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Show fiOOiaNO F0J A K0W. JOMANNBSUURO PRBPARINO FOR THE CONFLICT. Ill the Onl jolnx Trains are ( rnwiled Wllb 1 tuple Iailna lha lllf, an I III T.mn I oxnrlllls.l rotldrd three Moulhs' Sapplj nt rool lor llie Men . and Animal. Johannesburg, Hept 3 The town la preparing for the eventualities of wnr Die Intnateaof the Children home are olng to N'atal The town louncll la providing a three month aupply, of food for tde men and animate All tde outgoing train are crowded ind most of tde prominent men have ilready left Johannesburg A Pretoria dispatch aaya Herr I Isclier ara present at tde acsslou of tlicvolka raad last evening, a circumstance that lauscd a great deal of curiosity Large irowd gathered nround tde building, inxloua to learn thelatrillntelllgcnre President Kruger remained with tho liccutlte until a late hour discussing the situation An Influential section of theAfri-kandera theAfri-kandera haa wired llerr ItofTmeycr, leader of the Afrikander party In Cape Colony, tu como to Pretoria linmcdl-ilely linmcdl-ilely The Pretoria correspondent of the London Morning I'oal telagrapha a ollowa "Prealdent Kruger told a prominent lloer yeiterday that wnr la ,ructlcally certain IWcry lloer I now irmed with a Mauser nod lias a dun-Ired dun-Ired round for practice I am con-llnced con-llnced that the rcporta of the lloer lot belug prepared aroouly a pretense, ind they will atrlke a blow when it la eaat exacted ' |