Show MOTION CALENDAR The following cases on the motion calendar wore under consideration by b Judge Howell In district court yester yeater yesterday I day tiny morning E W Patrick vs Union Pacific Rail Railroad Railroad Railroad road company compan motion to remove Con Continued Continued Continued William Morgan administrator vs fl Southern Pacific company ny motion to strike out answer Continued Estate of oC Wm Vm T Stoker deceased demurrer d to petition for or letters of ad administration ministration taken en under advise advisement mont ment John McCullough vs William Mc McCullough McCullough Cullough et ot al motion to set aside order for substitution Continued Nellie NelIle D Thomas vs Ogden City et etal etal etal al demurrers to amend am nd complaint Continued Hattie Miller administratrix vs Og Ug Ogdon Ogden don den City motion for new nw n w trial taken under advisement Wall WaH Rice Milling Co vs Continental tal Supply company motion to relax costs coats argued and COStS COMB relaxed Wall Rice Hice Milling company compan vs s Con Continental Continental Continental Supply motion tor her new nc trial tria Denied D H L Griffin company vs ve Fruit Dis Dispatch patch company demurrer to amend amond amended ed cd complaint compI taken under advisement William H Smoot vs Joseph Check CheckS Checketts Checketts etts ette ot at al demurrer of intervener Intervenor to answer of or defendant InterMountain Fair association Continued William H Smoot va vs Joseph Check Checketts etts ot et al motion to strike out ans answer answer wor Continued |