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Show r 'iBBIiHHHBHHHBMHaiH !Why pay more for less? Uncle Sam buys the best. I I I Hiawatha Coal j For Sale by OGDEN SEWER PIPE & CLAY COMPANY j W. B. Porterfield, Manager. ! Phone 141. Quick Service. Coal absolutely guaranteed. -oo FEEL YOUNG? It's Dr. Edward' Olive Tab-lets Tab-lets For You! Beware of the habit of constipation It develops from just a few constipated consti-pated days, unless you take yonrself In hand. Conx the Jaded bowpl musrle.R back to normal action with Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets, the substitute for calomel calo-mel Don't force them to unnatural action with seYere medicines or by merely flushing out thoy intestines with nasty, slckenlnc cathartics. Dr. Edwards bpllpvps in stent leness, persi6tpncy and Nature's assistance. Dr Edwards' Olive Tablets open the bowels; their action is gentle, yet positive There Is never any pain or griping when Dr Edwards' Olive Tablets are used. Just the kind of treatment old persons should have. Dr. Edwards' Olive TabletB arc a vegetable eompovind mixed with olivp oil, you will know them by their olive color Take one or two occasionally occasion-ally and have no trouble with your liver, liv-er, bowels or stomach Kc and 25c per box. All druggists The Olive Tablet Company, Columbus, Colum-bus, O. Advertisement Read the Classified Ads The world has known what Jlfiij Cottolene is for over a quarter of a century Ssb Cottolene established a class of its own over a generation ago. Cottolene was in the front rank of the great movement for bettering bet-tering household service and for improving food products. Cottolene has always held its place. There is nothing to which it may be compared. There are no secrets in the production of Cottolene. Its manufacture and its constituents are as well known as the simplest things done in every kitchen. Cottolene Cottolene is an exact combination of the It is the exact combination of these two two finest cooking fats nature produces. fats which gave Cottolene its high place ThecottonseedoUinCottoleneispressed 0V5 l . a ag nd fromselectedseed it is a grade so choice whlch has held Vf Place for t that it is not listed on the market It Cottolene is economical, but better than is purer, sweeter and better in food that it actually improves the quality value than most salad oils. The beef and flavor of all foods cooked with it stearine is the product of the freshest, whether it is used for shortening, frying finest leaf beef suet known. or cake making. i Your grocer has Cottolene now Tell your grocer you want a pail now; arrange with him for your regular weekly supply. Write to our General Offices, Chicago, for our real cook book HOME HELPS" free. THEN FAlRRANKcPANYl f Cottolene makes good cooking better - m kZT - - ii t ! i LliaWMMggg i lj.j.l..! i i mi jmmmmmm 'i mm mm tjh. 55 jjEBBjla1 J j Hansel Sweater j I Here is an idea taken from the peas- I ant dress of a tiny Belgian. It is intended I I for a serviceable knock-about sweater I and the yarn will stand the wear. But it 1 - is so pretty that you will probably want C I to keep it for "best." You will find it I r easy to make and a charming gift. Al- t though the Fleisher Yarns are the finest I ! made, the quantity required for this gar- P ; ment costs less than a dollar fifty. Send I ? the coupon below for free directions. The yarn r used is Fleisher s Germantown Zephyr, 1 L 4-fold one of the sixteen Fleisher"Yrns A garment must hang well. It must be soft and warm. r It must stand hard wear. No matter how great your skill you F cannot .jhese qualities into your work they arc yarn qual- Uies. The uniform high qualities of the Fleisher Yarns are acknowledged by yam-users everywhere. Whatever kind of I yarn you need, always insist on ir leisher's look for the trade- & " mark ticket on every skein. " Knitting Woftlcd jj&ffljjtk. Suptnor let Vocl 1 Dresden Si - RprwP'Vi'V Shetland Zephyr Spaniah Worsted Vtk, - lh WE Spiral Yarn - ShitLind Fleta LT PTCllUD'C Wk Pamela Shetland Geemantown Zephyr W ijj.fr m i gP Highland Wenl 4- and 8-fold i Jfj '"""RKVLjiW Caihmere Yarr Eldtidown Toil fSlXr AnjjoraWool SltkHalce Wool GolfYarn St , i Clip Coupon on thia Line C Mil thi Coupon to S.B.&B.W. FLEISHER, Philadelphia 101 J 1 Xume CMy I s k: re sintr I L bULJZILZ: , riH-? t..1- Trr-H Out of Sorts j THAT IS, something is wrong with baby, but we can't tell just what it is. All mothers recognize the term by the lassitude, weakness, loss of appetite, inclination to sleep, heavy breathing, and lack of interest shown by baby. These are the symptoms of sickness. It may be fever congestion, worms croup diphtheria, or scarlatina. Do not lose a minute. Give the child Castona. It will start the digestive organs into operation, open the pores of the skin, carry off the foetid matter, and drive away the threatened sickness. Genuine Castoria always bears the signature of |