Show IDAHO STATE NEWS I Ile Nhrt line ho restored S cents I Or day of the IIJtout In the wages of pane section men which cauwl he In l lpnt strike about Aug I As the company employs about 400 Japa OeO0 sectim iwn this will mako a nliTrr ne of almnt SIJMM per month In I the pay roll The hale now get 810 Inc Jy and want slid water free I Hr tnrver the world fninnu shot has wrltii the Idaho Intermniintinn I lair ranimtttee mnklng n proi > ottloii I toglte rihlhllloiii here during the I I fair In sddltloii to tun hooting en tertslninent nrver has a nenntlonal shun In the nay of two huemes dlvlnir I from a high tower head foremoU Into Hater If arrangement are made t I with Carter to slww hero during Iho Mr ii large tank w Ill lt built on the I fair ground for the hnrw to plunge I Into I Twit ibis wheelman while touring I the Pant Utter emntry find tho uds I I firtu e to warn a eowNiy borne The enragid tnquero tiiolc after the biliera eunlne and swinging I his lariat i er uun head u + if to law them An rxcllinghsse0ueu1 the nlirelman I Jelng seared Bliiio1 out of their wit until finally one of them fell exhnmt I ed 1 bj the wayldo The cowloy wn iwrelful and iN > rmttUd thi prmlrale bell to lire but the wheelmen will ride home In the ear A alwclal election will 1w held In I lunyon enmity Sept I at which lime the taipayers will dwlde Whether they will wy the bridge and M4ilp warrant ouUlandlngiiffalnot the nnitity The amount In question U I 816111 n OJJOI being walp warrant SUJI nllh 7 tier cent Interest from Jiinuary Inns for brhlire drawn 1 In furor of thn IllllcltoHerxig imKiiiy leorge W Hill thin engineer his elurned from Lung l vnllev inhere Im fin Won Intpecttng Ilillisl State surveys sur-veys Mr Hall reports that cattle ara scarce In thu valley thl ytlr unit the price high Twoyrnrold bring I JU ahead a-head A buyer whom ho met there find secured 3 < M hand l but that seemed lo clunn the valley up hero are large qimntltle of heel lu till coon try Mr Hall saw numerous band thn smallest of which numbered 2300 A IL llntler lie well known dredge contractor hat Wen engaged for sometime some-time In puling In a 1IIt dredge on the Snake river near Xyatt for llakcr Scott of Taeuina The ilnilga Is I Ire baby eoutplclI and tho Intention Is to Jilcaui up 1 Man Thn plant Is one of the Urgent ever put on Snake river It Iono tno Mlncli centrifugal pump and Iho Imrgo Itself ls I GOd 10 feet Tho plant will handle IM yard of dirt an hour he ground has been thonnigcly propcctod unit will run for 31 cents to 10 cents n yard rue Taeo maiHoplo puictmicd thin ground nlwut > JO acres from Dan and Arthur Rich I arils of Ills A sad rate of destitution and desertion deser-tion floated Into Pocatello In a rickety old wngon and a sorry old team tllle day last week It nu Thomas Ilia look and his six children the youngest n balio of two years and the oldest Irs I than II year lllalock told n pitiful I tale With his wlfo nut children ha started out from Mont jwller l about ten days ago bending for Washington nhcre ho hoped lo build a homo nnd wring n living from the soil The second day out his w Ifo deserted de-serted him and tha children and without with-out a word wont off with a Cokevllle sport Ho tried tolmluco her to return but In vain amid then came on He arrived hero sick and destltulc his children helpless nail uucarrd for and was compelled to appeal lo lie county for aid Ha Is I being cared for Isaao W lllnko tho promoter of the Seven Devils railroad nn In Welser last week Ho tat1 that In order to Interest nay ono In building a railroad to hue camp It was lIt neceunry to got a smelter at work and tiirnlngout a product In order to practically demonstrate de-monstrate that tI lie ore could be suo cessfully mid profitably treated They had advanced In that direction so for that tho amellxr wa now In Wvlser The next question was location He ova Inclined Ui think It would lie located lo-cated on the leeks of the finske at the foot of the Klelusehintdt grade about 90 miles from the mines the Wen lielng that It would be dotvu out uf the snow there the coke supply pould be delivered cheaper and the OniRiMi ore field be also drawn from Tin Idaho railroad WM orifunltwl to bulled u narrow gauge from the smelter smel-ter to the mines 1wo toys of olio were on Monday dvulared not guilty of stealing watermelons melon from n Chlnamaua wagon but the Jury re4 min ndml the boy to n reprimand by the court which war promply given In n fatherly manner An abstract of the assuMiucnt roll of Canyon county for IW has Just been oolllllut and wilt to line stale auditor Tho 16117 roll exceeds that of ISM by 8U5I700 to whluh taunt Ulan bo added the II N A O railway 8I 10009 making mak-ing a total Increase of assessable property prop-erty over last year 11391 l Governor SIOllllullhllrf met with an accident while returning from the Doadwood oounlry on horsebauk Hll hone fell and hll leg was caught under un-der the animal The only Injury sustained sus-tained by thn governor ms the sprsln 111r91lIIJIIlb whit |