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Show OUTPUT DF THE LOCAL CANNERIES The output of the Utah cannerieR thlg year is valued at $250,000 In excess ex-cess of that of last year, according to the annual report of Secretary H. L Herrington. which is soon to be submitted sub-mitted to the association The figures for the two years were: 1913 $1 500-000; 500-000; 1914, $1,750,000. Thirty-two plants were operated, an increase of four over 1913. The new canneries were at Ephralm and Morgan, while the Plain City and West Weber canneries, can-neries, which were idle last year, were again operated. Tomatoes formed the largest Item in the goods canned, the best of these being credited to the district north of Farmingtou, the sandy plateau at that Point being finely adapted for the growing of this vegetable. The tomato to-mato pack is estimated to nearly 700,000 cases, an increase of nearly 200,000 cases over last year. The pc . pack is estimated at 310,000 caaee an increase of 110,000, and other goods will total 200,000 cases, making a grand total of 1,210,000 cases. Peaches lead tho fruit list which includes apples, berries, apricots, cherries, plums and pears. The canning of beans has also become a staple industry in-dustry in the state. The number of employees in the thirty-two plants varies from 30 to 126 and the payroll for the 1914 season sea-son will amount to about $250,000. oo |