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Show XORTIIWKST JUDGE NOTES. t DUtlncoUhed A new well has l?eu opeued in the Horenee itoloradm oil district j ' ; d . in llawhns, ar' being imp, mod greatly, the tdal ispinditine in the w ork to be 5M0.ii, in John I.urr was drowned at Mump, week while bathing in the Ida. last Salmon )iv,.r. j, aged a iout ,veai' ( do ph 11, teriine a tie lad, with some children near s Miia.l Muiiin at Horse I'lalcs. Mon- tana, fc.l into the i reck and w as drovv n- tfd befoic n net ai i ncd w h A slu-c- was fouu pa. Ida henhr named Henry Conant wan lering about nsar Namin a lupiess and demented I condition llidatber is a .Methodist niinsti r at 1'nn ,d. ; m-- 1 lie Kootenai liner 'Llsiis sirtation company lias commenced the construction at .It linings of steuniets to ply I -- one of the proin- Judge Love inent attorneys of the coast and inter- mountain region for many years,' and has hosts of friends who w ill be pained to hear of deatlj Hewas born in Salisbury, N. C., in 1447, and soon after the war broke out entered the army, fighting until the close of the war. He then studied law, and about 1S75 came to the Iacitic coast, locating in California. W,cn the mining excitement broke out in White Line county. Nevada, he went there. Shortly afterward he was elected county attorney of White Pine county, and upon removing to Elko was elected county attorney of that county, boon after the close of his term he moved to Utah, and settled in Ogden in December, ls'JO. After over a year's residence here he moved to Pocatello, where he practiced law until last March, w hen li is health failed him and he moved hack to Ogden. He lived with his sister, Mrs. Tate. Deceased leaves three sisters, one in North ( arolina, another, Mrs. Tait of Ogden, and the third the wife of Judge Beatty of the ctreult court of ban Francisco, li-- contracts to the lowest bolder John Miai ke of livanston. oming aged tiO, was i h.trged w ith i minimi assault upon an eight year-olgirl 1 hree small accidents oceured in the Laramie railroad yards witliiu three days, none bung of serious cousc-'uein- e laeihe y ards Wil- - T J "7 A Livingston. Mont, judge decides that the cits council must let printing ion Judge th ftiMa !:;nthe20t,VnSt iliiMiian. a Boise wife lieater, has Wen sentenced to live mouths in jail. Hukrerman want the county seat of Lincoln county, Lta mm located at choxhour . n ? OfriMl Jtfnc of his nephew. Hugh At Tate, ... Ihe Iltttts Away. Ogden, Utah, Aug. II Uam P IOVe died udJenly Hon. T. G. Woods wa fatally injured in a runaway near Aguxta Montana The upreuiel.rder of lied Men have in liutte a Male g, eat eoun- organized . clj JOINS THE BOOST GANG. LOVE DEAD. 1 PROPOSED RAILROAD. Company With a Capital of 3.000,00 Contemplating the 4 eaalbUity. i Tort Townsend, Wash., Aug. 24. Residents of JaDeau, Alaska, are very much in earnest over the proposed Yukon Mining, Trading A Transportation company to construct a railroad from Tokou Inlet to Lake Teslin. a distance of 130 miles. The company also contemplates a road up the beach from Tokou to Juneau, adiatanceof twenty-nin- e miles. At the bead of the railroad scheme is P. J. Packard, special agent of the company, who says his associates Include Preston Lea and M illard bauls-bur- y of Delaware and New York and Philadelphia capitalists. The Yukon Mining, Trading & Transportation company is capitalized at $3,000,000. During the past w inter the company has applied for and received all necessary charters from the United States, British Columbia and the Dominion governments. between Jennings and the hurt Steele country on the Kootenai river. A section foreman near Pueblo got three lars of (irt. ,ujxed ,,p with a gravel train and distributed it along the right of way. Most of the valuable rock was recovered. A man named Edwards was arrested at Salmon. Idaho. for stealing horses at Montana, hut the offense was described in the warrant of arrest as "conveying property from Montana to Idaho. James W. Burns of Hail v say that from the ta 11c he heard from the sheep men, it is likely that Daily will become the heaviest sheep shipping point on the old Union Pacific system. Holds Vp a Crap Table. Mrs Miles, the aged mother of Tom Rawlins, Wyo., Aug. 24. A little Miles, who was killed about a month 9 o'clock last evening, whila the after of a ditch in front ago by the eave-irobof the Yerrick block, lies dead at her streets were full of people, a nervy hold to the ber up crap attempted home on the school section, in Butte. saloon. The lower She djed by Jier ,qw n hand, having table at Slobb's was concealed by a taken two teaspoonfuls of Rough on part' of "his face He walked up the table handkerchief. Rats. with a pistol in one hand and make a The raolroail company is making for the silver, succeeding in getsome improvements at Hillard, Wyom- grab $20. about ting g and ing in aid of the A bystander raised a chair to hit the dipping plant. They are putting up a robber, and a shot made him drop it. boiler-housand sheds for the accom- The robber then ran outside, fired anmodation of lie sheepmen who wiTl other shot and ran south across the make Hilliard a shinping point for Railroad tracks and will probably get their wool, ect. Quite a number of away, as the robbery was so quickly trail sheep will be dipped there this done that no one seems to be able to fall. give a description of the man. Tlie famous round-uparty of invinHave War in Texas. who left Casper, cible Tez., Dallas, Ang. 24. Carl Medows, . on July 30. to gather cattle from Wjo a young white man was killed by a counthe notorious at Leonard, Tex., several days try, have fulfilled their mission and negro returned. They gathered in the neigh- ago. The whites held a meeting and borhood of 550 cattle and met with no warned all the negroes to leave. All serious encounter with rustlers, though left but one, aud last night he was war was threatened on two occasions. whipped by a mob of white men. It the negroes had not gone son of Olof Johnson appears that A and the whipping of the only far, very of Livingston. Mont., fell under a member of their race in the remaining reand moving train in the yards town infuriated them to such an exceived injuries from which he died two tent that procured arms and are hours later. Hewas playfully jump- now said they be to marching upon the when in the he ears on the yard, ing Two town. loads of negroes wagon missed his footing and fell under the Clinton en route to Leonard have left was one leg wheels. He lost one arm, anils quads have left Ladonia and Bontaken off near the body, and he re- ham to join the Clinton party. ceived severe internal injuries. Murdered attortUulitkls St. Mary's convent school is a thing Fort N Washakie, conis Wyo., Aug. 24 ns of the past, as far irginia Two colored soldiers of the Ninth convent sisters the of The last cerned, who have been at Virginia some of United States cavalry fought a bloody here. The participants were them for many years, have departed battle Isiaah Johnson and Henry lanley, who be not school will reopened. the and bad been assigned to some work, over w ill soon The sisters at the all and sisters of; which they quarrelef and came to follow the. .invent ! blows. They finally' separated aud diocese iu th is Shteisof (h.uitv the Johnson started to walk away when tom-! m.mv v i II go Js. where. There;' re he picked up a rille and shot Panley who arc through the body. The wounded man pa rlnre iif the Sisters of (hiuity from) died within a few hour. Johnson will have lmlv Th.-e .vomui theold iode. be taken to ( heyenne for triaL been in this community fur many e tl nursed Making Another Trip. years and have faithfully sick and administered to the destitute Victoria, B. Aug. 22. The steamand fatherless. er George F. btarr, called at Union, iation will, having on board a number of Klon- The state firemen's on Anaconda Kcpteinberr 20th dykers, one m.an from Seattle having meet iu Four Victorians have beand continue in session for three days, $10,000. tween them 823,000. They only went east of OxSheep in the mountains will in and last return immediMay, ford. Ida , have so defiled the water can get through say They ately. they that it is unfit for drinking purposes. to Dawson City this season. A large cinnamon bear wa killed at Trusted Mu Embezzle. The bear Monte Carlo, Nevada. SL ome for time, Louis, Ang. 22. Charles Krey, has been in the vicinity of been ia the employ of the off a band has who well been and has living liod" Pacific and United States Express comout there, that range sheep "Barton got after him with his dog and panies in this city, 1m been arrested From the he took to a tree. M r. Barton soon at- for embezzling about tracted the attention of some other companies and robbing packages in men by his halloos and some rifles transit of about $4,300. Krey waa were secured and tlie boys nearly all j transfer money clerk and was trusted had a crack at the bear. After he was implicitly. He began his speculations killed they all claimed the credit of about 14 years ago. , firing the fa tab shuL The bear was A raid., on Kansas City pool rooms very fat and weighed over 300 pounds. caught 125 men and boya. n sheep-shearin- e 1 ho-pit- al istix-Ucr- s n-- -- 4tL,-00- 0 Breaks Jails B Uich ester for Piotaettoa. While th Richfield, Utah, Aug- - 23. tKe Seir8 of stake conference was being held at Elsinore and n the people were out of town noun Madsen, who was confined In the r AT ty jail charged with shootingtook ad Kalina depot, Ktorrs at the from vantage of the time and escapedaccotn an or filed custody. He either plice tiled the lock on the jail doJf went into an adjoining house an I11 in g the residents hail gone h und Winchester rifle with cartridges that sheriff saying wrote a note to the as lie was goiug to Robbers Roost, life was too short to stay in jaiT was seen leaving, but being a stranger to the people here, no one reengaged him, nor suspected anything wrong. Some time -- after Mrs. King came home and noticed some one had been in the house during her absence and and running to the jail found it empty Notice the lock laying on the ground. was at once g iven to the sheriff, who the immediately went ,ln search Lr answering missing man. A footman Madsen's description was seen c raising the track at Sigurd and making for the mountains Madsen is a pleasant appearing man of 20 or 22 years. He is sandy and ha lost 60 me of his front teeth. It isbelived he will make a hard fight rather than to b taken. He lias always acted well while In custody and was allowed to go about the main room of the jail without hand- cuffs or shackle. Every evidence points to some one outside having done the filing of the lock. Chris Mad. STATE NEWS. MINING NOTES. DEPOSITS MAY BE D ofessov Heines Carrot Pmal MICA The Short line has restored J rents r da.v f the in the wages of Japanese section men, which caused the incipient strike about Aug. J. As the compauy employs about 400 Japanese section men, jthia will make a difference of aWu.tii.VM per month in Hie pay rod. 'Ihe Japs now get 1.26 per day and wood and water free, pr (ttrver, the worlds famous shot, a "riteu the Idaho lutermountiaa fair committee making a proposition to give , hihitiuns here during the shooting en-- a sensational horses diving foremost into "ater if i angements are made h Carver to show here during ths fair a laigr tank w ill be built on ths fairground- - fm the horses to plungs Error. f Only 14 men are. novvemployedftt 7. A. riolmea, state geologist! the Daly Xo. 2, at Park City, Utah. North Carolina, who la lnvestigatJ At the Ontario No. 3, at Park City, the mica deposits of the West fo t United States Geological bureau! fit all hut the timber men have been layed returned from a trip up Clear t , off. canon to examine some in lea ledges L A man who has put In a cyinlde Jefferson and Gilpin counties. T do not care to express any opfnU plan tat the Muehaoho mines ner Yuma, the value of these deposits regarding workis a rich Ari., making thing by said he, until the necessary testa hav. ing the tailings. been made at Waahlngtoit but I greatly pleiJied wTV. the It is said that a new mill will be say that I was .examispiearanee of the ledges A erected on the North Last Chance ned and regard them as offering every property, at llingliam, Utah, to re encouragement for development There seems to be a prevalent opinplace t lie one burned recently, within ion in Colorado that the deposits of ninety days. mica are always shallow, and If some 4 three-da- j s' shut down of the De merchantable mica is not found within I.umar mine, in Nevada, for the pur three or four feet the claims are genabandoned. Tills la alL wrong. overhauling has been erally The dikes In which mica ts usually is the now sud mine passed humming formed are frequently limited in exagain tent, but there Is no reason Tor supinto Thotnas Walsh of Colorado is in posing that the mica does not extend Iwo Pause wheelman, while touring I tah looking for a site to locate a as far as the dike itself. None of the deposits I have examined In Colorado the Wood lliver country, had the miswhile pvritic smelter. Mr. Walsh has dem- are down more than twenty fortune to scare a cowboy's horse onstrated in Colorado that pyritio ores In some of the mines In Northfeet, Carolina Ihe enraged aqucro took after the can lie made profitable to the producer the mica is obtained from a depth of 300 feet, and the same reasons exist tuners i ursmg ami swinging his lariat and will visit all the camps in Utah in for continuation tu depth as in the over his head, as if to lasso them. An the effort to further prove it. case of true fissure veins of gold and cm it lug i base etis ued. the wheelman! silver ore. There Is every reason for clavia suffered broken Jo Dupont the presumption that uilca can be H'ing scared almost out of their wit, until finally one of them fell exhaust- - cle and several bruises at the April mined to the depth of 1,000 feet. The Fool mine in Nevada in a manner mica becomes better as depth Is ed hv tlie WdVsule. The cowboy was w liioh should make him thankful that gained, as it Is less liable to rot from merciful and permitted tin prostrate some of the is alive. A ton of rock eared tjown atmospherical causes. If be man to lie. tint tin- wheelmen will deposits I have seen - here were in in which lie was working North Carolina in the drift rule home tn the ea-they would be In active - i and his escape from drnlh was almost development aud eperatluuj! A spe, ml election Wnl lie held in! miraculous. anyon county Kept I. at winch time Belling Minna. The concentrator for the the taxpayers will decide whether they YYe suppose many mLneni want t Washakie mine, in Cassia county, Ida- know w ill pay the bridge and scalp warrant how to sell their mines or prosc is been lias and it shipped, pects, and they all look to the East as outstanding against the county. The ho, ted that tlie plaul will be in opera- the market place. Many have been led amount m question is $18 s u U4, tion within six weeks. A force of men to think, from newspaper publications Ml tiring scalp warrants, $M,974, and the stories of Interested with 7 per cent interest from Juuuary, is now at work iu the developcment promoters, glided that the whole eastern Isa; for bridges, drawn in favor of the of the property and it is reported that country, especially Its money owners, of blocked out are reserve re ere quits willing, If not anxious, to buy Gillette-Herzolarge company. and in sight. . gold mining properties. Western men W. Bill ha the George engineer, recognize the fact that gold mining. Inefreturned from long valley, where ha Kcjiort from Colorado are to the telligently conducted, la a profitable and railroad Has been inspecting United Mates sur-o- f fect that the smelter occupation, and that gold Is constantly London, Aug. 22 The correspondent in value, therefore tbe East In the Daily Chronicle in a letter from veys. Mr. Ball reports that cattle are are w illing to make a reduction to lucrcaalng to to engage in the work. Ths ready order in rate and freight Cuba tells of further cruelty and dis- - scarce in tlie valley this year, and the .Smelting fact to that ihe East, as a whole, dont the silver mines of the state from know s ' Price High. briug $ 12 a keep tress in that island. anything about gold mining, and also that the miners that gold Is lucreaslng In value, that He says the paciflcos are dying by luad. A buyer whom he met there closing down, have offered to accept a cut in wage the burtnege Is profitable, or whether the hundreds, their bodies tainting ha1 secured 300 head, but that seemed, Creek is In Alaska or South rather than be thrown out of employ- Cripple to clean the are There valley up. the air close to a Spanish fort. America. Tbe inevitable result is ment. that there Is no general feding in faThe Ohronicle correspondent con- large quantities of beep In tlie eoun-tr- y vor of gold mining, unless It be in Mr. Ball saw nu merous bands, Anof the letter The furtlier a remarks that developcment private tinuing. Klondyke, or desire to Invest in tbs the smallest of which numbered i to 2,500 ha been received at Havana from telope group at llingliam, Utah, business. This Is true both as to ths A. H. Butler, the well known dredge Senor Sagasta, the Liberal leader in lc undertaken in the next few day, general public and with the special few contractor, has been engaged for some and the work prosecuted on a most en- who have money. The merchant, Spain, in which he says: time In puting in a big dredge on the ergetic scale. The property i owned shopkeeper, common professional man, a thrill The atrocities are raising etc., who form the mass of of horror in Europe, and I fear it is im- Snake river near Nyssa for Baker A by Col. Jack McNally and "Rory Mc- contractor, the heretofore investing public, are Donald, and ha, it U said, already practically all broke or as hard up as possible to raise fresh loans, without Scott of Tacoma. The dredge is prac which we cannot retain Cuba. ticaly completed, and tlie intention is been productive of several hundred they are In the West, so they could to .steam up soon. Tlie plant ia tons of high-gradore, that wa taken not buy if they wanted to. The real The correspondent further says: one of the largest ever put on Snake out through the workings of a neigh- moneyed men are the ones who buy, German syndicates are buying the when.any buying is done, and they are devastated estates at normal sums, river. It has two difficult to satisfy. centrifugal boring property. Most mining men with a property ta and intend to go extensively for coffee pumps and the barge itself is 50x110 A big mining deal ha just been come East, as many miners go into planting, abandoning sugar. This will feet. The plant will handle 250 yards practically consummated, by which sell with a poorly prepared case. If court, of has an been hour. dirt 'he concern and States United the ground directly John D. Maekie will become the owner a would-b- e mine seller goes East with will run for of the famous Silver Fenk' French sugar trusts, and will proba- thorougely prospected and gold thine a mine to elt,"Be Should bring along bly lead to extensive sugar growing in 25 cents to 50 cents a yard. The Taco- in Nevada, A. M. Vfomble and George a report, or reports, the more the betfrom mining engineers or mining ma people puachased the ground about D. Georgia and Florida. Roberts have left Kan Francisco ter, men of good reputation and standing S50 acres, from Dan and Arthur Richfor New York to close the purchase of at home, about whom western banks or ards of Boise. Raid! a Moran Eldws. tle mine, which is said to be one of I the commercial agencies will glvs good A sad case of destitution and deserS. s C., Aug. Columbia, tbe greatest in the world, For aom report. The day when some unknown by M. B can Jones, in a tion floated into Pocatello been of have occurrickety time past it has been involved In liti- John freqdtnV whitecaps make a report wbteh will do any good one team old a and have old rence within the last few day in Fair sorry wagon has gone by. Tbe names and home gation, but now all the contests field and Kershaw counties. These day last week. It was Thomas Blabeen compromised. standing of the endorsers of a pioject are of great value in the East, and unraids have been altogether against the lock and his six children, the youngest DeLamar Is one of many less an enterprise can have such, an Captain and oldest two the of a babe Mormon elders aud their sympathizyears been attracted by the poss- effort to float it will prove useless. Secless than 14 years. Blalock told a who has ers. should have maps, photoof ibilities Tuscarora, Nevada. He has ond, a man With his wife and On Saturday night a band of 120 pitiful tale. graphs, mill and smelter returns, apd exand an on the had grounds, expert everything possible giving Information masked whitecaps went to a house children ha started out from Montpects to secure a slice of property in about bis property. If be has all these about four miles below Camden injBue-la- h pelier about ten days ago, heading for that vicinity. The property which he things, coupled with an acquaintance section, took out the three Mormon Washington, where he hoped to build ha inquired into is not far from the which ran give him access to clubs and elders, stripped them and administered a home and wring a living from tne Dexter, and it ia thought he will be moneyed men, and Is endowed with patience and grit, and money enough to soil. The second day out his wife dea whipping. n, identified with that district before carry on a four to six months withand and him serted the children It is supposed that the whitecaps he ran sell a mine in the East the year. of end the Cokeville came mostly from Fairfield and that out a word, went off with a In a If he lacks them, it is ninety-nin- e The gold sample brought In from hundred chances that he wtU fall lq the Mormon elders who were whipped sport, lie tried to induce her to return, J any effort to sell he may make. Minwere the one that escaped the white-cap- s but In vain, and theft came on. He State Line at the request of Captain A. Cohen ing Industry. II. his DeLamar and E. gave sick and destitute, on a previous occasion at the arrived here and it and values, for uncared and children assay satisfactory very helpless house of a man named Sharp. H1U Top la Big Lack. was compelled to appeal to the county is said that if the report of their ex1 is strike waa made a few An there for. Important cared for He is aid. equally satisfactory pert being Pike's Teak Mnrdvr. doubt but that this promising gold days ago in the Hill Top mine in e no of the W. Isaac the Blake, promoter Horseshoe gulch, Park county. The-orColorado Springs, Colo., Aug. 22. Seven Devils railroad, was in Weisrr camp will be able to boast of the has heretofore run an average of The body of a man w ho is supposed to near 14 ounces In silver, with a high perlast week, ne stated that in order to possession of an ore mill In the found near was have been murdered, centage in lead, and Is In such large interest any one in building a railroad future. the summit of Pike's Fesk and baa to bodies that tbe mine has been shipping to was first necessary the camp, it Crawford Moore has returned from a train load every day. Early last week been identified as that of H. II. Key of get a smelter at work, and turning out a trip to Seven Devils, to Boise, lie In working in the lower level a dike Wisner, Neb. Key was a tourist and a product in order to practically de- says he met two men who had Just was encountered crossing the vein at had been in this city and Manitou monstrate that the ores could be suc- just come out from Chamlierlain' basin right angles with the main drift along about a week. He was stopping at a the dike, and at a few feet distant a and of that section of Idaho that second dike was encountered at profitably treated. They cessfully right private residence in Manitou and on had advanced in that direction so far a portion is practically unexplored, where they angles with the first, and there seemed Wednesday he walked to the' peak. that the smelter was now in Wei-c- r. for to the be workmen to do nothing had been engaged in placer mining. Death was caused by a bullet wound but turn back on their tracks. wa location. lie next The dust of worth question gold had 51,000 at the base of the brain. The body was inclined to think it would lie lo- They It was finally decided to cut which th.ey had taken out in eleven this dike, which ft as done through was wedged into a culvert along the within cated on the banks of the Snake, at da vs. They were forced to depend on shout 20 feet. On the other side of tbe cog railroad. The ietim liad been the foot of the Kleiusehinidt grade, Mimv water, and could sluice but a few dike another large ore body was enrobbed. in that countered, v) liieh proves to le the best about 2ft miles from the mnex, the davs. Last fall they chute yet met In the mine, tho ore runout coldown lie would it idea that am! being satisfactory getting country, Lnrxiliilncit tturiter. ning from 50 to 0 ounces In silver, eoLo xxlien the the of the snow there, Mtpp'y ors, h terniined to return from $4 to $5 In gold, from 35 to 40 pet Shepard. Mich., Aug. 23. Cashiet and the lead and about $5 In. copper. The Struble of the ML Pleasant bank met could be delivered i Reaper, n from. snow was imlting and they could get cent new ore chute la being developed to dr.rv also field for a be out stake ore sluec and water Oregon enough death at the hands of parties unknown wa organized to the w inter. Before they left last fall ascertain its extent and excitement is high. Rs thought The Idaho railroad the sm tlwy made all the arrangements possithat three prominent nun in this vi- bailed a narrow gauge from Cold la ttlearagu. mines. to the ble. offibut s i the -- A new cinity are the murden New Orleans, Ang. gold Two boy, of Boise were on Monday Messrs Robertson and Majbamhave field has been discovered, but this on cer are reticent as to their identity. watertheir of not of declared stealing all deposIs In the tropica Reports hare com started upon the development The suspected partics-we-r guilty itors at the bank, aud some kind of melon from a ('tmiaintin's agon, but recent purchase at Mountain t ity, Ne- to this city lately that big finds of gold have been made In Nicaragua, and trouble over money matters is sup- the jury "recommended the b y to a vada, and will put down a loo-fothe steamers from that section bar war and which $77 cause ouee. the court, The of assays, the reprimand by shaft at posed to have been the been bringing In gold dust in proof of manner. $217, indicate that they have secured ft it trouble. Lynching is talked of should promply given in a fatherly S. E. Spence, a citizen of the murderers become known. An abstract of the assessment roll of good property. arrived here today on Texas, Houston, been 1 the of 37 ha tV. T. Andrews, manager ' just Canyon county for the steamer Fulton, plying between Shot HU W I to the state auditor. seven Devils Copfier Co's, property in New Orleans and Nicaraguan atUhent 23. completed, porta, J. B. Aug. Tenn., Nashville, 1490 of 1U97 roll exceeds that by Idaho, says that a railroad will be aud confirmed the stories about th Rich, a young white man, shot and The olso be added built from Huntington, a distance of discoveries In Nicaragua. He say h killd hie wife at the home of her moth- $42,547.00 to which must has been all over the gold field dis8100 0)0 makA N. 0. B. the Railway, sixty miles, to the Snake river on the tricts, and that gold Is there In large er in east Nashville. II then killed assessable of a.iotal propincrease esst, which will facilitate shipping quantities. " He aequired valuable his brother-in-law- , shooting him ing 111 $1 43,547, over last sufficiently to make operation profita- claims, and n return as soon as' he year twice. He shot himself twice, inflict- erty ran make arrangements to work them. ore of the A careful with aft met ble. sampling a Governor Steunenburg ing fatal wounds. Kich, week ago, the whole gold region down value He says to very rich and the climate filed a bill for divorce, alleging idfidel-ity- . accident while returning from the bodies showed that the average there r Hi was 20 par cent in copper, withsil-vesplendid. lie says unemployed miner Today he was arrested, charged Deadsyood country on horseback. unand gold in sufficient quantity of the United Statesrwlll do much betwas and his caught the horae of fell, with kidnadping onp leg children, and foi the treat- ter there than In attempting to go to and it is supposed the arrest enraged der the animal. The only injury aos- - to pay for smelting, Aiavka, Food in Nicaragua Is cheaj) erection of g the the ore of ment sprein-lathe wa the him, and led to the commitment of the tained by governcr end other cost are reasonable. been has smelter begun. of bisright wrist. crime. li)-c- r r n ex-pe- $!.-03- 2. g e 2Sy-Rald- cam--palg- well-know- n f- . t |