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Show H JTit. ClnlT l on llll la lit poalh- H ru part ol the Btala. H Tronka, 12.70 'o WOO t Caih liar- H gain Hlorr-. Ooalttll. H Alti.tncy Calllt made b tilntn trip H to Urn 1'ark Wadnndar. H lludjaulanowaold l (OctoU par H ekigi'l1IIJtaKt.U. 0t llodjrD. H Mra. M. A. Bhaw anil children from H Jlandjr aro tltlllnf relator In Coalrlll. H "K.llnund KMltdta and wile rpeat Ult H jKk up at ilie beaded Weber rmltcn- H H Ittr. Dr. Drawn ol Salt Lake Git; HH tMiiunuur atrctlt Wedimdaj inorn- U. HH About tweutjr'Cve couplet coJojeJ tbe HH danco In the 1'elk pavilion on Monday HH HH John bal moll ami fainlljr made a trip H down 10 Uintah tlila wi-ek lur a load ol H fruit. HH h'M'iUI bargain In tiun,wellt and H ' tclcirui at tin Cm ill Ilargaln More, UuaMlk-. HH J, Capl. 0. 1', llachrr returned Croat i?lt HH Lake hut Uouda; alter an ab.cnceol HH H 1'ali-, emaelelcd, thin, weak rant and HB I women, lludtancurtr.. All drufflalf, HH1' Mitnta. HTj Bead tie change In f lie ad, si the Wmt ffeuplo'a.MercautlloCo., W. J, Wrltbl Hi J and tlaftle Halraou. HHjI llrorge Heard and family relorned HTM' ' theme TuaaJaiJiom.thalr.lVaww wak HHJ. " willing- up tli Weber. HHTi i'.O, Evatta will leave ler Atn Arbor HVMC tomorrow to purine hla lav atndlta at HE tba Michigan Unlrerilty. Hn XmMiij uuadach, blaary ajea, IwtAAni,, noltea In bead, Uudjea wutei. Alt drofgMla, W cenlt. HHjj Don't tinnt (or dat old eallteanj 1 Jenjer buy a new yalite attheCa.h M Bargain More, Ooahllle. H B, B, Copley baa btgun tba erection l a comuiodloua brick laaldcnra on hla wplaco In tba aoutberu part at town. Uanlel Jnle, V. M, Lemon and Mraamoe Berreuion of Kamaa were In Coalelllo tail Friday attending court. Yi' uuderatand tliat (bo llodton real-Wepcooii real-Wepcooii Vlrit Nortli ttreet Itaa bteu yurcbaicd by Mr. tlloudqulitbl Upton, frank Kvane and W. 11. IlDyd'a went HTTS to lite I'urk ou Wednesday livi'icvn- HVMa I duct tlio county traclivra' eiamlnalloii. A4 Dr. YhUk and lle, wbo bate boeit HHVft llllii; III UoluradoU(.iiuga lor tbe paat HHHf toomoiitlia, trlutnoJ to Uoalvllle tbla HHvJ" B Itlaeald tliat tbe II. A U. will io.ii HVMa 1 o building Into unr luwu., rk'tcrul HHwJ , partita o( aurvyr am reported to l H ' t Ibo bval ot Cbalk Creek lucallug tbe HVMl teat. H The roerabera ol Y. I. M. I, A if HVJr lllle Mcut taKauiaaTuerday tu at- HHYjt leud llio Youhk bulk a' cuiilercuca luJ.I OHS 4lbat place, JTHb' Aaerlsoiarcldent may le pieenliil UH aVy parcbailcK a bueiiy whip at llin WRi! ! Caali llatgaln Htorv, Coalville. Whlpl lK'' ' t"a eta, to 00 cia. Cucb, HKffHt To received a lettrr from Kldrr J. V. , jfiflHrj Butliti, now UboriuK m a mlulouflrv In ' lB& Mew York, tbla weak whleb we vifeet .fflnB " o palllib In oar next lanae. yjUuH ' IVbin the announcement wae nmdu ' MSBV Ciiat Obalk Creek bad been opened, a JuBK taambtr ol our expert fliheraien act out ,). ' at oate to try their luck, but up to date no enotmoce aatcbee bare been reported. re-ported. Teleifopea, 60c to J2.25 at Caih Bar-tain Bar-tain Store, Coalville. rVlatlra, deapondency, locomotor ataxia, at-axia, paralyilf. Iludyan caret. All drcpguli, CO cenlt tteT. Warner alll preach In Ibe New Weatacbool boaae Uonday evening at 7:30. The New Weat tcbeol will 0n on Monday. Tbe Infant aon ol Launcelot Kldredje, aged about all Jaji, died otconvulalona on Honday evening lait. Tbe funeral occurred on Toetday, J. L. Ilojden will attend the reception given Hon. W. J, llryan at Halt Lake tomorrow, to-morrow, tlr. Hoyden haabecn honored by a place on the reception committee. The two young men who were arreatcd atCaalle Kock lot kouie-breaklng, have been releaied, the evidence not being eafneient to warrant their being held for trial. The itreet tuperviior bai bad a team and men ou the ttrcele tlila week gathering gather-ing op the looee rock, etc, Thle la nn Improvement thai will give great tatla-facllon, tatla-facllon, At an exlrrnal liniment of wonderful penetrative and curallte power, DALL-AHD'88NOVLINIMKNTIenotcqualed DALL-AHD'88NOVLINIMKNTIenotcqualed by any oilier In the world. I'llceSdand CO cte. John Iloydrn A don. Horn, to tlr. and Mr. French, a girl, Monday, Hopteriiber 3rd. We are pirated to note that Ixith mother and child are Improving rapidly, llionjh atonotlina In a critical condition, Theuriey for the rxtemlon ntthe railroad from Ilia Waiatcli mine to the Wilton mine la cmnpleted, and It le expected ex-pected that by winter the ralli will bo laid to the latter place. A dltra-ed liver declarea itaelf by norntenea, mental deprettlon, lack of energy, trailer net, uivlaucholy and conillpatloii. llliltlllNK will rcatore the llvrrloabralihy condition. I'rlce 10c, John lloyilen .V Hon. fruit aeema to tie acarca tbla year, Judging from the aupply. In formr eaaona our town liaa been will aupplied by peildlrra whu ruuie from tbe fru't aectlou, butthia year everybody wanle fruit and cannot g-l It. in ' ',,' ' ' ' lltlier Htnlllng ., Mr., who baa aevered bli ronnrctluo with the Trior Mining Co., waa In town tbla week. Mr, Stalling! Stal-ling! rrtnmrd tu Malt LakeTueeday and fiom there tin will goto Nevada to look over Ida prnHrtlna In that aection. The pain of a buinnr tcald It almoat lnitantlyirlled ' , upptylng Chamber-laln'al'uln Chamber-laln'al'uln lllm It Ikj heala the Injured In-jured pnrlaiiiMii 'tuliklv Itmn any other treatment, ami n out Ihu burn la very aevere dnre nut iinaacar. Koraateby Jodn Itujdxn . S n. The City L'a ell met In regular aea-tlnnTnrwIay aea-tlnnTnrwIay rilr.hr butilld not trantact much budiiea. Ibn bill ot the Coalville Coal-ville Co up for f 10 08 waa allowed, ulni ol Win. Jnliii'tou for 80 ceot. There-port There-port of IIih cltjr eexlon wae read apprised ap-prised ami tliMninncllmljuurlird. About twenty ynung people met at tlm linnm f Jatnet Calderwood laat Frill Fri-ll or nlclit ami tpent the evening in pl.nlnc eamr, pleeaant ronvcrtallnn, eti', Italrethnienta wire reived and all had nn rnj ivalde lime. The party wna 111 veil in honor ot June, nhn left on Kalurdav for 1'iovo, where lie will attend the It, Y. ii1piii tli mining winter. The Hihlle .rhoola of Cimltille will npi'Him Miiuilav, rleptemlier 18th. Tbla nnnounevment will In good newt to thane ubiinrH nnaruot the reaul'a nl al-lowlnir al-lowlnir Iwt In tpend (heir time loafing upon the atieetanr hanging around ibe iloor nf the taloont l'ltonlnj to i tor let whli'li aniihl 1 leu harmful it never tnlil. Fee to It, parent, that your hove Im-K'o 'he flrat dat ol trhool and continue con-tinue through the entire tcbeol year la't ryenlng waa vrry pleatantly epent nt the residence, ol Mra. Klltabelh Wirherlr, In honor ol Mint Kmlly L. Neleau of Hall Uke nitr, who ha liccn vlaltinglu Coalville Ihepattwtek, The I evening waa apent la tinging, rrcltleg and va'inii other arouteineut, alter which a dainty lunch waa eerved by the huttrat. The gurtt were tbe Mine Migiie Gtenea, Jake Bawlev, Emily I Nitlion.Sunle Hartley, llcttie and Lillle rringle, Allco Wilton anullj. (leor.e Btonet, JIltaNelton will lehtt lor bcr home ina fewdari. I Sunday tchool conlerencetlll convene con-vene In tbe Tabernacle tomorrow at 10 o'clock a.m. Vliltora from Salt Lake will be prctent. You can beat your horae, but you can't beat our prlcct with whlft at 5, 10, IS, 21, CO, 71 and 00 centt each, Caih Bargain Store, Coalville, MltaF. K. Baker left Wednesday for Mammoth, where the will taktcbarge ola private tchool tbe coming elnter. Mitt Iltiitle Wheadoa accompanied her. |