Show tt 6 Si a t u Ru R I 1 J The W l S1 I J A U X D E BItS R S son soil of Strategy did d III not risk giving affront by hy scorn I a III in flirt with tho the girl ghil hl III In the time pullman section across the tho way vay wa She did cud not miot luck look luo like a 1 girl sir who would per permit mil mit a flirtation In any or 01 forth form i I She Site would probably gall call all the porter or ci appeal to tho the male me I passengers und and bring him him into din dis disgrace I grace u 11 which would be bo I fatal latal to lo his hi piano Instead he lie lin lingered sered behind when hon the girl went In iii Into Into to tho tile diner for f I r luncheon and copied oft off the tho B of tho the label Jao pasted Panted OH on her bel suit case cane It was the sight night of or the 1 which had bad induced him to cast aside asido schemes more rash for toi he lie argued that t at curiosity would lead tho the girl to t read rend to its cud elII a letter lotter whit when wh l Rho she would not no listen to the completion of r the first sentence of a verbal ap al r It IL was waa her glorious ensemble which had rhad so appealed to Saunders and hud haiL caused him to assure a himself that Marietta of was wat the tho he most moat beautiful ho ito hud hind i ever seen scon I For i hud had foiled tho the matchmakers and the tho maIds with a n askill askill skill which lund hud won for lor him the Ute nick nickname I name Saunders suit Bon of or l The debutantes of or a n dozen doon had 1111 smiled upon him hm without if eliciting more than a noncommittal smile In return but now had boon eln bowled bowl cd completely over vcr by hy II a young woman of oC whom ho Ito know knew nothing mo 10 than Limit hoi her address He Ho had loft lort the tho train bolero before tho the girl 1111 returned hut but ho itt curried carried with him hima a photographic memory m 1 It lent lout In ill Inspiration to tp his Jun von pen In the composition tion thon of ot a l letter ettor In ho he besought her bor to grant him the tho favor ot of her hol ac acquaintance ui Tho The next few lays days dU wore spent In a C Crover fever rover of or alternate hope and aud despair I I 1 The postman on the tho route wan grad glud gradually coming coining to the opinion that Saunders wits was suffering from Incipient cut ent paresis when a dainty envelope oni lollO rewarded Saunders wailing waiting and nd translated ed him from froni tho Uw Inferno of or despair to the seventh heaven ot of de tic delight light T It was a letter written ae at skillfully 1 as ns his own Miss Mini Manson Man on expressed as flattered at nt the compliments ments paid liar her and was not averse erso lo to eventually granting Mr Saunders t v ers era request but first she sue must be bemore c more mor fully assured o or of his worthiness and to that end suggested a n proba probationary probationary probationary period of correspondence Saunders hastened to acquiesce and andin andin andT T in reply relly ho filled a dozen doxen do en pages which I I brought back A scanty four fall 1 Miss MissI I Manson Mannon was wan evidently not of a belief that it WitS was more blessed to give glo than I to receive but Saunders treasured these brief epistles perfect save in ono one particular and arid dreamed his Ills dream of or love ove The rheon one oui jarring note noto was waa HII the tho hand handwriting handwriting writing Saunders was to 1 penmanship and aUh It seemed to him that the lie style stylo was more masculine 1 than Miss Mies Mansons personality Bug sug suggested Ho He had expected a dainty j y t I 1 J t 1 H iZ T f i or holh feminine handwriting and ind in iii inthis this hut but only in this was he disappointed disappointed pointed find 0 lid when at itt last luat Miss Mies Man Mali Manson son soil hinted that his lii probation was about to end ond cup over oer overflowed overflowed flowed with Joy jOS jo Tho rho net nest development was as a card from Mrs Shearer for a dinner danco dance with To 10 meet Marietta Man illan Manson Manson I son in ono one corner In his exuberance ance anco Saunders vowed owed that he would Mould the tue postman a box hox of cigars on lilt his next trip and thou then went out to order new evening clothes Tho rho function was waa a a tL week distant and auth never neer knew how ho passed tho the lime line I Ho lie was as ono one of Ito tho first I to 0 enter tho tue Shearer She parlors but buthis buthis his face faco foil us its ho he saw caw a tall all hark dark girl standing beside his hostess Won Wonderingly I he ho made mado his way toward tho the pair hut but his lila faco lightened a again aln a IU nit Mrs Vance Vanco CO came callie forward with his lady 1 of the pullman car carI fir I I want you to know 0 Miss Clyde she sIlo said sail as sho silo laid ald a detaining bLaming hand handon on oli arm VEra Vrn permit me tue melo meto to lo Mr ill John Saunders Miss Clyde Saunders voice wati sa a Incredulous Tho The girl laughed light lightly ly hy I I asked Mrs Vance to introduce mo lao you 01 met Ella ELti sho baid nid In lii H I Ir r n 1 N t 1 J J t o I I 1 KNEW NOTHING OF TIlE THE CORRESPONDENCE CORR UNTIL ETTA CAME CAMJ EAST a Li low voice I J fool feel cl Ihunt Iha t an explanation explanation nation Is duo you OU Mr Etta ELla Ettala la It my cousin aud 1111 lives liven In I i was ns visiting liar her und and when whon I loft oft loftI I found that my suit stilt sul ease case handle was broken broton There wn nn no ao time In Iii which to have it il repaired and find Etta Ella loaned me mo hers hors I was to lo purchase c a suit case caso between In Chicago and ship hers herr back ock by b express She pasted panted ou oua oua a tag that I might have ho no trouble In Chicago anti and it was wa her address not mine that you ou copied on tho the train I knew nothing nol hing of ot tho ho correspond correspondence once ence until Etta I tta conic camo east cast and brought your letters lotters with her Sho to tu have derived considerable entertainment from front the tho incident Sho She iu In an inveterate practical joker And Anti it was sho she who Wile Satin diMs ders glanced at the time girl who stood smilingly acknowledging lie tho Intro to the Iho line of oC guests Now he hie could understand tho Ito maya mys tory tery of or the tho masculine handwriting for there hero wan something almost boy ish about dark beauty r With a 1 groan gronn ho he realized r what a n aI I capital story tory sho silo could malt make o or of the episode fo there was a twinkle in inI her hor hO eye ere ey that lint betokened both bolh mischief and a cense cease of at humor Wilh VI th a word I of or excuse e to the girl by b his side ho lie went vant forward to face tace the music I hand clasped his In frankly friendly grasp gras I think I know you OU EW she said with a smile Dont worry though Vim VIrn I mado made me nie promise foyer neer to tell ah 1 I dont think that those went entirely astray A i hint t for or which you OU should be very More Moro grateful than yo You realize declared Saunders fervently as ho gave ElC place pace to tho the newest arrival antI and I went In iii search of Clyde Cl de There was tm still hope bolo that the tile BOil aon o ot or Strat Strut ogy agy might retrieve T the n and ud I more mor than ever did d h he desire d his lady adr or of the car cari i j j iJ I bf 4 iii c 2 |