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Show A UNIQUE REUNION. Anderson (Ind.) letter. The Rev. W I. Meese of this city haa the distinction or having married over 1,200 couples. For yeara Mr. Meese. or "Uncle Hilly.' aa he la familiarly fa-miliarly called, haa presided over a thi: iiev w u MF.nsK. large share of the matrimonial etre-monles etre-monles In this county, until there It an Impression that the knot la not properly tied unleaa he doea It. The couples married by him have formed themselves Into a matrimonial association, asso-ciation, and Intend to celebrate with blm In tha city park. Mr. Meese believes be-lieves that comparatively few of tha couples whom he haa Joined have been put asunder lu the divorce court He frequently receives letters from unmarried un-married women asking him to fled lham.tood,hutbands, and Klvlng-owt-lines of the kind preferred. |