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Show llhnelallle lonrerenra. Prnililenio, II 1, Kept a -Tho second meeting of the Kcr In-gland In-gland lllmetalllo league at Craetnt park waa very large!) nttin led (ln. eral A J Warner of Marietta, Ohio, waa Introduced aa the " Oldest warrior In tho silver cause, In tde lountry.' Da argued that tho silver quealluu via considerably larger than Ilia one intl-dent intl-dent ot 111 to I, and Insisted that tie sliver qui atlon at the ixittom la a qua-Hon qua-Hon ot nn adiqunto money upplj,tt one ot color or aiieclflo gravity Itcaoliitlona declaring for f rre allrtr, agalml tullltarlsnl and urging tie nomination of J llryan for prra-(lent prra-(lent were unanimously adopted bonator 'llllinnn of South Carollat, and otliera, alao uddrcsM.il the turtt-Ing |