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Show J it TT 0 GEr THE HABIT" I It Pays USE STANDARD WANT ADS na;iv I Let the people know what Everybody reads the Want Ad page it' the you have to offer If you medium of exchange for Real Estate, For Sale, Want Ads are great aid 5 have a vamnt ,nftm A. Exchange, Room and Houses for Rent, Help nave a vacant room, ad- Wanted PnaiHona Wnt1 Frr to sma11 business. A few vertiseit. A two or three- wanted, rositions Wanted, Ltc. ; line want ad will help you classified advertisements Imes run daily cost but n . i ' I Payable in advance. One cent par word per Inse' T:-!. U.,f fU- 11 sell your surplus stock. tlon. No fl at insertion toss than 26 cente. Two or mora little, but the returns will real estate, etc. Mnee. zS cents per line per weak 71 cent, par Una par aumrise vou month with no change. I surprise you. L j "First In Everrking'' WANTED MALE HELP Big salaries and steady employment for men with special education not general gener-al Start that special I. C. S Course today. Results certain International Correspondence Schools, Eccles Bids " 1-11-tf SITUATIONS WANTED" Experienced grocery salesman, age 35, married. "E" care Standard 1-13-lwk YOUNC man, age 23. wishes position; salary no object, seeks promotion H. S., care of Standard. M2-lwk FAMILY washing wanted. Tel. 2324-W 1-12 lmo J L HUBERT, landscape gardener 28 vears experience pruning trees and shrubbery. Tel. 1049-J. 2245 Waahing ton Ave. 11-24-tf BOARD AND ROOM MELROSE- First-class board; steam-heated steam-heated rooms; most reasonable in city 2639 Jeff. 1-9-lwk ROOM and board. 2333 Adams. 3 10 tl" FORRENT I FURNISHED HOUSES, ROOMS AND APARTMENTS. THREE furnished housekeeping I rooms with bath. 2338 Wall HOUSEKEEPING rooms, nicely fur-, nished, 249 26th 1-15-lwk ', Furnished sleeping rooms, 2526 Adams. 1 14 lmo : A PLEASANT room, close in. prl-vate prl-vate family, furnace heat. One or two gentlemen. 2535 Adams 1 14 tf FIJRNISHED rooms and apartments. 427 24th St. 1-2-Ct ROOM lor gentleman, steam heat, bath; close in; references, $2 50 per week! 2341 Adams Ave. 1-6-91 NICELY furnished steam heated room. 521 23rd St. 1-13-lwk MODERN Apt., $15 and up. 2666 Wash. Ave. 1-13-lwk , HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 2353 Mon- roe. 1-11-lnio nQ ' WO rooms lor housekeeping. 2'i54 n;- Washington Ave. Hl-lwk ho , QK 2 LARGE front rooms for light house-lis house-lis keeping. 2550 Orchard Ave. 1-9-lwk : he I n- NM'E Mght room with heat, best location lo-cation Phone 2257. 1-9-lwk APARTMENTS at 2634 Grant Ave. M 1Qt 2-ROOM apartment on first floor, I - clean and comfortable; no children Z 417 21st St. 12-iO-tt ROOMS for housekeeping. Utahna. 1 FOR RENT UNFURNISHED HOUSES, ROOMS & APARTMENTS. A MODERN 7-room bungalow, well lo-lT?: lo-lT?: catel on Bench; cheap to right party J. J. Brummitt, Under Utah National W Bank. HOUSE, four rooms, rear 2719 Madison Madi-son Ave. Call at 653 27th St-, for information in-formation 1-13-1 tf ra - BUILDING at 2150 Wash. Ave. Suit to able for store room, garage or shop Kellv a, Hprrirk 1-12-tf JB lis THREE-room, partly modem, apart-ke apart-ke mnts $12 5" per month. 361 23d St if, 1-1 1-1 wk 0- 30 OFFICE room, large, well lighted, rt. over Spargo's Booit Store S10 per month. Apply Woody Ptg. Co if. 1-11 lwk or 7-ROOM modern brick, in good con dition. Phone 5S1-J. or 24S 29th St 1-9-lmo nt 5-ROOM. modern; close in. Purdy, 2379 Hudson Phone 485 1-9-tf ut i. ROOM brick house 2171 Reeves Ave Inquire 128 26th St. Phone 339. 11 14 tf MODERN 7 room, $20, 2644 Lafayette, aear 26th and Jackson. Phone 1932-W. 11-4-tf of . MCE new homes, only $1200; pay monthly; why rent? Phone 1427. 12-3 tf 1 LRGE, convenient storage room. We-dell, We-dell, U 6 't ROOMS for "Housekeeping 2468 Wash HIGH T-room modern; furnace hea' ; 1 close in, $30. Tel. 2092-W 639 23rd St 10-14-tf 5 DRESSMAKING , Mrs. Dale and Mrs. Howard, Dress makers, 1184 Capitol Ave. 1-8-lmo DRESSMAKING and ladles' tnlloring l Mrs. Ryan. Phone 1261-J. 253G Madlaon v - For Rent Miscellaneous PIANOS to rent. Pantone, 29th and Hudson. 124Mmp Read the Classified Ads. Personal NURSE 558 22d St. Phone 1656-R 1-flmo YOUR combings made up and new switches for sale. Mrs. G. Dixon, 2266 Washington Ave. 1-4 lmo DANCE ORCHESTRA GOOD music and reasonable prices. Try us and see. Phone 931-M. 1-1 4-1 wk Chimney Sweep CHIMNEYS and furnaces cleaned. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone 1243 1-4-lmo VETERINARY SURGEON" Dr Bundy, removed from 215u' Wash to 2346 Hudson. Phone S28. 12-30-lmo FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS BURNETT Feed Co., 225 24th St First-class alfalfa hay. 60c a hundred, C. O. D. Phone 2062. 1-15-lwk FOUR room high grade ..practically new furniture, reasonable; otily used six months. Owner leading town, 33u Wash. Ave , or Phone 2293J. l 15-lwk WILL sell at auction to the highest bidder the fixtures, dishes and cooking cook-ing utensils, gas ranges, etc., of the 2Uh Street Cafe, 370 24th, at 1 p. m Saturday. Jan. 10. 1915. R. A. Norris. 1-1 4-3 1 1L0-EGG Mandy Lee Incubator, cheap. 1 Inquire 1957 Monroe Phone 1869-W . 1-14-lwk ST. ANDREASBERG Rollers, 2220 Lincoln Lin-coln Ave. 1 12 tf RESTAURANT doin? good business tor price of one month's rent. Apply Rollow Barber Shop or Phone 710. 1-9-lwk OLD mats for sale again at the Standard Stand-ard office 25c per 100; first come, first served 1-2-tf WANTED" IV! loC JLJULAJN LU U 5 WANTED -Claaa, white old raajs, at the Standard offloa. Fhona 66, SCO 24th St. i MONEY TO LOAN DiAMUN'DS, watches, jewelry, gun, etc. Thomas Loan office, Grant & 25tn E 18 lyr MORTGAC: loans on farm or city property. O. A. KENNEDY. Basement Base-ment of Utah National Bank Bldg. 1 19 tf MONEY to loan on real estate security. secur-ity. J. J. Brummitt. 4 27 tf $2500 for 3 years on improved real estate. Kelly & derrick 3-15 tf WHEN you want $10 or more ASK MR. DL, 218 Col. Hudson Building. Salaried people can get it without security. Others on Furniture, Pianos, Pia-nos, etc. Can be repaid in small weekly or monthly paymenta. FOR SALE 1 REAL ESTATE CityJejiJE EX PRESS wagon, horse and harness, cheap Phone 1395-W. 1-15-lwk A GREAT snap on Hudson Ave.; this property is well located, has some Improvements Im-provements and can be bought very cheap for next 10 days. J. J. Brummitt, Brum-mitt, Phone 59. FOUR-room modern house, large lot 439 Chester St. 1-15-lwk $700 will buy, if taken at once, lot 40x264 feet to alley; close in on Bench, sidewalk and sewer paid; 6oll unsurpassed. Phone 203S-J TerniB. 1-15-tf NEW house with 3 large rooms and screen porch; lot 75x190. with water, chicken houses, runs and etc., $900. Terms E. B Elsenberg, room 17, Com Nat l Bank. Phone 343-W and 2246-W. 1-9-tf-e o.d GOOD building lots near new can factory, fac-tory, $100 each if sold this week Pay i $20 cash and $10 per month. Only six left O. A. Kennedy, Basement Utah National Bldg. 1-14-lwk A GOOD piece of well improved property prop-erty on Lincoln avenue, between 25th land 26th streets; all taxes paid ex cept pavement, for only $75 per front foot; this property will double In al- ue during the next two years. J. J i Brummitt. Under Utah National Bank LOT by owner; close in, cheap 2039-J 1-13 lwk SMALL, modern, home on Seventh street with half acre. ground in fruit and berries. Good water right On sidewalks near car line. Fine tor chickens and garden ,....$2500 SPLENDID four room house on Jefferson Jef-ferson Ave. with good sized lot, near 30th St. Sidewalks. Can be bought for $300 cash. Balance like rent. SEVERAL lots well located. Will sell for "email cash payment, balance mnnnllv WATER STOCK We have a few shares of Davis & Weber Canal Stock for sale at a bargain If taken soon. J. C. NYE AGENCY COMPANY, 317 Colonel Hudson Building. 1-12-lwk TRACT of six acres choice sandy I loam near city, near sugar and can-I can-I nlng factories, and state road, $125.00 per acre, one-fifth cash and balance on terms to suit purchaser O A Kennedv. Basement Utah National Bank Bldg. 1 14 lwk GREAT Snap A good modern 7-room house in first class shape, within 1-2 block of the postoffice on a principal street; a good, large lot; well rented at a good rental to a responsible tenant, ten-ant, this is a first-class Investment and will double in value Inside ol : years; onh $3500. Great snop. J. J Brummitt, Phone 59. SACRIFICE SALE. FOR SALE Farm near Ogden; fin-orchard; fin-orchard; best bargain in state. Will divide and sell in tracts. Residence In city at half value. A. W. Age. 1-2-lmo FlVE-room. modern, close in, which will rent for $20 a month, omy $170u cash. Many more bargains. Don't buy a home or lots before you see me H. Van Braack, 3519 Adams Phono 974-W. 12-25-lmo LOTS, close In, $250 up. 1563-R. 12-17-lmo IDOtIS ft a. DV. two e each, city water, electric lights, 1 2 block from car line on Bench First class investment. $2 500 Easy terms B. F. BRATZ 10 8 tf NICE new homeB, only $1200, pay monthly; why rent? Phone 1427. 12-3-tf SLADE TRANSFER I AUTO TRUCKS I Phone 321. Office 410 26th St, I I FRATERNAL SOCIETIES 1 Brotherhood of American Yeomen, Ogden Homestead No. 1605 meets on every Tuesday evening1 in W. O. W. hall, Fraternity building, WasQlngton avenue. Visiting Archers are corral-ly corral-ly Invited to moet with us. LeRoy McKnlght, foreman, 334 29th street J. A. Junk, correspondent, 3202 Washington Wash-ington avenue. Queen City Rebekah Lodge No. 4, I. O. O F., meetg second and fourth Saturday evenings at Odd Fellows hall. Visiting members invited. An-nine An-nine Carlson. N. G., Hazol Wolhaupter. Recording Secretary. Order of Owls. Ogden Nest, No. 1218, Order of Owls, meets every Friday Fri-day evening in their own hall (the old Elk rlub rooms) at 8 o'clock. Visiting Visit-ing Brother Owls arc invited to attend the Nest meetings. William W Harcombe President. Joseph Cromp-ton, Cromp-ton, Secretary. Fraternal Qjder of Eagles, Ogden Aerie No. 11a, F. O. iJ., meets even Wednesday evening at Eagles' ball, Hudson avenue, at 8 o'clock Visiting brother Eagles are invited to attend the Aerie meetings. Club rooms open at 11 a. m. Wm Doyle, W. President; E. R. Gelger, Secretary; Dr. C. E. Wardleigh. Aerie Physician. MAbUNiL yueen Esttior cnapter No. 4, O. E. S., regular meetings neld at Ma3onic hail ou Washington ave, between 25th and 26th ats , tiie flrsc and third Fridays oi each month. Sojourning So-journing members corOially invited io attend. Nada Cook, W. M., Gallic E. cave, Secretary. Woodmen of the World. Weber Camp No. 74, meets in the W. O. W. hall, Fraternity block, 232 3 Washington Washing-ton avenue, every Thursday evening I at 6 o'clock. Visiting W oodmen cor-i cor-i dlaily invited to attend. C. tl. Har-tog, Har-tog, C, G. ; W. M. Plggott, Clerk. Ladles of the Maccabees of the World, Silver Hive No. 1, meets every first and tbird Friday evenings at 8 o'clock, and ev ry becond and fourth Friday alteruoons at 2; 30 o'clock, la Woodmen ball, Fraternity block. Vis-ltinc Vis-ltinc members cordially invited tn at. tend. Anna Holdea, L. C; L. Jennie Prout, K. K. Royal Neighbors of America meets every second and fourth Monday nights of each month at 8 o'clock at the new Odd Fellows hall. Fraternity building. Vl6itlng nelgbbors lnvltol Etta lngebretsen, 1978 Steele avenue Lillian Newton, Recorder, 27th and Qulncy. Utah Camp No. 9990 Modem Woodmen Wood-men of America, meets every Tuesday j night in new K. of P. hall, 3 doors ' north of postoffice. Out of town mem-I mem-I bers cordially invited to meet wiJi I us. O. F. Olsen, Consul; J. H. Shafor. Clerk. Ogden Lodge No. 2, Knights of Py-' Py-' thlaa, meets every Monday evening at I 8 o'clock In Castle Hall of the Pythian Py-thian building, 2351 Grant avenue. Visiting Knights welcome. J M Bishop. Bish-op. C.C.; W L Underwood, K. R S.; Edgar A. Ford, M. F., 2340 Grant Ave. Royal Highlanders, Ogden Castle No. 526 meets In the new L O. O. F. hall, Fraternity block, 2320 Wash, are., every 2nd and 4th Friduy evenings at 8 o'clock Visiting Highlanders cordially cor-dially invited. A. J. Atkins, 111. Pro.; William Muller. Sec -Treas. Women of Woodcraft, Ugden Circle No. 681. meets every Wednesday night j at 7:30 o'clock, new W oodman Hall. I Fraternity Bidg., Washington Ave visiting Neighbors invited Dues will be collected on the 6th of each month at Mlsch Drug Store. Anna Mliis, G. N., 223 W 31st St. Phone 1650-R Marie Crites, Clerk, 2731 Monroe Ave. Phone 1931-R. ALIAS SUMMONS. In the District Court oi" the Second Judicial District, County of W'eber, State of Utah. Jessie M. Chez, Plaintiff, vs. Joseph J. Harrison, and his wife, Elizabeth A. Harrison, and the unknown heirs at law, devisees and legatees of Joseph Jo-seph J. Harrison, and his wife, Elizabeth Eliza-beth A. Harrison, Mabel L McClure. and her husband, John Doe McClure, whose other and true name is not known and the unknown heirs at law, devisees and legatees of Mabel L. McClure, Mc-Clure, and her husband, John Doe Mc-Clure, Mc-Clure, whose other and true name is unknown; Adele M Bryan, and her husband John Doe Bryan, whose other and true name is unknown, and the unknown heirs at law, devisees and legatees of Adele M. Bryan, and her husband. John Doe Bryan, whose I other and true name Is unknown; and all creditors of Joseph J Harrison, j Elizabeth A Harrison, Mabel L. McClure Mc-Clure John Doe McClure, whose other and true name Is unknown. Adele M I Bryan, and John Doe Bryan, whose j other and true name lb unknown, and all other unknown persons, whose names are unknown, who have or claim to have any right, title or Interest In-terest in and to the real estate de- FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OGDEN, UTAH. ' U. e DEPOSITARY. Capital $150,000.00 9 Surplus and Undivided Undivid-ed Profit 250,000.00 Deposits $3,000,000.00 B M. 8. Browning, President John Watson, VIce-Presldont. L- R. Eccles, Vlce-Proldent. I R. E. Portor, VIco-PreeidonL B Walter J. Beatle, Cashier. Job F. Burton, At. Cashier. j smirn"'aca Business Directory I Accordion Plaiting Done in all lengths. 2568 Cole's Court, rear 240 26th St Tel. 1180-M. Abstract of Title Abels, the Abstractor, moved to 416 24th Street. Phone 1491-W. Quick and Competent Service; prices reasonable Automobile Painting Your auto needs palnL We Cj the best wo at the lowest price. Get cur eFtimate. Ogden Carriage Co.. 1701 Washington Ave. Phone 1026-W. Assay Office Union Assay Office. Inc., 152-154 South West Temple, Salt Lake City. Utah. P. O. Box 1446. Blacksmithing, Horseshoeing We furnish all kinds of rubber tires. Carriages., buggies, wagons, automobiles, automo-biles, etc., repaired. New wagons made to order. O. E. Savage, nr-Washington nr-Washington and 22nd SL Phone 389-W Chile Con Carne Chill Con Carne, Chicken Tamales, Fresh Clam Chowder at Greiner's. Phone 339. City Scavenger City Scavenger, McCarty & Co . 2723 Grant. Bell phone 2018-W. Counselor-at-Law Lawyer O'Connolly over Commercial Commer-cial National Bank Bldg., 369 24th St Phone 11. Carpet Cleaning K. Van Kampen Phone 883 for upholstering, up-holstering, mattress making, restretch-ing restretch-ing of bed springs. Chiropractors F. J. Freeno. . D. C , Graduate Chiropractor. Chir-opractor. No drugs, surgery or osteopathy; os-teopathy; try chiropractic Rooms 212-213-214 Col. Hudson Bldg. Phone R. J Schultz, Chiropractor, 327 Hudson Bldg Phone 1090. Electrical Km. 102M. Employment Agency. Japanese interpreter and employment employ-ment agent, for contract and farm work Thomas Kado, Room 12. Com-Imercial Com-Imercial Nat. Bank Bldg. 1-14-lmo Read the Classified Ads. Read the Classified Ads. scribed in the complaint now on file, Defendants. The State of Utah to the Said Defendants: De-fendants: Vou are hereby summoned to appear ap-pear within twenty days after service of this Summons upon you. if served within the County In which this action is brought, otherwise, within thirtv days after service, and defend the above entitled action, and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, vhich has been filed with the Clerk of said Court. This action Is brought to recover a judgment quieting plaintiff's title to the following described land situated in Weber County, State of Utah, to-wlt to-wlt A part of Lot Four (4), in Block Thirty five (35), Plat "C" Ogden City Survey, Beginning at the South West corner of said Lot 4, and running thence East 66 feet, thence Nortb 165 feet, thence We6t 66 feet, thence South 165 feet to place of beginning, and being a part of the South East Quarter of Section 28, Township 6, North of Range 1 Wrest, Salt Lake Meridian. United States Survey JOSEPH CHEZ, A. C. GORDON. Attorneys for Plaintiff. P. O. Address- Rooms 402 3-4 First National Bank Building. Ogden, Utah. Advertisement. Furrier and Taxidermist FURS cleaned, remodeled, In latest styles; prices reasonable. T. A. Ga-jewsky, Ga-jewsky, 2516 Washington Ave. 1-5-lmo Fruits Fresh fruits and candles delivered to any part ol city. G. Kallas, 224 25th St. Phone 587. Grocery and Bakery Try our best quality coffee, 40c the lb. Also good cheaper grades, 25c to 35c lb. Phono 1145-W. J. J. Schwartz, Sch-wartz, 2234 Jefferson Av.- Groceries Also agents for U. S. Cream Separators Separ-ators and O. K. Electric Washing Machines. Ma-chines. RUSSELL-JAMKS CO. Everything to eat and then some. Hotel Safety, comfort, moderate. New Brigham hotel, 24th and Wall. One block from depot. Only fire-proof hotel In the city. Reduced rates for permanent guests. Rates, 75c and up. Theo. Gorie, Prop. Jeweler A full line of fine jewelry and watches. wat-ches. Watch repairing a specialty. H. F. Upp, 2476 Grant Ave. MAZDA LAMPS jspSjaSS5y MAZDA FLASHLIGHT LAMPS, 13c. ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. Phone 88. Up 24th St. Meat Market Russell-James Company. Also a full line of groceries. "Everything to eat." See our Dept. of Household Needs Cor. 21th and Lincoln Ave. Phones 412 and 413. Mechano-Therapist Dr. H. A. White. M. T. D, Mechano-Therapist, Mechano-Therapist, over Smalley's. 336 25th SL A Drugless treatment for nervous and chronic diseases. Try our methods. meth-ods. Phone 1854-W. Monumental Work SEE MITCHELL BROS, for monumental monu-mental work!, Don't pay big commission commis-sion to agents. Pictures of monuments monu-ments are misleading, 2003 Jef P. 2218 Modern Plumbing J H. WILLIAMS. Modern Plumbing Plumb-ing and general repairing. 156 Patterson Patter-son avenue. Phone 1186. 11 28 3mo Notary Public O. A. Kennedy Basement Utah National Na-tional Bank Building 1 19 tf Read the Classified Ads. New and Second-hand Goods CTV,?RD & ANYTHING. A" to Z." SING it and RING it 333-W. ,2 2 tf 'M Photographer The Nogglo Studio. Fine portraits. views. All kinds of commercial work, LsH Beat kodak finishing in the city. lM Phone 388-J. 416 24th St. H Painting and Decorating IH We will hang your wall paper. We lH will paint your house. We will tell M you how to do it yourself Griffin ILsH Paint Co., 2310 Washington Ave. ilH Physician and Surgeon Dr. A Fernlund, Physician and Sur- geon. Office hours H to 4 p. m. New sH Peery Bldg. Hudson Ave. Phone iaH 1900-W. Residence phone 2129-W. 646 HH Wash. Ave. sBB Printing BHI For good and up-to-date Printing call BH 1166. Dce-Neuteboom. 2362 Wash. Av. HiH Real Estate iH J. J. Brummitt, Ioans. Insurance, sH Real Estate, 2402 Washington Ave Under Utah National Bank. Phone 69. aH Second-hand Goods New and Second-hand furniture, slafl clothing and shoes, bought, sold or ex- IB changed; also trunks and suitcases Hsl cheap. A. Siner, Phone 1321. 179 1-2 LHE Twenty-fifth St. 6 13 lyr Sanitary Work Kg Your Garbage hauled regular. Sani. IHI tary can furnished free. Sanitary Gar- ibHb bage Co , Phone 620. lHft Storage Batteries Recharged, repaired, stored: satis- HB9 faction guaranteed. Electric Service SBI Co., 425 24th St. Kgfl Watchmaker and Jeweler Bfc SMALLEY'S Watchmakers. Jewel- B8ij ers and Engravers. 236 Twenty-fifth Biti street. Phone 1300-J. C J. P. Arnolds, Practical Experi- Kl rYh enced Watchmaker. Next to the R Orpheum Theatre. BBS Western Foundry and Bfia Machine Co. mm All kinds of bras3 and iron castings. 'Bu Machine. Boiler and Sheet Iron Work. Hut Phone 647. VAIN WISHING. Kg "Don't you wish you had a fairy Hra godmother?" BP "All I want Is a good plain cook. EH And that wish seems too fantastic to ever be gratified "Kansas City Br J Journal. BH |