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Show SOME DOPE EXPECTED! I Cubs to Furnish Inter-1 esting Baseball News After Eighteenth Interesting baseball "dope" is ex- pected to be furnished tiio Chicago ! Cub fans after Manager Evers puis I his athletes' to work for the first ; time February 18 at Tampa. Fla The club w 111 leave hero February 15 and ! is scheduled to arrive at Its destina-, , tlon two days later, when the first . I spring work of the season will start j at 10:80 o'clock February 18 From; i that time until the first game of the! National league schedule is played at 'President Murphy's park April 10 the Cub rooters will be supplied with news of the keen competition amoni the new athlete?. Rivalry will be intense from start to finish, as Evers haa a host of recruits who are eager to earn a berth on the team. The llvelieet fiL'h probablv will take plae In the outfield, out-field, where Ward Miller. Otis C!-mer. C!-mer. Mike Mitchell, Wilbur Good Jimmy Jim-my Sheekard and Tommv Leach will struggle for a place In either left or center field And it promises to de- j vclop into a hard problem for Ever.-, i to choose the two men to lill the post-1 tions Trank Schulte :s a permanent fixture in ri;lit field Next to the outfielders the shortstops short-stops are billed to keep things stirred stir-red up throuKhout the trip There are thief of them and all are rated r.s high grade ir.cn. They are Al Rr d-well, d-well, John Corriden and Martin Berg-hammer. Berg-hammer. The contest between these men is expected to be every bit aa interesting in-teresting as that of the men who play I back of the Infield. There also willl be a struggle for the role of utility man, which position is sought bv Bridwell, Corriden and Berghaminrr Phelan, Kniseley and McDonald ire seeking a job on the team. The first two are third basemen and have no chance of pushing Heiaio Zimmerman Zimmer-man off the car corner, so must be content with the title of utility mn If retained. Kniseley is placed In i queer predicament, being a third s.u It er and outfielder With Evers covering cov-ering his own place and six outfield-era, outfield-era, Kniseley has little opportunity, , unices he is retained for hla sluglng abilil.. Therefore it is considered that Manager Man-ager Evera haa a very healthy sized problem on his hands with all these fielders eager to land a place. Ho will have to do some hard studyitm before making his final selections. I The material ho possesses Is excellent and said to he the best the Cub team has had In years He will not be alone In choosing his men. for he will have the aaslstance of lloger Brea unban, un-ban, who Is looked upon by baseball men as a thorough judge of ball players. play-ers. It will be Interestiu; to watch tho contest of the ouifleldcrt Only four, really have a chance for the two positions. po-sitions. Thev i-re MU'.er, Clymer. Mitchell and Good What will make their struggle conspicuous is the fact j that each Is ,500 hitter and fast on I the baaes Each one has written to I Murphy and expressed himself as de- ' terralned and confident of earning regular employment It is QOl . bad venture to guess that Kvers will not I select the men to play left and cen ter field until the day of the open-1 Ing contest. Munager Ever- will have plenty of opportunity to size up his men lit I Tampa While there be will divide the players into two squads and for one month will pit these against each i other nearly eveery day. In that I way he hopes to he able to pick out I the strongest, "t will afford him n I ideal chance to judge the men, s I they will be compelled to bat. run ibt I bases aud fild. crordlrie, to Ins man he will put all the new men on the I second team and .elect ilv h I cn -i as the trip advances. |