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Show it. U. L. Tbe flrat meeting ot the teawn convened con-vened at the home ot Mra, Alma Kl-dredge Kl-dredge on Wednetday tail, OfiVtra lor the earning year were elected aa IJIowa t Mra, AlmaKldiedge,pretldant; atr. W. 0, Fliher, vlce-preildent and rtrtrr; Mrt. Carl Alllton, tecretaryj Mrr. John Calllt, hlttorian aud eorreaondlr eee-retary. eee-retary. Knthmlattlc emotlona prevallel dur-io dur-io the election of tbeae ofDcert.forall were anxloue to bealow the trait of leaderrhip upon there uppermut In qualification. The wlthcaof every member mem-ber wero truly gratified In tbe election of the oboio named ofQcera, and for the club thi year, br'ghtcr protpectilltat Ita door than at any tlnio ainceitaor-ganlullon ainceitaor-ganlullon In the aprlng nt 'Wl. Mra. Kldrrdge exprrated berKlf aa lielng pleated that the time had come for the club to a-aln purtue Itaoteard courte, and In hopeful terma pictured for the club a moat protpcroua year. The hialnry ol Orcece wna cho-tn to be tbe principle hl.torlo atudy, and will noduubt, under the iMri'cllon ol Mr. Calllf, lu one nt tho moat interntli g and profitable atndlea yet taken up. Mooting adjourned till Wediic!y, September Mill, when the club will (Lent at the home ot Mra W. U. Filler. L. T.F. |