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Show JENNINGS FACES TEST Must Whip Team of I Youngsters Into Line t For Pennant Huhi'1 Jennlnga, manager of tho II Tigers, right now fucea the severest and most crucial test in his baseball M career. 3 Hughie has won three American league pennants. But he has won I ili team of veterans that jH (ras banded down to him.' V Now the pennant wmnliu; eicrtn M combli it! in baa crumbloil Only three men who helped Jennings nail the m firsi American league buntlrg to the M (Continued on Page Four.) f (Coufnued FTom Page Two ) flag pole In Bennett park still re- main on the Tigers' roster Cobb, Crawford and Mullln. Whon the old combination cracked, the Tigers failed to win any mor titles For a time the momentum fur- ' nlshed them by the pennant years of 1907 190R and 1909 helped them on. I and It was only last year that the failed to land a place in the first division. di-vision. In the ebbing of power which al-' al-' most always follows the dimming of J Is team's stars the Tigers have sunk' I low. They finished sixth last sea-j j son The year 1919 u- set aside In their history for the purpose of up-j building i Jennings activity this year must un devoted to a task which he has had to face squarely only since the time laat year when he and President Na-vln Na-vln saw that there was no hope for a i pennant, he must face the task of developing youngsters If is true i hat every manager has to keep in mind constantly the fact that he Is going to need new mate-I mate-I rial when his old mn give out. and , I It Is the constant purpose of ever; manager to keep feeders for his tqam j ready But, on tho other hand Jennimj- I has never had to make It so completely com-pletely his aim to bring out new men to fill posit'ons left vacant by the pas-axe of former stars a-fi be has to I 1 this season. There has always boori thai hope of S possibility of a pen nant which has led him to try for ' the flag witb the older mon rather j than trying for a future pennant winner win-ner with youngsters. There are three Tiger regulars now J who came here green from the minors mi-nors during Jennings' term of office, of-fice, who are sure oi tbelr jobs In 1913 Bush at shortstop, Sianage at the backstop Job, aud Louden nt second sec-ond base Pitcher Edgar Wlllett joined join-ed the Tigers before Jennings, bur he wns not of much value until after Jennings got there. |