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Show ARMY AND NAVY ARE UNDER WAR ORDERS First Brigade of United States Army Ready to Entrain En-train at Moment's Notice 2500 Marines to Sail to Relief of Foreign Legations SIX CRUISERS AT TOP SPEED FOR MEXICOI Four Transports With Capacity to Carry 15,000 Men Ready to Leave Newport News Rear Admirals to Command Naval Situation in Mexican Waters Washington. Feb. 12. First hrlp-ade hrlp-ade of the first array division, numbering num-bering 8000 men. resting on their amis ready to entrain at a moment s notice no-tice for Newport News, 10 board thej transports for Mexico; Twenty-five hundred marines From the Atlantic fleet at the Guantana-mo Guantana-mo naval stuion prepared to sail or Vera Cruz to go to the relief of the I foreign legations, should they become besieged, as they did at Peking; Six Dreadnoughts en Route. Four dreadnoughts of battleship fleet steaming at top speed to Tam-plco Tam-plco and Vera Cruz, and two otiins rushing on the Pacific side to Mexican Mexi-can ports to afford refuge to meri tans and other foreigners President Taft and the cabinet firm in their determination not to Land an American trooper In .Mexico unless the most dire necessity forces it These are the developments of the! day in the attitlude of the United States toward the newest revolution In Mexico j Washington. Feb 12 The first j brigade of the first division of the I army, about 3000 strong, has been or-j W dered prepared for "expeditionary ser- j K vice." It is composed Of the Third Inf.m try at Madison barracks and Oswego Fifth infantry at Plattsburg and the. Twenty-ninth infantry' at Fort Niagara, Niaga-ra, all in New York. This organisation has just been , brought Into service as a part of the) scheme of army reorganiaticn and i's respons cness to the call for fori'.rn service may he regarded as the first . practical test of the alue of the new! system. The First brigade will entrain fori Newport News Va , only n the event that th preparatory orders issui I this morning are followed by others, setilng the troops in motion. Within' twenty-four btfurs after such ai or-j der. it is expected that the most distant dis-tant Organizations within the bi - l will arrive at Newport News Major General Aleshlre, quarter-1 master general loda. followed up the orders to commission the army lrans-j ports a' Newport News by directing the immediate assembly of gonu supply, sup-ply, wagon transportation and other equipment for troops on foreign service. serv-ice. Transports to Carry 15.000 The transports are the Meade McClelland. Mc-Clelland. Sumner and KIlpatrlCK The McClelland is the smallest with capacity ca-pacity for .".'10 troops, an.) the three others are able to carry about 80b men each There is no doubt ihat the i four can ea'l accommodate the "n-t "n-t i rp first brigade of the first division constituting the advance-guard of an expedltlonar force of ,15,000 men available for foreign service In an emercenc : Cahesion, Tex would he the port of departure of the artillery forces and some cavalry, in the event that It were necessary to follow up the first brigade The original intention was to emploj the four army transports trans-ports named for that purpose aflcr they had discharged the first brigade on foreign shores, but this will be done onl In case it is found Impos- siblc to secure the merchant marine ships to carrv the artillerv and caval-I caval-I rv. P.v orders issued by the general staff this morning, the senior military office,- near C;il' es'on began immediately imme-diately to get In touch with merchant I ship owners to see what could be A -ott-'n on short notiee Rebels and Federals Balanced The State department made public i today the substance of the telegrams Sf ic reived overnight from Mexico. Am-J Am-J hjosador Wilson's report was con-" con-" tirmatorv of the news dispatches. Mr. I, a , snii estimates that both sides were equally balanced numerically Madero and Diaz each commanding about 4 -tn 'ii'ifi men He states that while four if Americans were reported to have ,T been Injured, none was killed. ' Consuls at Laredo and Enaenada I report all quiet in their sections Cn-. der Instructions from the state department. de-partment. Consul Guyanl at Bnsenada ' secure the release br the Mexican authorities at Tijuana of the American, Ameri-can, Rankin, who wag wounder by a' sentry and he has been sent across the border to the hospital in San ' Diego Cal. President Notified SeTeiar;. BtimsOD had an early conference with President Talr in the White House proper during which he advised the president of the prepared, ness of the army to eaiTv out the plans formulated last night. ' There is nothing new to be said " be declared at the end of his talk with the president. "The situation is the same as last night.' Charges In Orders Some changes in orders to commanders com-manders of battleships on their way to Mexico were made yestcrdav bv Secretary Meyer after a conference with his naval aids. Rear dmtrnl Fletcher, commanding the second division di-vision of the Atlantic fleet, with his flagship Vermont was ordered from Guantanamo directly to Vers Cruz with the battleship Nebraska. This supplants previous tentative orders to the Illinois New Terse; and Rho le Island, and puts two admirals with the naval force on the aulf of Mexico Rear Admiral Badger, in command . of the Mlantle fleet at Guantana.no Cubs will select the two additional battleships which are to hurry 'o Vera Cruz, Mexico This was deter mined on at an -early conference today to-day between officials of the state, j war and nay departments The two ships are expected to put out frOUl the naval station before noon The to additional battleships thfil are to go to Mexico as decided upon at the midnight White House conferences con-ferences attended by President Tafl Secretaries Knox. Stiinson and Bleyei and officers of the army and navy, will bring the total number of American Amer-ican men of war in Vera Cruz harbci up to three. The d-eadnought Virginia Vir-ginia already is steaming to Tamplco and the Georgia is on her v.av to 'i ra Cruz. This will make a total of foul American battleships, on the gulf cor.st of Mexico Two on Pacific Follow. The two on the Pacific side, the Colorado and th.- South Dakota in-under in-under orders for Mexican ports and , other ships may follow at an mo-ment mo-ment Early todav the quartermaster gn- j eral's department reported complete its arrangements for sending two arm transports from Newport Newt with an expeditionary force of troops Whether steps are to be taken prob I ably will be determined by tod . development and dispatches from Mexico. Two Rear Admirals to Direct There will be two rear admirals in Mexican waters ready to direct the movements of the ships speeding to I both coasts. On the west side Rear Admiral Southerland ou his big ar- I i mored cruiser Colorado is now well j off the coast of Lower ( alifornia and should arrive at Acapulco by Friday. On the gulf coast Rear Admiral Cam eron McR. Winslow is on his flag ship Virginia. It is expected that Winslow 's force will be augmented by the Illinois ana ' New Jersey, or perhaps the Rhode Island, Is-land, of the third division of the Atlantic At-lantic fleet 5000 Men in Mexican Waters. All the ships under orders for MeXJ i ican service are of the first clai -i with complements of about 700 men leach The navy will have an efr i -the force of about 5000 men on the gulf and the Pacific side of Mexico before the end of the week Unless there nbould be fresh dem onstrations In Mexico outside the ap ital which appear to threaten foreign interests for the present American naval commanders are expec ted to look after Europeans and Asiatics as well as Americans the force now un- I ' der way probably w ill be regarded BS sufficient to meet present neeas Navy to Protect Foreigners As was iiointed out In ihe Wh House statement last niRht there after all nothing the naval force can do at this juncture except afford refuge ref-uge to foreigners and maintain on'.ei in the coast towns, where Don combatants com-batants may safely gather should the new revolution spread. While preparatory orders have been issued to army officers in charge of j the military organizations, scattered from northern New York to Gem gia. which on paper form the "expeditionary "expe-ditionary force," a flying wedge, to effect an entrance to any country with which the I nited Stiles might b: involved in hostilities, Ihe effect oi I these orders will be not to start Ihe I troops in movement but to put then' "sleeping on fhir arms ' for the sig nal to take train or ship for the south. Army Transports Ready The big army transports at Newport News will be ready to sail bv tomorrow tomor-row morning at the latest Tl c would take some of the regular troopi from Fort Monroe Haiti more mid Ft Myer near this city should it be de cided that the crisis In Mexico had assumed such proportions as to demand de-mand the dispatch of a mllitar force to reinforce the naval contingent already al-ready under way. All these measures are merely pre i a'tion:ir . because all officials here trom President Taft down bee as et no ground for Intervention. I ightlng In the heart of Mexico City, endangering thousands of lives, is looked upon with apprehension, but army men and students of. interna tional law declare this condition may be justifiable if the Madero go eminent em-inent finds it necessary to fight to it ow n existence. Diplomats Protest Although Ambassador Wilson was joined yesterday by the entire diplo ma tic body in the city of Mexbc in his protest against the conduct of hostilities in the street, it is said here that the only immediate itep that can be taken in the interest of safety of the foreign element would be the issue of an appeal by Mr. il bou and the other diplomatic representatives repre-sentatives to the citizens of the van ous powers to withdraw to Vera CniZi where they would be under the protection pro-tection of the arious ships. The military mil-itary commanders on both sides u:-douotedly u:-douotedly would Interpose no cbsla cle to the departure of the foreign population and would give them safe conduct to the coast It is hoped in official circles h re that sur-h a precaution may be mane unnecessary, either by the arrangt ment of a truce between the combat ants through the offices of such men as Senor de la Barra or by a conclusive con-clusive victory by one side or the other that would leave the city in ;he absolute possession ot a faction tbi to maintain order. Knox Will Not Leave Capital. Secretaries Knox and Stinison were in onferr-nre further with President Tafl ufter luncheon at the White House It was announced that Secre tar Stimson. who had planned o accompany the president to I'hllade" phia tonight, would remain in Wash ington to keep In close touch with the situation and keep the president informed. At the close of the session they said they bad reviewed the situation with President Tall and that there was nothing new to announce Secretary Sec-retary Knox will also forego the Philadelphia dinner to be at his office and consult with Secretary Sti'son throughout the day and night |