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Show A Get the best meats, produce rWMfo and groceries here and Absolutely f lrt . grade creamery butter churned freeh every day, at 35c the pound ii only one of many money - saving offerings here. You'll like the Inde- flffiffiSt jiifi LET'S GET AC- (1 f QUAINTED. 'By''j 0 THE ONLY REAL TOYLAND RIOHARDSON-H U NT I W9 Wsshlngton Avenue iMIIisigiBBsnsMM... The Walk-Over Boot Shop aS I 'l I Nothing is 30 acceptable, nothing is so pleaaing, nothing is so useful as a gift as rte pnes boudoir slippers, Our showing is complete; the quality the best; the So low that we have been supplying a multitude of pleased gift-buyers. i H A d Felt and leather boudoir slippers are here in A H fe M pink' blue' lavender- tauP- ay, red, purple, Iff'fl 9fil P';: flJL llf VP' awn, wine and black All splendid val- ! I AtlI H ues. The price is right. rfVV Men's Felt and Leather House Slippers I We offer a reduction of 10 per cent on this beautiful line until Christmas H Phoenix Hosiery J0. Sl'i. Walk-Over Shoes I white, the pair 75c n i i ,l t Is guaranteed for as l p! Don t overlook the fact j A 1 fe ma our ock of cele- long as you say we 4k A Miiniri i ii i , MM um Wmk brated Walk - Over have it in all styles and s3L Jv i e i Wss&ffk Kgavk Jil Shoe5 is new and com- i colors for men and llC!flSH . . S IfzMa plete. A wonderfully women; attractively j ........ J ( attractive showing for I packed in holiday boxes S' )) . - TE3 lJd men, women and chil- -A pr.ee range w.de CA- 2r dren' The be thoe enough to suit every TaI1 Leather Leggtns, the pair made. Your size, your purse-75c to $3.00, jgteVjMjffi "yIe' yOUr for the ohild could be chosen. ( alk-Over a w fuh of Gift yaK-Over I Boot iL Shop suggestion,. Boot lL shop 1 fel 's n limt fit I (i xWW MmX gestions you'll find at bar- o $Vr gan P"ces a my unprece- A 1 9 IM dented sale of elegant feli vPPlfc ISI Christmas Jewelry tol jMTf lyj say you can e" S$W$) IH I llfr vl er s, more desirable firaffj I J f m 1 ' ' Ii s' morc distinctive gifts j M I i ,f ' W W ere or eSS money ian I f H i M ii And I welcome an opportu- H 1 j J Whatever you buy, no mat- , I j rraSl r.Rfe : Hundreds have been con- i I j (Mrwlrl gl vinced that they can make - I M a Httle money do more here ri I a 'ih ; In ;r broad statement but sup- R "g rn't you call for proof ? Harry Davis I Open Evenings "The Store With the Guarantee" Open Evenings until Christmas On Washington in the Eccles Building Until Christmas. Come TomhL 'OUR CHRISTMAS STORE Conu; Tomt. H |