Show I NAVIGATING AIRSHIPS PROBLEMS FOR AERIAL SAILORS I With tho th advent of nt the tho practical nero plane and the tho present pr rush to construct not oot one ono or a B dozen but hundreds of oC nero aero planes pinnell after the tho models of oC tho the Wright W right brothers a scientific study of or the air Itself Its It currents It Its itA peculiarities no ass regards aeroplane a palling calling anti other proc questions arc being noted carefully 1 The ho bo results of ot these studies studied by br the master I navigators of oC the air will eventually be beyond beyond yond n a question of n a doubt bo be used ns books book of oC Instruction for tor the tho men LOCO who Iho wilt will willbo wiltha bo ha employed to sail aeroplanes Just ns RII professional chauffeurs noss handlo handle the tho h automobile Tho The principal problem presented to tho the I aerial sailor Ballor or pilot comes come from tho the I established fact t Vt the atmosphere Is III I broken up Into ascending and descending columns of o situ aIr These TheM are arc brought about whenever there U t n Q difference In tho the temperature of ot the tho air on the surface of ot thu earth and In tho the clouds tho the globe glob ascending and descending currents of oC nit aro what make mako handling the difficult Many lessens in air navigation have been bean learned by hr tho experts expert from the tho behavior of ot big bl birds when they pass pare through these th 50 columns column of ot ascend I tug nod and descending air currents For Instance an nn eagle engle has hns been beD observed to enter a 0 current of ot air that WUK wine ascend ascending ing lug rapIdly and nud go O straight forward yet the tb eagle while Keeping tho the same name ills dis distance tance from Crom the tho was m actually actual falling failing In tho the air current about five miles nn an hour boor Thu Th bird was really falling ailing slowly through n a column of ot ascending aIr and manipulated Its isIngs so o ns n to fall the proper amount and yet ct et continue continuo forward towards toward Its destination with little loss los of uC speed or distance In other words birds that fl sly greet great distances and then seek seck thu ascending air nIr currents are aro forced to maintain their hal bal aLice slowly dropping through tho the ascending aIr In thin this way war the thc they real rea really II balance themselves slowly on tho the column of oC air und and the tho of oC the air cur current current rent roust does docs the lie vast majority of oC the work needed to maintain the birds bird aloft When the one once out of oC the tho ascending air current birds bird uuro uro forced to work their w lius at it exhausting speed to keep aloft and oven 4 15 then are brought broo bt ery very close clo to the ground It If tho tins descending current cur Dt Is La widespread and very scry strong The rhe study of or these thelle air currents nod and the methods of oC ranking making use of oC them will doubtless In yeah yeats to come couie be reduced to tou u II practical science and intI export expert nIs pilots will be aIsle ahlo to make LOnko by seek Ing tIns tho proper air currents Of Ot course delicate dellento Instruments will 1111 have havo to bo lie carried carrl ll for tor the air pilots to see Ie Just what the atmosphere Is doing ascending or descendIng and thus tho mt of ot progression forward nod anti both upward and downward of ot thu tho various atmospheric currents I |