Show a3 1 I Tlitjr naat 3b0X hit boon liouiht 1 Ins the Tnlrd Dltfflct court aealn ih e Ontnrlo ugly bur and SlUtr klnll mining fcom pku fi by the lloylnHlo hll lIon rolll itny tnreooner 39000 nDIIIU al 1 legit I lo hate Ixrrt nud by the befoul ingot the watermnptylrg Into SlUcr t imk at thUrttlnf Tho complaint Age > A-ge that the poltonoui nature of the ulrrel Ir e 1 d eoekweiuird b the J4III SI Ing oC telling Into 101 wate t er Aa w el ants to Im I UlIltIIu lIve soil death lo totkj The milt t > ninuei lo bo quite In toreitni at It will bo I nerouary for plnlirtiri to prove n great value for a lot practically worthlrii riot b lloin all1 rite hrllih bench laiui Inordcr to recnrr anvthlni Ilka 30000 even If I I lliejfjwnctl the whole creek from 1nrk Cllyii Uanihlp II llnrrliiRton tout K I liMurio iireiiUoriicyi for plalntliri IA Itenird |