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Show NORWEGIAN SHIP IS NOW RELEASED Christianla, Jan. 16, via London. 10 55 a. m. Tho Norwegian American line steamer Bergeufjord from New York, January' 2, for Bergen, la due fjLZl si "'- m at her destination tomorrow after having hav-ing been taken into Kirkwall. Scot land, by a British cruiser lor examination. exam-ination. The Bergeufjord is the steamer from which four Germans were removed in New York bay the aftprnoon of January 2 on the charge lhat they had sailed with passports fraudulently obtained. She was taken into Kirkwall for examination on the charge that she had on board German officers and conscripts traveling on false passports and w as released as I soon as the GermanB in questions had been removed. The owners of the Bergenfjord have been informed that! no belligerents neither officers or conscripts may be taken on board their steamers at New York. |