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Show OALVIIjLE times ADOPTS iss TIMES PIBLISIIING CO. COALVILLE, A COLD Salvador Finds It Brevis 17 to This Mrp. Pan sma, Aug. Utah; UTAH NEWS. ItU reported that the Maraoe mill at Paz' Uj will close about Septem- ber 1. 23. NEW FORACE CRASS. STANDARD. This country has the slump in silver to tdopt a gold standard. Owing to the Snancial strait in which .Salvador Seen forced by found hejCfif the depression in com- uieree and the apparently hopeless fu- tare. President IGnitVrrex convoked sn extraordinary Session of eongress to jonsider ry crisis. At thetime he sent to congress a message urging the necessity of a ipeedy change in the currency system, there was some opiiti'n in congress to a gold standard and the tight was topres- raged until tin- bill passed dent was also authorized toL negotiate Tfnreigu loan of g ,"700110 The new' loan will go into effect within two mouths After it heeotm-operative, all customs wiH be pliable in gold. j j , a William SI. Roylano of Springville hipped tw3 carload of pear to thl eastern market loat week. Sira. Chase, the wife of George Garner, deceased, of Payson, i suffering from a paralytic ktroke and la speech-les- s and helpless. She is 76 years I age and in charge of her children. Cattle buyer of St Georgs are trying to buy cattle of say kind and are willing to pay almost any price for them; $18.50 has been offered for old cows; ewe sheep bring $2, and very few can be bought at that price. There ha been no improrement in the condition of the beet crop of late in Utah county. Unless condition change there will !e no more than half a crop. It Is not likely that the sugar factory at Lehi will be in operation more than six week or two month at the outside. C. Anderson's barn with its content was entirely destroyed by Are at Fillmore on Saturday last The lose la about $300, with no insurance. An boy with matches started the blexe. There was no wind at the time, which waa the only thing that aared the Anderson and Robinson residence elose by, a well as the tithing yard barn, etc., on the eonth. According to the act of congress passed at the last session of that body it becomes Incumbent for the federal court to ait at Ogden four times a year. The first session will commence there oa September 1, and it la part of the . duty of the United States marshal to provide suitable quartera In which to hold court Harry Leslie and James Raymond, th two versatile young men who terrorised Mrs. Burton and threatened Hugh Dougall after breaking Into Bishop Beattie house, in Salt Lake City oa the 18th intL, and who were captured later, waived the preliminary examination and were held to await the action of the district court with bonds fixed at $3,000 each. Jack Palmer had a fierce encounter with n badger near Miller creek while returning from Huntington te Price, He was fixing hie harnea when he the fierce little animal and struck at it with, htsKUIO.jO whip. TbsJISWdoughty badger then mads a fierce attack on Mr. Palmer sad was only conquered walling hr Port taint's arrival. Seattle, Hash ug ?" - Great interest is shown in the expected arrival of the Portland, and all sorts of iqierii-latioA a to the probable amount of She will probably arrive tomorrow, living reported off ( iTie Flattery l.ookouls have been (Misted all the wav to the mouth of the straits to rejMirt the first sight of the steamer aud the populace Is ready to gold wild with enthusiasm A large when she arrives party of newspaper men left by the steamer City of Seattle for Port Townsend. They expert to intercept the Portland with a tug, but are rather late in sturt-lug- . gold she will tiring is heard. 1 hick weather caused hv fog and moke makes the chance about even that they may miss the treasure ship. Stiver the Issue In Kansas. Topeka, Kas., Aug. 2 3. - The chairmen of the Populist, uand Free Silver Republican state commit tees met in conference here ami decided that in order to maintain fusion in Kansas it would not lie good policy to make opposition to federal emiris a leading issue in the coming cum-plg- lute rested lu Klondike. New York. Aug. 25. W. J. Arkell, who claim a large portion of the Alaska mining region under right of discovery bv an expedition fitted out by him, has made a deal for the sale of part of his proierty to a syndicate, t'hauneey M. IVpew is said to lie a member of the syndicate winch lias bought Mr. Arkell land and also a slice of Joseph l.ad tie's holdings in Dawson City. Resides th-- . IVpew. II. Walter Webb and other Tamlerhilt directors are reputed member of the new company. Theory tontlrmed. 'ranoiseo, Aug. 35. H hen the Figcl examination was resumed GmIhv, lr. Kdwurd Bunnell related in detail the result of certain experiment Delegate to the sixth national irri- which he had made at the request of gation congress which is to lie held at the defense during the past few day Lincoln, Neb., September 28 to 30 have with a pistol a cadaver. lie been appointed by Governor Hells. maintained that iqxin his experiments orily The Utah representatives will be served to strengthen hts opinion Holbrook of Provo, Alms formed at the time of his examinaGreenwood of Fillmore, Millard ('own tion of Isaac Hoffmans wounds bety: John A, Street of Salt Lake eoun fore he died, tiiat they lia.1 hr,-ty;M. W. Merrill, jr., of Richmond. Cache county; and John C. Holds o! Illuming land Select huts. Ogden. D. . ,q Washington. tug Henry Jove of Provo got judgment of the Interior KecreVry Locust up. the Grove gainst company o! Lehi for $2,287.30, and after disponing proves for patent a list of laud selectf the assets of the company there still ed by the State of H mining under the remained $1,273.48 of the judgim nt un- grant.to aid it charitable and educasatisfied. Now Mr. Joyce claims that tional institution, embracing in the Buffalo district. the incorporators, all laid parties acre A has been granted Hmfv nly paid 10 per cent of the capita! Robinson of Ida. Vunvvyck. .suit to com stock, and he hat A patent Lira lawn spnnkJ-- r u ,i pel the payment of So much of the bal hit.- of ance as inay be necessary to liquidate today issued to Enoch A. llailey, Ida. the indebtedness of the company. For two weeks past Washington Ills Stamp Mill. county bas been blessed with fine, reSeattle. Wash., Aug. 73. With freshing rains, which have been of un- IXtn.OOO tons of ore in sight, the prim told benefit to farmers and stockmen. Treadwell mine on Ihiuglas island. Tbe third crop of lucerne is now being cut, and there are two more crops yet Alaska, is soon to have the biggest it bus to cut The hay crop is the largest in stamp mill in the world. the history of the county. The wheat decided to double the capacity of ihe crop is average this year, but of a bet- plant making the number of stamps ter quality. The fruit crop is th 300. The next largest mill ia size i heaviest it has been for years, with n located in South Africa, and has 20 market for any of it, while thegrap stamp. The Treadwell will mine its vines are simply grow a in g 'under th product at a cost of Ft a toS" and will produce $173,000 a month. load. ' o t, Rn t.-- ts-e- The GtlsmOte leMM.II. Fort Duchesne. Utah, Aug. 24 Mr. George T. Eldredge of the United - . Kansas. Kansas City, Mo., Aug 23. Farmers throughout central and western Kansas are using every means Kissible to get their wheat on the market at the present high prices. Teams block the streets of many of the tow ns. and mills aud elevators are to their utmost capacity. The railroad yards in many of the larger towns are blocked with loaded ear which cunuot be The shipments were never bemoved. fore 0 large. As a result of tbe Imom in wheat, several large sales of farm property .have been made and holders have increased values 3.3 per cent. n IN IDAHO. CATTLE THIEVES thnt the Hu.lnrs. Irotltalile. Pocatello, Ida , Aug. 23. The operations pf cattle thieves in Cassia and Owyhee are becoming so extensive that the cattle business is becoming unprofitable. A strong organization Arison in that section of the cattle growers Solomonville, Ariz.. Aug. 23. The hes been formed, and a meeting will lie Arizona Pacific Railroad company ha celled for the purpose of forming a been incorporated v ith u capital stock state association. The primary ob-jis to check cattle stealing, but inof.?in.HUoo. Tbe incorporators ure K. J. Beard of Kansas ity. president. cidentally an effort will lie made to I. K. J. N. Porter, check the encroachments of the sheep-nvCattle stealing on those ranges. treasurer; and Frank V I) so extensive with Wood that many These, t becalming secretary. of Denver and John Blake comprise many men are going out of the busithe board of directors. ness. Tbe company proposta to construct a This, added to the fact that sheep railroad from u p lint on the Bauta e are dc Ring the range and that poison in New Mexico to Phirnix. Ari . w, eJ is growing in considerable quailing through the counties of Graham, thy, has induced many of the cattle Pinal and Maricopa, with branch Inu rowers, to move their herds, the to Clifton and GloV. tjiarks-Herrolcompany having moved into Nevada, and Sweet-F- r cattle Coir Hrokeu Nm k Not I tal. A Barrows are now ranging large-- y Niles, Mich., Aug. 2.1. - The ease of in Colorado and Kansas. Patrick Keliev, whose neck was broFell Into a I ellowstone 1. riser. ken by a fall several weeks ago, is a trading much attention. At first he Yellowstone Park. Aug. 23. George was paralyzed iieiew the his and it E Earnhav. a prominent Philadelwas thought he could not surviie. but phian. walked into one of the Geysers lie he can now s.t in a chair and uun, b n the rearof the Fountain hotel. w is whin he legs, lie is Improving so fast the di. walking backward tors think lie w ill imiii be out iig.i.n a stepped on a stick and fell into a pool well as ever. of almost boiling water, lie struck on Itultc lloy i'ut in Two. protruding ledge from which fast slipping t, certaindcathwhc.il he l'.uUe. Mont , Aug. 75. Andrew grasped a pole and wits pulled out by f. 1, 6 years old. while play ng on feet of water fiiends. Hew a in coal car standing on a siding aci id, butne.l. It is believed was nd badiy fell off. and tbe ear passed ,u,r recover. he will hi body, cutting it in two. KoIiImsI. Lower 4 a!lfortil'ii Hlnn'likc. Twenty Wyoming Bhre; Alamo. Aug. 25. There is great exRawlins, Vyo Aug. 35. Several citement at the new placer ti gging. sheep men in from the Savoy, forty-fiftee- n miles east, which has lx-(jve miles south, report that over twenlied Klond vke No. 3. The ground is tv camps have been robbed during the vry rich in.and many prospectors are past week of all provisions and grain, povrtinp several gwns have been taken.' Anew seven Wit ledge of free millThe robberies occurred in the day ing 3god ore" has been discover? 1, wliiit runs np into the hundreds. time, when the herders were absent their sheep. No one has seen the with "Him. J. W. Buitey, congressman from but it is strongly suspected robbers, of the Fifth distriet Texas, authorizes from the Powder Springs outsre the announcrmenC$hat he will not be- they come a candidapfto succeed Senator fit, who are known to le roaming about ( Mills. the country. " ' V Ivpradatlon u Frequent 1. Not n Dv-a- Milk-Id- Ban 1 let, I In tbe anarchist assassin of Premier Can ova del Castillo, who was tried by court martial at Vergara was found Upon guilty and sentenced to death. hearing the sentence Angiollilo turned deathlv p- - and had t lie assisted He will be gar from the court room. roted within tin prison. About 2oO jiersons were present at the trial. The vicinity of the prison was almost deserted. the public buing apparently indifferent in view of the certainty Jhat the death penalty would follow the court martial. Angiollilo, heavily manacled, sat be tween Two gendarmes, and immediateOn a table ly in front of his judges. near bv, lay hi revolver and other material evidences of the crime. the-min- Term, Wheat Aflchmel AaglolUlo Sentenced. Madrid, Aug. 24. Miehel Angiollilo, States geological survey, has just returned from a trip to the gilsonite deposits, where he ha been for the past two weeks establishing the reservation line. He has established beyond a doubt that all the valuable gilsonite beds thus far discovered are on the reservaline that Lieutention, verifying-th-e ant Koehler established last winter. Govern lurulal Iumtltitlao, This affects the Castle Park, Culmer Washington, Aug. 24. Early next Bros, and Le Sieur mines. spring a party will be sent out from Tramp Die From Drlnklnx Alcohol. the geological survey to make another in Alasof resources Jefferson, Ida., Aug. 23 Tramps purinvestigation gold ka. An appropriation of 825,000 was chased a pint of alcohol at a drugstore asked from congress last year, but the here, saying it was to make liniment amount was cut down to $5,000. Thl for a lame horse. The druggist gave was not available in time to tend a them wood alcohol, warning them that party last season, but it will be used it waa poisonous. They wi nt to the in dispatching probably three survey woods and mixed it with water. experts headed by - Prof. Shurr, al- Three of the party of five drank it and ready recognized authority in Alaska, died the following morning. The two and an effort will be made to have tramps who declined to drink journeycongress raise the appropriation to ed on east. The dead men were named about the same asked for last year. If Emerson, Regan and Montague. this should be granted more' than one 8ta;e Coach Robber Identified. party will go. They will probably Cheyenne, Wyo., Aug. 23. United stay until the latter part of August States Marshal McDermott has left though their plans have not been de- for Grand Island, Neb., to take charge termined. The mission is to compile of two men arrested there who have authentic data on which another and been identified as the bandits whe without day. more complete report will be based, held up and robbed several stage The miners representatives did not to make a minute and accurate coaches in the Yellowstone Park last and recedi1 from their original proposition and geological purvey of the week. The nen answer the descripsurvey and to settle the strike by arbitration country. - mines at a tion accurately, and give no satisfactory-atinrate. start ccount of their travels. It is beThe operators offered to divide the JOHNSON BREAKS JAIL. lieved here 54 and the differened between they are the ones wanted. Irons and a Double Guard Fall to Ilold e A Woman Fatally Burned. rates, making the price at which. Him. should start til 'j cents per ton, Helena, Mont., ug. 22 Mra Martin AVyo., Lander, Aug. 24. Word has was this but rejected. Toole, living near Florence, Missoula were been received of the escape of Isiah Then additional proposition was burned so badly that she county, made. One was to start the minea Johnson, a corporal in troop I, Ninth will die. She was returning probably in who was the guard house home in a without fixing any price for 30 days, cavalry, with her brother, wagon and then to pay the rate agreed upon at Fort Washakie for the killing of William Canniff, when he probably Chas J. Pauley, a member of troop D, by the board of arbitration. This was threw a lighted match so that it fell also ad used by the-- miners, . and they, same regiment. Into the wagon ' box filled vrith'diffy The men were playing cards and said they had been fooled too often to which took fire. The woman was terJohnson accused Pauley of cheating trust the operators again. They debefore the flames could burned out of 60 cents, and words ensued, ribly clined to work for a month, giving the him be extinguished. Johnson shot his opponent, inoi9Ura the output that length of when A Malt Latm Bar ItlUad. tl.--i without kndwing what wages flicting a wound from which he soon died. Wash., Aug. 24. Th Seattle, soild be paid. old boy who was killed on a Johnson was apprehended and placed .1 to made was then proposition in the guard house in irons, from freight train by a tree falling across iperate the mines for ten days withiwhich he escaped about midnight. the track, was from Salt Lake, llis n t fixing the price, u board of arbitra-ioa on double the name is Archie Buchanan, son of Archwas There guard to fix the price for that time. which the ibald M. Buchanan, traveling agent makes escape prison quite Iresident Rateliford insisted that for the George Q. Cannon & Son's commysterious. could be rate the but lothing pany. Archie was the oldest of three WRECK OF THE MEXICO. Mr. Buchanan's residence no-tlo- lrM-- The hour has struck to call a halt.' In conclus'iOjii, he says: Every atom of American manhixsl revolt against, the Judges, by the usurpation of power, playingj the role of tyrants, have annihilate'! the constitution, abrogated the right f of trial by jury, forbidden free speech, suppressed peaceable assemblage and transformed our republic into an absolute despotism. They are guilty of judicial treason and should le made to answer at the bar of an outraged people. The issue lias been forced upon ua and we have retreated before it to the verge of slavery. Let us now meet it as it would have Been met by the patriots of 1776. , f d He says: 11 la-e- along the line of the Pittsburg Plate Glass company, the corporate title of the plate glass men. The products of all manufacturers will for at an agreed price and turned ever to the managers of the trust, who .will distribute the product mining the jobbers. Terre Haute, Ind., Aug."24. Eugene. acall to the Social Democracy and All Lovers of Liberty and Fair Play" to' at teudtlie-confer- ence at St. Louis next Monday when, he says: Prompt, united and vigorous action will be taken in regard to the miners strike and especially the court of judiciary in i.s,suingJ"rctraining orders. wirf-pron-- il 1 Invited to Attend Conference. V. Debs ha issued I ; V. DEBS. Lftien sf Libert jr thd Nt. Lou d suspicion of huviiig caused tbe death of First Mate August Johnson of that vessel, who has missing since The two men left Folsom yesterday. street hulklu-uyesterday in a yawl to go on board of their vessel, which was lying in the stream, but nothing more Window Im was heard of the boat until this mornChicago, 'A ng. 73. The American when Benjamin reached the ship Window Glass association, a strong as- ing alone with a strange story of having sociation along the latest improved been unconscious all night and not fpp4 lines, ivlll.be, the outcome of the khdwing' ftbat"bti.T happened 'meanmeeting held here. It will take the while. The missing mate and Benjaplace of tbe old trust which went into min were drinking together while on after a bard fight I voluntary liquidation four years ago shore, but appeared to be on the best J ernes Lament baa located a coal this fall. But It will lie stronger than juI miles east of Mount Pleasant, which gives every indication of being a very Important find. He baa developed it enough to know that it is a blanket vein of unknown width and is about aeven Inches in depth, lying between two solid rock walla Th Salt Lake City Street Railroad company one day last week presented each of the 173 men In its employ with n book containing fifty tickets good for that many street car rides on any part of' the companys system. The tickets are intended for the use of the families of the men, and were given as sn acknowledgement of the honest and faithful services performed by the employees during the jubilee week. Rolls T. Marshall and Nick Groes-bec- k of Springvllls have discovered and located a claim of some kind of mineral substance, but just what it Is and of what value it may be cannot be decided by those ho have seen 1L It is a solid substance of light green ctdor, and sometimes is slightly stained with yellow. It has a greasy feeling to the touch and will remove dirt like soap. vAU e on Suspicion. Ileiijaiuiii A rri-s- l San Francisco, Aug. 23. Charles a was arrested today sailor, Benjamin, on lMard the harkentine Irmgard on Tbe contest w ill lie made on the silver question, and the other demands that have been dominant in the Populist platform heretofore. It was the Unanimous sentiment of the conference thst fusion in Kansas in the next campaign would be more complete than it has been at any time in the the allied forces. history-o- EUCENE 7 rbrM.ssse"14 Held l Frh to An. warr to th Dhtrirt Coart. Pocatello, Ida.. Ang. 25 At the close Df the hearing before. Judge Hopson, Charles Oliver and Angus Monroe, Kendall were held in $750 each, fMi to answer to the district court for the zriine of robbing the Bhort Line stalast Wednesday tion at MrCantiuon night. All the evidence introduced by the prosecution was of a nature to leave l.ttle doubt as to their guilt. The defense placed one witness on the-staMdin Gordon, who own a bicy-i-lrepa ir shop at Butte, and whoevn-nloveHogan previous to the latter's departure from Butte. Gordon swore that Hogan was honest and the other two, too as far as hell new. Ihe prosecution created a sensation tnniiii d.Qs by lntiovlucing three grips which had 1. son. through whom 'Aten sent by express from Montrose. Piofissor tt.is nroe- - has placed, is a resi-trn- t Moot to Balt Lake, lielonging to tbe He is making a defendants. of xiu'ti Dakota rial investigation of t lie grasses In tin- grips were found a perfect and other forage ri g, tatiou of .Siberia coiubinat ion safe drill, stick of giant f ir 'he depat tim nt. w ith the view of jMivvder a number of dynamite cap soil the to and s A mask was also a ''oil of fuse. adapted and plant securing climate of tin- plains regmn, and this disrovi red. which Kendall said was to ordei is the first fruit of his labor. at Butte, and vvi ar t" a masquerade another skeleton key, similar to the IVarl lilcoFr, m In IrlimiMi Streams. two taken from the suspects. 25. New IbOrU. Ark , Aug Thev nil claim to have come here discoveries of valuable deposit of from Hutte. on their way to Mereur, in lakes and rivers of Arkansas Utah, where Monroe says he has a have added greatly to tne excitement brother and where they expected to already existing over similar discoverfind work as they are miners. ies, and thousands of jveople are Jlogun claims to have at one time wading through the water in different conducted a bicycle shop at 322 Main part of the state searching for the street. Balt Lake City, while Kendall precious gems. The latest and most sav that he is the son of Kli Kendall, sensational discoveries were made in a ranch, r of Lehi. Utah. the Arkansas river and the creeks, THE COAL STRIKE. lake and batons near Little Rock, where pearls have been picked up HtiI KTorl Toward ltd Term'.natlou I a I allure. ranging in vulue from Klu up to $500 each. Pittsburg. Aug. 35. The final ffort Hundreds of people are wqrkingthe to arrange a plan for ending the big Saline, W bite and other ' rivers, and coal strike lias proved a failure and have been re- the strike many valuable find gie on. Additional discoveries have ported. At noon the conference between a river and committee of coal miners and operabeen made on the Fourt-lihundreds of people are swarming to tors. national and district officials that stream. closed and the conference adjourned W m . station robbery. Pro-fesv- 1 s Article cammon e III I Imported I rons tbs Kuulan Steppes. Washington. Aug. 25.' The agricultural department is preparing to make in experiment w ith a new forage plant" which is thought to lie adapted to the wuu-arireginiisof the west. Itlathe a grass indigenous to brnmus inn-mis- . the Russian sti p)s Ord rs for uric or tw 11 tons of the seed for anting have tie nnv ired to Moscow to a te leg rath from .11 response Hanson, the department's agent, that he couid sc ure this quantity by The grass Is tak ng it iiniii.d.-iteosa, to tlirivi in lands vv liieh are too . v for the urdinarv forage plants, it i, a till, nutritious p.unt. audit is to to h, pc t t the (1 a ns a otg tic "liases ot the Rocky ta Tti m rt. 1 The Paper of the Captain and Pilot Keen Revoked. brothers. Han is at 148 South Third Seattle, Wash., Ang. 24. The board of inquiry on the wrecking of the steamship Mexico in Dixon's entrance, Thursday, Augusts, has revoked the pilot's papers of Captain Thomas, master of the steamer, and suspended him for sixty days. The papers of Pilot Connell, who was on the bridge at the time of the disaster, have been revoked for a period of thirty days. It is stated that the board found that the blame lay with Captain Thomas, who had retired. It was held that he should have Wen on deck, especially as he had placed his vessel in a dangerous position. Further, it was found that the rock on which the steamer struck was West Devil's Neck and was therefore known to the officer of the Mexico. pi.-.- -- d s ti-- 4 j e starring In Indiana. Lebanon, Ind., Aug. 24. Judge Thomas J. Terhune, the commissioner appointed by Governor Mount to investigate the condition and grievances of tlie striking coal miners ol this state, says that 8,000 families in the Indiana mining districts are completely destitute and that unless relief is afforded the result will be beyond imagination. Iliimlrtds of men. Judge Terhune said, had not had a dollar in months. The speaker declared that the operators are to lie blame and said that the sooner they are forced to adjust the price of coal so as toinaldethem tc pay reasonable wages to their employes the tMioiier the miners' troubles will end. Sailor Get Gold Frvrr. Seattle, Wash., Aug. 24. The gold fever has seized the members of th revenue marine service. Three of tb crew of the cutter Perry, which Aid the golden laden steamer Portland at Dutch harlmr, deserted and started for SL Michaels. They stole a boat from the North American Commercial company, robbed the store room of th Perry and boldly went out on the open aea for a 700 mile - journey to SL West. Convict Rob a Kheep I amp. Boise. Ida., Aug. 23. Word has been received here that two convicts who escaped last week robbed a sheep camp on tottonwood creek and supplied themselves with clothing to replace their prison garb. They also took a rifle and bowie knife. They had previously stolen two rifles elsewhere. Five men are on the trail and a fight is expected when they are overhauled. Will Defer Draining. Denver, Aug. 23. The owners of the down town mines in Leadville, which were allowed to fill w ith water during the great miners' strike and have not been operated since, decided at a conference in this city to defer the unwatering of tiie mines until the silver market gets more settled. Receiver for a Creamery. Ida., Ang. 24. The Meridaa creamery has been placed in the hands of a receiver on the application of the Boise, Creamery Package Manufacturing company of Chicago, which furnished the machinery. George W. Dubois was named as receiver. The liabilities are $2,000 and the assets 500. Idaho Equalisation Board. Boise. Ida., Aug. 22 -- The state board of equalization has found it impractie-- ' able to complete the work of equalization of assessment of live stock aud the matter will go over uutil the elose of the meetinsr. Mr. Henry L. Wilson of Washington is the Btates minister to Peru. The Irish Catholic Benevolent union has adopted resolutions of sympathy with tbe striking miners. new-Unite- d The international congress to dis cuss measures for the protection of workmen has opened at Zurich. There are 500 delegates present, and all coun- tries are represented. The conneil general of Marseilles has adopted a resolution denouncing peculation in wheat and asking the government to suspend the duties on foreign grain and flour. |