Show DODICS TAINT THE Ain 1lnn are ltep trtet ttrlogby lb lion dent London Aug 2Tha correipomlen t of Ito Dully Chronlclo lu a Utter from Cuba tells of further cruelty and dli tress In that Island Ho nays the paclllco are dying by the hundreds their bodies tainting the air close to n Spanish fort Tho Ohronlclo correspondent continuing con-tinuing remarks that a private letter ha been received at Havana from Senor Bagata tho Liberal loader In Spain In which he says The atrocities are ratting a thrill of horror In Europe and I fear It Is 1m poslblo to rrUn fresh loam without which wo cannot retain Cuba The correspondent further sayc German syndicate are buying the devastated estate nt normal sum and Intend toga vxtenttvely for coffee planting abandoning sugar ThU will directly concern the United States and Trench sugar trusts and will probably proba-bly lead to extensive sugar rowing In Georgia and 1lorlda |