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Show FROM THE OMNIUM MINES OF SAN JOAN AND GARFIELD I H. S. Loveless of Payson is in Ou- 1 len spending a few days rltta friends, if recently returned from the Henry Mountains near the Colorado river, n southeastern I tab, and he gives an nteresting account of the mining op J 'rations in the radium district. Mr. Loveless states that the Stan 1 n i Chemical company of Pbiladel-I hla is working about 35 nv n extract- I ng radium This imnirif: is practical- I v all above the surface of tin- ground, J ut In some instances the deposits oi 8 he metal extend sllghtl belo thi I :urface. The output Is Bhlpped to I lr en River station on the Ki t P eist, much of n to Germany and France. Uranium is an extraordinary metal ar.d la found In the Unit id States, so far .'.3 known at thi? time, only in the Henry Mountains and Paradox Valley, 1 which Is aeross the Colorado river east from the mountains Mr. Loveless Love-less says that it is found in pockets and mined by what is commonly called "gophering It Is takt n out In rather small quantities. Tho company now makes regular rbipments by freight teams to the roil road, but in the near future motor mo-tor trucks will be used. 00 |