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Show v7 , -- A i The Winner OSCAR F. LYONS, The Coalville of one of those 4ioo prizes got in this way: her yellow-ticke1. By using the tea herself 2. By asking some friend-who use the tea to give her their tickets. ts " Notary Public and Conveyancer. hJ Collection Promptly Commission. . in a e on obm ta the posTorritE biildixo, , Ieoa. Summit Cutnty, t'Ub By inducing some friends to try the tea and give her their 3. tickets. One of her friends kept a boarding house, and sent her lots of tickets. Haven't you some friend who keeps a boarding house or a restaurant, or who has influence in some hospital 01 other public institution? need good tea there. Rules of cornet in lare a The i t Ivertis-Miieu- bout first and middle o! tsio- - month. a a t TAKE . t Returning NOTICE. While Tin. Timi s dislikes to call the attention of"its $2 subscriber, delinquent through tire paper, to the fact of their indebtedness, per Year. Prosperity. nnd especially so often, it' has become a matter of necessity, as it is the quicke-and surest method. t We do not wish our read- ers to construe this as a dun, This but simply as a notice to V those a ho are in arrears, that lesvN Larger Circulation we are unable to carry them any longer and must insist on a settlement at JnSummit jxwwyvrn. County, outside Park City, than once. are prepared to take produce, etc., at least in V Space reach of all. f Within a short time all For rent indebted to ns will receive a notice of the same, and tfnless immediate steps are taken to straighten tip, the accounts will of necessity be put in the hands of -- am attorney ',3 for collection. w ish to add any- thing in the way of costs to tbo-- e who are owing us, and will not be nec- trii-ttha- essary to resort to legal ; hut money we must have as a '.matter of proceedings THE TIIMIIE 3S- - and' Jthere will be no delay in carrying out the terms ice. &' all other papers combined, part payment and thus place a settlement within the We do nut r. Tfca.TVWw.Ai of this Tt.VthS PcBMSHING not- Co. Job Printing Joseph Jones, Department TINNER. - Shop, one block east of Stake House. Coalville, Utah. XS - COMPLETE I |