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Show f SATURDAY SPECIALS 3 Cakes 25c 25c j r i , or c d ,, di c 4711 Verdura Violet Soap Palmer s 25c Soap Kexall Blemish boap (Imported) I 45c 15c, 2 for 25c 2 for 25c 1 Three odors. Fine for the skin. Pure Glycerine Soap. H 10c Jap Rose Soap Colgate's Aseptic Shaving Soap I 4 for 25c 6 for 25c A delightful bath soap. The new shape. Remember, a nenuine Honeycomb Wash Cloth with every 25c purchase of Soap during this sale. Ma EM The QHoJUL Store T. W C 311 Grant' I uu Don't Be Misled if You Have Tuberculosis N"o specific has been discovered for Tuberculosis, but Eekman's Alterative has been BUCCeesful in many cases Read of this case- 12 Thompson St., New York. j "Gentlemen: Five years ago last August I was taken to St. Francis' Hospital to be treated for bronchitis I and congested lungs. After several weeks' treatment I was advised by the doctor to go to a convalescent sanitarium, but could not be admitted because the doctor at the hospital, after a thorcugh examination, declared i my case Tubercular, and gave me a , certificate to that effect. I showed the certificate to Father Stark, and ho advised me to take Eekman's Alterative Al-terative I took it faithfully, and soon found myself free from night 1 sweats and fever. I have not taken the Alterative now for two years, and j can truthfully say I am weil. I feel ; better and am stronqer than before my sickness." ( Abbreviated.) (Affidavit) MARY KORHAMER. Eckman'e Alterative ia most efficacious effica-cious in bronchial catarrh and severe throat and Inns affections and upbuilding up-building the Bystem. Contains no ! harmful or habit-forming drugs Accept Ac-cept no substitutes. Small size, SI; regular size. $2. Sold by Leading druggists. Write for booklet of recoveries. re-coveries. Eckman Laboratory, Philadelphia. Advertisement. send I l j Embroidery . 1 SA.LE K NOW ON iSi LAST & THOMAS j i WHEN PAY DAY COMES I you should lay aside a portion of your wages I I C ancj deposit them with this strong bank. I 1 1 1 We solicit Savings Accounts of a dollar and T IB upwards and pay a high rate of interest on g j NOTICE All m mb( CH oi the following Railway Rail-way labor organizations of the siato of Utah O R C, B. ot L. V. and K , and P of II T . are cordially Invited to attend a joint meeting to be held at VY. 0 W hall 2320 Washington avenue. Ogdon, Utah, Saturday. January Jan-uary 16, 8 p ni for the purpose of discussing matters of Interest and great Importance effecting all members mem-bers of the above named labor organizations. organi-zations. (Signed) COMMITTEE. Advertisement. ifkK-&r Telephone your dealer now order today. IHe flfi Free-peelinz, seedless, firm and tender healthful jr aH9 food for every day. Use Sunkist Lemons Frr I 139 FL Clark Steeet. BBsB Order Sunkist Lemons, too. Use Sunkist Lemons taste best and look CHICAGO BE their juice for salads and in other dishes best on the table. Serve sliced or yr Muo.thiootwonn4win llsi that usually call for vinegar. quartered with fish, meats or tea. jr rlpo teStoipS5S,u3 linB n, , ... r . wtiti to via ScnUst OraDftn and BHS Lemon juice is more heal tntul more m SunkOU vA was both the f niggW. wfcgjgfcgg K of it should be used at this season of the orange and lemon wrappers for MMta wSmrSRSBSSSaS Mm year. Note the added delicacy of flavor, beautiful silver premiums. K. WeE frame . . .Li . r . .... BHEc Stnd coupon for Premium Liat showing (hit yAddreu ' 13 3-cit pay tt get it if no! mtiifactury inwvrry ic-cry mtf (261) iBB oo Read tho Classified Ad.'. Read the Classified Ads. A GOOD BANK ACCOUNT does not necessarily consist of a large amount of money. Regular deposits, dally for commercial accounts ac-counts and weekly or monthly for Individuals, with careful attention to the balance In account and an avoidance of overdraftc, is what makes the Banker smile and your credit good. UTAH NATIONAL BANK OF OGDEN South-cast corner Twenty-fourth and Washington Avenue. Read the Classified Ads. Bm We hope you will I never need a H CRUTCH I We have them, and every- P" thing else for the SICK- ROOM. , I McBRIDE I Drug Co. "THE HOUSE OF QUALITY" fe 2463 Wash. Are. "House of Quality." I K IF Your I Parents I had not saved when B- young, the home or IE? , business they own, K-: ' might not have been fe.!. possible. Br SAVE NOW for such mt a time In your life iBb- our Savings Depart- Wm-y ment pays 4 per cent K' Interest and welcomes B:; email accounts. w&' Ogden Savings Bank I 2384 Washington Ave, Wt l Ogden, 'Jtah. Wa M. S. Browning, President L. R. Eccles, Vice-President IHbv John Watson, Vice-President BR Chas. H. Barton, Cashier. fe" ' OVy Is paid to yu by one of our first-clas8 farm E 1 O mortgages. THE BEST INVESTMENT, For information write or call HS FEDERAL LAND & MORTGAGE CO. I LUTHER S. FOSS, General Manager. .H David Eccles Building. OGDEN, UTAH Kg PIPES THAWED I We originated p.pe thawing by electricity In Ogdon two years ago B and have thawed over 200 services without a miss or accident. wmr GET OUR PRICES. H ELECTRIC SEVICE CO. Phone 88. 425 24th St. j Ml "THE LIVE WIRE CONTRACTORS" B B . |