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Show CAMPBELL I PARTY SAFE1 i t I Lieutenant and Brave Men Live Whole Win-ter Win-ter on Month's Supply of Food (Copyrighted 1913 by New York Times Company All rights reserved.) Christ) bin h N Z . Feb 1 1 "jn November, 1812, surgeon E. L Atkln '.ii after finding the bodies of Captain Cap-tain Scott, Dr Wilson and Lieutenant Lieuten-ant Bowers -nid vainly searching foi Ihe body of Captain Oates bronchi his partv to the Hut Point wlntei Quarters and there received the welcome wel-come news thai the entire northern partj consisting f Ueut v l Campbell, Surgeon o. m. Levick, Mr Priestly, the geologist, Petty Officers G P. Ahbolt ami V V. Browning and Seaman H Dickinson, had returned in Safety to the expedition b;ie at ( ape Evans on November 7. Ship Unable to Reach Them Lieutenant Campbell's party, whi h had been picked up at Cape Adarei and landed for a short sledge journe In January 1912, returned (o Terra ' Nova. Tlu ship as detailed in last j year's dispatches, met w ith i e con ditlone in approaching the coast that were iiille insuperable, and was i forced lo leave Lieutenant Campbell' and his pal iv in make their o " way back to ( ape Evans, some 200 miles tiwny. The journe could not be attempted until the nea was prop-1 erly frozen over Disappointed at the nonappearance of the ship. Campbell set to work on March 1 to prepare to spend (he winter, when he u duly considering the resources al his disposal. "He ehose for the home of his party a snowdrifl and into this the cul and burrowed, eventual! om-pletlng om-pletlng an igloo, the dimensions ol which were 18 feet by H feet. This; they Insulated with seaweed While the igloo was In course of construction every seal that appeared i vvns f illed, for the shortage of food and fuel is the most serious problem' that has to be faced. Winter of Hardship "Campbell and Ills companions led a primitive existence there for six and a half months Their diet was Beal meat and blubber e;ed oul with B few biscuits ?nd a very small quantity quan-tity of cocoa and sugar Thev had ohlj their summer sledging (loths ro wear and these were soon saturated with blubber, which penetrated to the skin. "Their meteorological record shows winds Which were almost constantly of gale lone 'I em pc rat tire - wer - nol recorded ihlr thermometer having been broken. "Sickness in the shap? of acute enteritis attacked the part and weakened it to such extent that a start for Cape Evans was not made until September "Even then the condition of Pettv Officer Browning gave cause for grave anxiety, On the arrival at Cape Rob oris, however, the party fortunately but unexpectedly found a food depot lefi by Griffith Taylor. The. chance to biscuits restored Searaan Browning to health in a remarkably short time. "The northern party's troubles wore ended now and they made good pro-eress pro-eress to Capo Evnns This party was fortunate In picking up Professor David's specimen's on Depot island Month's Supplies For Vlnter "The most remarkable feature of this Journey was that tlm entire partv lived through an antarctic and act ually sledged miles on the stores and equipment left for one month's sledging The appearance of seal titer ti-ter the winter had once set in proved after all a fortunate chance. "At Cape Evans the scientific work of the expedition was continued i throughout the winter In tins sad' report It would be out of place to expand Into a detailed description ot the special work which was carried; out, but In fairness to those concern- I ed it should be said that the results J equaled those of last year. While awaking th arrival of the Terra Nova an ascent ol" Mount Erebus Ere-bus was made by a party consisting of Priestly, Debensam, Gran Abboit, Dickinson and Hopper for geologii 1 land surveying purposes It was away I uu o fortnight, "When the ship arrived the rec I ords, collections and specimens wero packed and. with the best Dart of the . xpeditionary equipment were plat ed on board. "The records include a letter from (aptaln Amundsen to the king ol Norway brought back from the sot ' pole by the southern, partv "The shore party embarked with the I dogs. A sufficiency of foodstuffs and clothing were left at ',ipe Evans, and 48 hours later the Terra Nova b t winter quarters. She proceeded toward to-ward I kit Point and landed eight men. who erected a large ross on j Observation hill, overlooking the gr I ke barrier, where our gallant leaflet and his brave comrades of the south-, em party sacrificed then lives to the honor of their countrv after th achievement of the great object ol tl Is icpedll Ion Before leaving the Antarctic the ship called at Cape ltoyds, Gr.iii.i-harbor Gr.iii.i-harbor and Terra Nova bay lo pii I tup deposits of geolosk-'l u;m We have established provision depots at Cape Evans, Hut Point and T era Npva bay. "It is Interesting to note that on the return voyage to New Zealand In latitude 64 degrees mlnuU -south, lonnitude l",ri degrees 15 m:n utes east, the Terra Nova passed closr; to an Iceberg which was no less than 21 geographical miles in length On February 20. In latitude 62 degrees 10 minutes couth, longitude 1,.-, q g east, during thick weather, the snip was beset with icebergs and at slew speed attained for six miles nlo; Ihe face of one huge berg. She was In a narrow channel out of which she could not work, owing to the close grouping of detached icebergs which lay on either hand "We have passed hundreds of icebergs ice-bergs some of which, from their ex captions sl.e, may drift to lower Ifll Itudes before disintegration and b come a danger to navigation "Undoubtedly this is a bad year foi Ice. The Terra Noh has usually found its pathway clear, except for C olated bergs. In much higher latitudes. lati-tudes. Survivors Coming Home "All the surviving members of the expedition are jn excellent health. After a month in New Zealand for refitting, the Terra Nova will proceed pro-ceed to Cardiff, Lieut. Pennell commanding; com-manding; IJeut Reunk k, Surgeon i vick and Ihe biologists. Nelson and Llllle. returning In the ship. "Commander Evans, Lieut Campbell Camp-bell Lieut. Bruce. Surgeon Atkinson. Secretary Drake and Messrs Wright, Priestly, nebenham. Cherry, fjarrartt and Gran will return by mail te er " |