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Show Asyvvvvvvvvvvvv.vvvvvv I TEMPLE AND TABERNACLE. sVV'vtvvvv'VA.vwv'VxwsyvvSkS i dispatch f nun Chattanooga Tenn dated September I ronlalnstho follow . ing account of n vicious attack upona missionaries laboring In the Interest off the Church of leans Christ of fatter! dar Saints jj UrdniMUy night nix Mnnnotiel lersfl were conducting a meeting In a I ousel nt Hue llluir Stewart count) Trim , wl en the I nil ling na Murine 1 I y ni mob of over loo men Ihe bull llngf wn almost demolished I hose Inst lei lied In a mile to mh tlclr lives lij 1 ullrla commence 1 to strike the bulld- tng thick an I fnst When 1 tiers Hiram Olson and II C I city left tie I ull ling Mis May Harlen apo ulary citing woman of the llacr, isalkc 1 Ictuteii them, w th a view of checking the lire of the mob, Whlto the trio tasae I clots n the road, shots wi ro (Ire I from ami ush ThsJ woman was hit by a ball and almost Instantly killed J Her Inithrr vonrl they noul I, nveuge the crime an I, after the first cxclteufent died out secured llool hounds an 1 1 lace I tl cm on the trail of the assassins. ' llurlon Mnson n prominent young farmer an lsupcrlntcn lent of aHundny, school senile a eon fesslon staling lhat he ha t kllle I the Url but that It was an accl lent an 1 that he wished to rid himself of remorse of conscience s Shortly after the confession the blood tioun Is trallr I him to his home-) liise u tunic I plcke I up n knife and cut his throat, almost at the same lu slant sen ling a bullet through his 1 rain HI family and tho ofllcera' posse wltmsse 1 the suicide Mr llenjamln (loldarl, one of the' assistants t tho e,eneral board gav nn Interesting discourse (omemhers of' the oiing ladles Mutual fin rove-ment rove-ment ssoclatlou In tho I Ighth ward; Salt I ake City, Hun lay eivcnlng Mrs, God lar 1 used ns a sul Ject to her tec-lure tec-lure uthorlty Hho portrayed tin autlurlty conferred Ij Goel himself upon me pliopliets or ancient tlmca also of usurpeel authority tin Icrtaken ly m mo Holean I tho consequence! which befell them Mrs. Goddarlex prcsMcd the opinion that Joseph Smith was a real prol el of God, Just na much so ns ere tho proi 1 eta of tho ancient llmesof whom the bible speaks. Joseph Mmllh was succecele I in that authority ly Ilrlgham Wing lo In turn by 1 resident Taylor who wos followed by Wllfml Woodruff sshoin tho people of the church of Jesus Christ of latter-day latter-day Saints dearly Intel Lorco'O Sunt, the present prrrident afflict church Is tho prophet of Goel In Im day 1 cople slioul 1 believe that ho I an I olcy hi Instructs ns to them lie foreclosing, Mrs. God lar 1 sail that I real lent Snow a utterances relative to the question of tithing were not a new revelation but simply a renewal of the old The annual Sunday school conference confer-ence convened fur tint first time In tl now stako tabernacle at Itlchfleld on August SO Thu peoi la of that stake are Justly proud of their new tabernacle taber-nacle At I ano Hunt county, Texas then Is a small branch of the church He eently a young Methodist I readier at tended services out of curiosity, and expressed surprise that ' Mormons an really Christians." Ho at once begat Investigating, and after four weiks tf careful and prayerful Investigation U saw the truth and was baptized At the banpeto stake conference hell at ML I lessant September 3, I'rttl dent Joseph Y Smith spoke to a crowd of people which overflowed the ussro bly halt He spoke forcibly an 1 ears estly on tho subject of tho payment of tithing, referring frequently to tie, Illble, Hook of Mormon and Doctrlst and Covenant toempliaslto hlspolnla The church, In it tithing law, l'retl dent Smith ssld, had a revenus lair exactly as had every government la existence country, atate, city or any other and ltd enforcement was equally important and escntlal to the church na any revenue law was to a govern ment. He was ularmed to hear that not more than S3 per cent paid tithing Friday of last week was Tabernacle Choir day at Saltatr, and 2 300 people sought the pleasure of the great resort danced In the pavilion, took u dip In the briny water, and listened with delight to strain of music from tie choir, with Held and Chrlstenten 1 aad a accompanist. The progrtm opened with America " In which (lie choir and both ban Is joined follotvtel by Tho Star Spangled llanncr" aud numerous other pleasing selections. Tho day proved a most pleasant and profitable one Congressman II II Hobcrt delivered an address Sundat, evening before the oung ladles' and oung Men Mu tual Improvement Associations In the h lut ward assembly rooms Halt Lake City, hi subject being ' Morning of Our Civilization The tpokers ad dress waa in the nature of a carefully prepared review of the historical condition con-dition of I urupe In the middle, of tho fifteenth century and proved highly Interesting an 1 Instructive He closed by deprecating the largo atandlog army and the existence of trusts and monopolies monop-olies at the present time |