Show HEALTH AND MATRIMONY The Now New No York Times notes that tho the Oregon senate has unanimously passed a bill making It a condition precedent to the tho issuance of a n marriage license that the tho applicants present of good health from Crom a 11 reputable physician sl clan cian It is said sold that the house will concur and that The governor will sign the bill Academically considered there thoro Is much merit In tho the proposition It Is evidently for tho the good of or society that posterity should consist of oC as health healthful ful Individuals as ag possible and healthy parents seem eem essential to achieve this result But when It comes to the tho ap apt application of or the principle many dint cuI tics present themselves in tho the first place a legal logal marriage In any state Is legal In all under the conall constitution constitution eo so O that to lo achieve the desired end cad of the tho reformers thore there should be bo uniform legislation In every tate state or ora ora ora a national law covering the matter Good health Is a relative rather rathor than a positive condition There are aro few row persons person who are wholly sound Bound In mind and body Good health has hag been defined donned as a state of oC equilibrium be bb between b tween tho the forces aro are within the tho body bOd and those which ere are without but this thin means little ag as applied to the pro posed regulation It scorns coms that the th f sUite state might properly prohibit tho the mar marriage ad nd advanced advanced ringo of at a l person or persons In an state of or tuberculosis although tho the execution o of ot such a law would arouse great grent opposition Hut But there thero aro aru sonic some Ills Ilia tie the flesh Is 18 heir to of oC o a avery avery very vcr aggravating sort which might have havo no effect on posterity Where here shall tho the line lino be bo drawn |