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Show I MIMING news RICH Lir,G!I FOUND NEAR VCRNAI. H. C, uiiplc of Vernal and CharlCI LTonvd c? Island Pnr!. brought a gunny gun-ny pack full of mineral specimens lc Hi is office a few dayt ago that look-ad look-ad Knlghty cod, says tiio Vernal x-prcss. x-prcss. A chunk of copper ore heftpd and rppeared as though it might run awr&y up towards the SO per cent mark in (hfr precious metal. It carries f?ond values in gold and silver. In the , same sr:r!. was a little bag lull of the purest alum. All of this stuff was found in the Green River canyon BDOOI 26 miles from Vernal, and qc-rording qc-rording to Mr Ruple it is i.i place, as the miner? Bay The copper vein is on the west side of the river in the face of the canyon, and CO to 60 feet above the water On the opposite side of the river runs the survey of the Moffat Mof-fat road. At the point where the ore Is located the canyon is probably 500 feet Ide at the top and narrows down almost to a gorge at the water's !cdge, though Mr. Ruple says a man can ride through and that it will net be difficult when It comes to building a railroad It has been estimated that the cost of construction through there will not exceed $47,000 per mile There are two canyons with Island Is-land Park between The name of the other canyon in question Is the Yam-pa Yam-pa or Bear River canyon , The copper vein is 25 to SO feet wide. It cuts out from the river at a point near Jones hole on the east side of the mountain and the chances chan-ces are that the ore drops onto Wild mountain and into Willow creek to the north. Copper In that country Is nothing new, but it has generally been considered con-sidered 'float ." Mr. Ruple says this If In place. Years ago Milton Lon struck it and for a long time did the asBftssment work At the same time Mr. Rnple located with him, but owing ow-ing to the isolation of the countr Lyon gave It up as a bad job Ruple has kept on doing the assessmer.1 work Brown has claims adjoining The alum which Is on exhibition is to be found In large quantities Large Placer Beds. When the Moffat road comes alon z; through this country It is more than likely to run down Green River canyon can-yon On both sides of the Green river below these canyons there ire thousands of acres of placer gold, which will one day yield up thei. riches and add to the wealth of the world Alreadv thousands of dollars dol-lars have been expended In prospecting prospect-ing and developing along the hanks of this stream and money has been Invested in dredging machinery Some money has been nmde. but the chances chan-ces are that more has been put Into the ground than has been taken out Does this placer gold come from rich veins In the mountains upstream? up-stream? It would look so. |