hO light the iMOiul night ClAnmn eonld not gel a snjerl thin tint night Ainl I tha ltiuoow 1 put ultho lliow IU tat short to pleaH > On alto + ccml night h nvvtr thu lijjv I njtul iMiirnl 1 Iwo nibjct and 1 last tiKiii under Iho I Inlli nice In a short l lime 1 hey did wlMerlr told 1 them to and furiilihrd rontlilerublv amute iimnt for Ilia audtenco Thin largest croud nod tint grralett oxglleimnt wulmM < seen In C < > aMlla Inn I In-n ni H IIOIMI bj ujoung man Ironi lltber riding I n bin king horse op I the street Thu nnlrnul xvlilontl 0bjeututi lo being ipurreil ami dumped l his rider ill ono iliitl Tim horveman lioHBMr rwnonnlnl II1ltllh8 horM ire 1 cm In buck again with muli vigor Unit Ito throw hlmnl III1 l rider ni well Juu I thoii Manlmll Wllklm lni rf reJ 910 1 u ilMiltvd u foal Item for tin M lily tout pol01dy i CHW for the doctor ny for billing him to mount nMln III j the 01001 t lie ehnnii hit Milill to 1110 pnyh too i ImJIng slot nton It I I |