Show UTAH NBWS UU reported that the Mivrntc mill nt T < U Hy will Clone about HrpUm her Uiii mM Ilnylancc of fprlngvllli r shipped two rennet of pear to tbi eastern market lat week Mr kale the wife 1 of leorge Oar nero decease l of Payton It suffering from a paralytic ktroUetnd U 1 speechless speech-less I and helple She 10 I 79 year ol age ml In charge of her children Cattle buyer of Ht Ocorg are trying try-ing to buy cattle of any kind and are willing to pay al incut any price for them 18110 has been offered for old cows ewe peep bring U and very few can be bought at that price There hat been no Improvement In the condition the heat crop of late In Utah county Unless conditions change tIre will IKJ I no more than half a crop It In I not likely that the sugar factory at IM will be In opera than more than six weeks or two month at the outside C Andertoa barn with Its content wa entirely destroyed by tire at Fillmore Fill-more on Saturday The Ion la I about IWO with no Iniurance An yearold boy with matchra started the blain hare wee no wind at the time which win the only thing that sieved the Anderson and Itol lnon rra Idenret close by aa well at the tithing yard barn etc on the mouth According to the act of congress patted at the lat session of that body It become Incumbent for the federal court to alt at Ogden four time a year The drat session will commence there DO September 1 and 111 I part of the duty of the United Mate mir hal to provide suitable quarter In which to bold court Harry Leslie and James Ilaymond the ttvoveraallle young men who ter reprised Mr I Ilurton and threatened Hugh IK > iigall after breaking Into JIliliop lleattlo home In Halt Lake City on the IStlilnit and who were captured later waived preliminary examination and were held 1 to await the action of the dlitrlct court with bondt fixed at tlOOO toci Jack 1almcr hail a fierce encounter with n badger near Miller creek while retiirnlnir from Iluntlngton to price He wa fixing hit harucM when he no flood the fierce little animal anil truck at It with Isla whip The doughty badger then made a fierce attack flu Mr Palmer and was only conquered utter a hard light Jaine tamont likes located II coal wet yeas enMM nramtratKrotH mile Cast of Mount 1lcanant which Rive every Indication of being a very Important find Ho hat developed It enough to know that It Is I n blanket I rein of unknown width and U I about seven chose In depth lying between two Solid rock wall The bait hake City Street Railroad company one day lost wick presented each of the 173 men In Ila employ with n book containing fifty ticket good for that many street car tides on any part of the company system The ticket are Intended for the mo of the famlllc of the men and were given Btan acknowledgement of the huuctt and faithful am lit a performed l by the employee during the jubilee week Holla T Marshall allot Nick dram Beck 01 8JrlllllIle l l bare dUrovrrrdaiid I located a claim of some hind of mln coal aubttnnre but just vhnt It It and of what value It may be cannot be de I cold by those ho have teen It It It I I n solid aubttaiirc nf 0 light green Color and sometimes It slightly atnlned with yellow It lens a firma y feeling to the touch atilt will nmove dirt like soap I IV legate to the sixth imtluiml Irrl gallon vnngrpu thl h in l to be held 1 at Lincoln Neb September 76 to 30 heave lean appointed by lovernor Hell ihcltah reprtweiiUtUeaullI be U fayetla Kulbriwk 1ravti Mma Irrenuood Million Mlllunl uuuu tylofitl Mrtet of lult l kettniii tyi M W Merrill Jr of Ith Ititmnd Cache county unit John I hlld ul Ofdeti Henry < XM uf foresee got Judy neul fffalntt the T ° oust iron company nl l I fhl for J S7 10 and after ilUpoelui of the MU of the comp any there ullll remained fl an to uf the judgment un tinned Now Mr Jouvilulm that the Incorporations all Irhl purtle only paid IU per nut uf the capital atoek and he hail began cult 1 to Oulu Hl the p aynkellt of ao mui h of the bal Boom limy iMiipeewary to liquidate the Indebtedness of the company lour two weeks put IhIIlKU county hm l > eeii bleaavil with flue n frMlilng rain which hare been of un told benefit to farmers and tUieliiiieii The third crop nf lucerne U now looking cut and there are two mom crop yet to cut Ties hay crop la I the largest In the history of the County The whom crop l average thlt year but of n bet hr quality Tile fruit crop U tin hwtlut It ha been for yean with DC market for any of It while the grape vine are limply grow slug under the load |